07/27 Coliseo Results

Don’t have time for much more this morning; perhaps later.

CMLL (SUN) 07/27 Arena Coliseo [Ovaciones]
1) Puma King & Tiger Kid b Molotov & Sensei
2) Fabián el Gitano, Máscara Púrpura, Metálico b Bronco, Loco Max, Vangelis
3) Bam Bam b Pequeño Damian 666 [CMLL MINI]
4) Damián 666, Mr. Águila, Texano Jr. b Alex Koslov, Grey Shadow, Valiente
5) Héctor Garza, Marco Corelone, Místico DQ Atlantis, Lizmark Jr., Mr. Niebla

Bam Bam is the 11th champion. They teased a hair/hair follow up to the title match. This should be fun and Bam Bam’s good…but Mini Damian’s great, and there’s still more interesting matches with a rudo champ than a tecnico one. Bam Bam’s likely going to face the Mini FdT, which he did last year thru the hair matches.

In the main event, Lizmark fouled Marco. Those two have been feuding for a couple weeks and may have a singles match next week.

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