07/14: Coliseo, GDL

CMLL (SUN) 07/13 Arena Coliseo
1) Inquisidor & Pólvora b Sombra de Plata & Trueno
2) Goddess, Princesa Blanca, Sahori b La Seductora, Mima Shimoda, Rosa Negra
3) Bam Bam, Mascarita Dorada, Pequeño Olímpico b Mr. Aguilita, Pequeño Damian 666, Pequeño Halloween
4) Ephesto, Lizmark Jr., Olímpico b La Máscara, Máximo, Valiente
5) Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., Dr. Wagner Jr. DQ Damián 666, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Mr. Águila

Main even was a wild brawl to build up for Friday. Perro yanked off Wagner’s mask here. In the minis match, Olimpico hurt his head on a dive but the tecnicos still won. Bam Bam challenged Damian to a title match, so there’s the match (in two weeks?)

CMLL (SUN) 07/13 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [MT]
6) Atlantis b Místico

Atlantis won clean with the Atlantida. Rob mentioned in the comments that Atlantis and Mistico shook hands after the match, but I’m not sure it’s especially meaningful. This sounds like it was just the GDL version of his anniversary celebration, so everyone was friends for a day.

The Mastercard/luchador commercial has turned up on youtube (via wagnermania @ box y lucha)

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4 thoughts to “07/14: Coliseo, GDL”

  1. No, I’m starting to believe Atlantis is going to turn babyface again and become “El idolo de los ninos” again.

    I did not know he is 45.

  2. Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., Dr. Wagner Jr. should be the DQ-winners of the Main Event.

  3. Bam Bam vs Pequeno Damian, huh? Kinda weak. They did that on C3 about 8 weeks ago if I remember correctly. Would have been more interesting to see Dorada finally get a rematch (maybe this is what they’re setting up with this?) or give Tzuki a shot just for something fresh and to make me wet myself at the thought of Pequeno Damian vs Tzuki. Did I say that out loud?

    I suggest a list of all the guys to debut for CMLL this year (7 months in) and compare it to a list of the 2007 and 2006 debuts. I might even do that one myself.

    Interesting note that I will never let die until it becomes reality…

    CMLL.com put up the weekly highlights and it covers the tag title match… IN FULL. So even though TV didn’t get the first fall – cmll.com somehow did. So now I’m on a crusade to get an answer as to why they can’t upload highlights of all the other matches or at least put the matches up in full if someone is too lazy to edit them into highlights. This would especially come in helpful in August when CMLL will be pre-empted for WEEKS and WEEKS which I keep reminding everyone in the ByL forum but nobody seems to listen and will be stunned when it occurs.

    Alexis ignored me when I asked about this but hopefully he eventually answers since he may be the key.

  4. Over on RFC’s board someone posted that Caifan got hurt on a show on Sunday which ruined his chance of working at Arena Mexico on Friday…

    … except his name wasn’t on the lineup for Friday…

    … unless he was meant to be El Brujo.

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