07/13: TNA, Verano de Escandalo, IWRG

Volador Jr. grabbed a giant X after everyone else crashed and burned, and so this proves Mexico is the best in the world. (I know I’m supposed to be excited about it, but I’m haven’t been.) CMLL kinda gave this away by announcing the TNA guys were coming to Mexico for revenge before CMLL actually did anything, but everyone will live. You’ve got to assume the TNA crew is going to end up winning the Gran Prix to win their trophy (or a trophy of equal or greater value) back, but I guess we’ll see how badly TNA wants to make the partnership with CMLL work.

The actual big news of the night is AAA announcing Verano de Escandlo on their TV show. As Rob noted in the comments, it’s August 8th in Madero. That’s much earlier than usual. Only in 2003 was a VdE held in August, and that was the last day of August and one of three shows with that name that year. This show tends to be held the same time as the CMLL Anniversary show, give or take a week, so this is about 6-7 weeks early.

I’ve got no info on this, but I suspect this means the Pena Memorial Show is becoming an annual event, and will take place either at the end of September or beginning of October. VdE and the Pena show were bunched close together last year, and this schedule allows them to be built to as individual events.

VdE occurring on August 8th means the Arena Solidaridad 10 man #1 AAA World Heavyweight contenders match (participants a bit iffy) is indeed for a major show main event slot against Cibernetico (adjust picks accordingly), and there’s likely only one more TV taping to be announced between now and then. Besides that title match, and the finals of the Minis tournament, there’s nothing really obvious for the show. Perhaps that’ll be when they finally do the Konnan/Parka singles match we’ve all been dreading? There’s still four weeks of TV to sort it all out, including the taping going on tonight.

Would you like to know who might be one of those surprise participants in the Arena Solidarad match? Ricky Marvin is being advertised for a spot show on 07/31. NOAH’s Summer Navigation tour ends on the 18th, the next tour doesn’t start until 08/23, that’d leave plenty of time for him to show up on TV and at Verano de Escandalo. (There’s a one day show on 08/01, but that’s probably at the same exact time as this show.)

Going the other way: Silver King is scheduled in AJPW for it’s Junior tournament from 07/20 to 08/03. That’s why he’s not on AAA TV cards later this month.

(The actual big news for ME is Chikara’s coming to town in September. I’m totally there.)

IWRG stuff:

IWRG (SUN) 07/06 Arena Naucalpan [superluchas #272]
1) Eragon & Halcon 2000 b Avisman & Comando Gama
2) Jack & Miss Gaviota b Anubis & Judas el Traidor
3) Capitán Muerte, Fantasma de la Opera, Xibalva b Freelance, Goleador, Zatura
4) Arlequin, Black Terry, Ciclon Negro b Aeroman, Centauro, Chico Che
5) El Dandy, Mascara Ano 2000 Jr., Veneno b Multifacético, Scorpio Jr., Zumbido

Scorpio had to deal with Veneno busting him open and Mascara Ano 2000 Jr. fouling him for the pinfall. After his team won, Fantasma de la Opera challenged Freelance for a shot at his title. Freelance declined, pointing out Fantasma de la Opera isn’t too big to be a Lightweight. Are they ever just going to strip Negro Casas of his title, or can they not get the physical belt back?

IWRG (THU) 07/10 Arena Naucalpan [superluchas #272]
1) Halcon 2000 b Avisman
2) Star Boy & Yack b Trauma I & Trauma II
3) Arlequin, Capitán Muerte, Karloff Lagarde Jr. b Freelance, Miss Gaviota, Turbo
4) Negro Navarro, Septiembre el Terrorista, Veneno b Aeroman, Chico Che, Ultramán Jr.
5) el Hijo Del Anibal, Multifacético, Tinieblas Jr. b Hijo del Cien Caras, LA Park, Mascara Ano 2000 Jr.

Park and Tinieblas swapped masks in the third fall, and Cien accidently fouled his partner as a results. Tecnicos covered for the win. Septeimbre el Terrorista is now wearing gear with a plane flying into two tall buildings – so was the name change just to move to a more recent event?

IWRG (THU) 07/17 Arena Naucalpan
1) Eragon & Miss Gavitora vs Anubis & Judas el Traidor
2) Buena Nina & Lady Rabbit vs Kat Killer & La Chola
3) Centauro, Multifacético, Super Astro vs Ciclon Negro, Negro Navarro, Septiembre el Terrorista
4) Dr. Wagner Jr., Scorpio Jr., Zumbido vs Fuerza Guerrera, Hijo del Cien Caras, Veneno

IWRG (SUN) 07/20 Arena Naucalpan
1) Ergaon & Jack vs Comando Gama & Judas el Traidor
2) Crazy Star & Enimatica vs Fugitiva & Tormenta
3) Coco Verde, Cocochips, Cocolores vs Black Terry, Capitán Muerte, Septiembre el Terrorista
4) Centauro, Chico Che, Super Astro vs Ciclon Negro, Negro Navarro, Veneno
5) Multifacético, Rayo de Jalisco Jr., Super Calo vs El Hijo del Solitario, Hijo del Cien Caras, Máscara Año 2000

A TV show company is looking for the Ultimate (latino) Lucha Libre Fan for an episode of their show. It’s going to be taped at the Orange County (California) fair and there’s a contact address at the link.

Accion showed CMLL’s tag team title match. All but one clip was Garza/Mistico offense, and the match didn’t look that special. I wonder if they’re killing Pesta Negra off already. AAA had the five way cage match. Evans did a 450 off the top of the cage, which was the only crazy spot. La Parka’s move to put Konnan thru a table was a legdrop that actually didn’t look bad. Odd that Roldan opened the cage door to let Parka out that way.

A couple of other notabae cards

AULL (SAT) 07/19 Arena Lopez Mateos
1) Enigmatica & Josseline vs Flor Metalica & Fugitiva
2) Juan el Ranchero, Psicopata, Super Panda vs Misterio, Trauma I, Trauma II
3) Rey Crimen, Sadico, Sepulturero I vs Robin Maravilla, Terroy 2000, Yakuza [AULL TRIOS]
4) ?, Intocable, Quimico Jr vs Epitafio, Herejia, Zumbido

There’s Intocable in AULL, as promised.

CMLL (SUN) 07/20 Arena Coliseo
1) Sensei & Sombra de Plata vs Artillero & Súper Comando
2) Metálico, Neutrón, Tigre Blanco vs Arkangel de la Muerte, Loco Max, Nitro
3) Mascarita Dorada, Pequeño Olímpico, Tzuki vs Pequeño Damian 666, Pequeño Halloween, Pierrothito
4) Black Warrior, Olímpico, Sangre Azteca vs Alex Koslov, Grey Shadow, Volador Jr.
5) Héctor Garza, Marco Corelone, Shocker vs Heavy Metal, Lizmark Jr., Negro Casas

Definitely an angle going down with the minis.

Also, teaming in the opener of a show at Arena Lopez Mateos: “Sigried and the Cat”. That doesn’t sound like it’ll turn out well.

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13 thoughts to “07/13: TNA, Verano de Escandalo, IWRG”

  1. SoloLuchas says Mistico and Averno are going to CHINA from August 8th to the 16th but Mistico will be out of action till mid-September when the Olympics finish up. This sorta supports my theory that they’re having Perrito win next week and then he’ll beat Mistico on the 25th – they’ll agree to a mask vs hair match and run a big angle on the 1st of August that puts Mistico out of action until it’s time for the big match on September 19th since he won’t be around for any shows in August or September. It’s not like they need the build-up to draw a sellout for a match like that anyhow and gives them time to build something else up as a secondary attraction.

    As I said on RFC’s board, I have no clue what they’re doing for Verano.

    – Ciber defending.
    – Porky/Brazo hair?
    – Mini’s title final.
    – Alas De Oro 2008? (last year was in Madero)

    Not the strongest options.

    What do YOU think they’re building for the mini’s? Dorada vs Pequeno Damian for the belt? Pequeno Olimpico trying to regain his belt? Pequeno Olimpico going rudo?

  2. I think they will do Parka/Konnan for Verano with Ciber defending against Kenzo or someone from the Legion.

  3. There was a TNA PPV on Sunday? LOL! Shows how little I paid attention to their TV Show (I only watched Kaz vs. UG) replay on Saturday.

  4. Well if you really wanted I could send you links to download it all since I’ve had it downloaded for 2 hours now just sitting on my ZEN waiting to be watched at work tomorrow. You know where to find me.;)

    I heard the 4 way trios was good and the X thingie was disapointing.

  5. VdE happening in the summer and not fall? Maybe Cubs is right, and it has to do with September being Pena memorial month. Speaking of Pena memorial, did they ever unveil the Pena monument being made from donated keys?

  6. Dave Meltzer is saying the CMLL guys aren’t scheduled to come back as of right now.

    I thought the Ultimate-X was decent but they didn’t do much. Kaz leg drop was insane. Volador Jr. looked ok. Kind of wish he could have had a chance to work a regular match.

  7. “2) Metálico, Neutrón, Tigre Blanco vs Arkangel de la Muerte, Loco Max, Nitro”

    Aaaaargh!! – Fuck you….again, CMLL! :(

  8. Leave CMLL alone – Tzuki in an FSE match!

    The 12 man TNA match was fucking epic. The Mexicans looked like killers and were booked as such. I really wish all three would work more like they did last night when they work regular CMLL shows. Got a ton more to say but don’t think Cubs wants to turn this into a TNA commentary which will probably lead to TNA bashing which will guaranteed lead to a flame war.

  9. So Chuy is heel, and Rob is a babyface now. The old Rob would’ve welcomed a flame fest.

    I was hoping TNA would do better in Houston, especially with some luchadors on the card, but no such luck.

    No Panther vs. Atlantis on cmll.com Someone on ByL seemed to think he can get the entire Panther vs. Atlantis match from the pirates outside the arenas. I wonder if CMLL just makes copies and sells them outside the arena. I would not be surprised. I’ll see more when I head down in September.

  10. @luchalibrelive!: If pirates besides Pirata and his kids exist, I will start paying people to pick the shows up but I don’t think they do. The only things that exist are people who tape the shows off TV and they sell them on the streets the following week advertised as “the full show” but in reality are just what airs on TV. I know b/c I’ve been scammed that way.:)

    Although there was always that very weird incident where one of the DVDVR crew went down to Mexico and found 2 tapes of full shows from Arena Mexico in 2004 that never made TV. That has never been explained and the interesting part is before the shows begin there is a horribly edited intro video that listed each event as a volume # which would lead one to believe more videos are out there… it’s just a matter of finding them.

    Hey Keith, are you really going in September? How about I send you some cash to pick up some stuff for me?

  11. According to the guy in Madero in addition to the Heavyweight Title match at Verano there will also be a domo de la muerte.

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