07/08 GALLI Results

So. Card from what was poster was different then flip card they were giving away at the ticket table which was different from what actually happened. These things happen. Crowd seemed much less than last time out and much more weighted to bleachers then ringside. (This was fixed by people just moving to the more expensive seats – it wasn’t like there was actually someone checking these things.)

I got there a little bit after 7:30 and still had ten minutes to kill.

0) Ryan Slade b Ricky Dragon and Zach Thompson

Slade is the guy doing the Canadian gimmick, Ricky Dragon is a guy wearing a dragon shirt, and Zach Thompson is the other guy (and has been the other guy before.) Usual novato opener of guys doing spots and then other guys doing spots and the corwd not getting into it becuase no one’s a particlaur tecnico or rudo, they’re just guys doing spots. Slade hit the Canadian Destroyer on Dragon (maybe) for the win in around 5 minutes, seemingly shorter than these usually go.

1) Centella de Oro, Golden Star b Resistencia, Venganza [GALLI TAG, sf]

The random return of the tag team tournament wasn’t mentioned anywhere, but this seemed to actually follow a pattern. Quinto Sol was Golden Star’s partner, but they explained he was hurt and Oro was taking his place. Sol/Star presumably beat Silgo/Emperador sometime in the meantime to advance.

Rudos were announced first, their music played, and played, and played. No one was quite sure was what going on, people were dispatched to the back, and suddenly a garage door at the back of the building opened and Venganaza & Resistencia drove to the entrance on aisle on motorcycles. Just random.

The match itself was good when they did comedy stuff (got the crowd into the show), and not so good at other parts. Venganza and Centella de Oro had issues when they were working against each other – they’ve been okay before, but the size difference seemed to be a problem tonight. Sol got Resistencia with La Mistica and Oro got something on Venganza to advance to the final (which should be Chilagno & Gringo Loco, but we’ll see.) Rudos attacked post match but didn’t get much out of it.

2) American History X b Kent Brothers

This was supposed to be the Northstar Express/Scarpone/Cannon tag match, and turned out to be something else. I had no idea it was a replacement at the time, thought they were just adding enough random matches so we’d be stuck waiting all night for the matches I came to see, and was too busying pouting about it to pay attention early. (Idiot!) This was, you know, an average midwest US style indy tag match in 2008. American History X (the rudos) did a pretty good job of beating the Kent in the ring and using La Vaca to keep the other one out, and then killed one of the Kents (Christopher?) with a spike powerbomb for the win.

3) El Tiger & Slayer b El Funebre & Blade

I don’t remember much about this one. It was just a match. Tigre & Slayer (Tecnicos) got the win clean. Something happened post match when the tecnicos were walking to the back. I wasn’t paying attention until everyone started to run towards the entrance where Blade was rolling around with one of the tecnicos. People reacted as if it was a legit brawl and the fighters were pulled apart. Tecnicos went to the back and Blade seemed ordered not to go to the back for a moment to cool off. Blade walked around the ring, grabbed a microphone, and demanded a mask match with either Tigre or Slayer. Blade’s kinda sorta feuded with both, so I thought this was just a well done angle. Then the GALLI promoter said “no, not tonight” and no match was announce for a later date, so I dunno.

4) Meteoro 2 b Chilango [hair]

Finally, a match on the original poster! I have no idea where this feud came from, but it’s apparently been going on long enough to have the promoter act as special referee, because La Vaca had cheated Meteoro 2 sometime earlier. Meteoro 1 and Amenaza de Siglo were seconds. Meteoro I isn’t listed on any cards for a few weeks, so I thought he might be injured or something, but he looked fine here.

These two tried, but they’re young and everything didn’t turn out exactly as they’d probably wanted. They got plenty of time, more than they needed, and they either started the false finishes too soon or did too many of them, because it was pretty overdone by the end. La Vaca ran in and got Meteoro with a chair shot for a near fall, Siglo got Meteoro with a chair shot for a no fall (referee refused to count), none of which actually played into the finish. Chilango seemed to do a homage to late 90s WWE spots – Eddie’s Three Amigos, Jericho’s Yea Baby pin, a Rock spit punch, a Stunner – none quite enough. Meteoro stuck to more lucha (and Japanese) stuff, and won with a shiranu and a top rope splash.

Post match, Chilango sat down for the hair cut despite Amenza del Siglo trying to get him to run. The bigger problem was the scissors – first they had none, then they weren’t sharp enough to cut Chilango’s hair. They got enough for Meteoro to hold some up, and said Chilango must have it all shaved off by the next show.

5) Tokio Lee, Nemesis, Guardian b Amenaza del Siglo, Emperador, Yakuza

This was a bit different than listed. No Joey Marx, Tokio Lee suddenly a tecnico, me having no idea who the third tecnico was (I’m guessing at the name.) Yakuza was announced as unsuspended as of the last show. Just a normal trios match, long beat down by the rudos, Nemesis and Guardian wiping out two of the rudos with simple dives and Tokio Lee beating Yakuza. Even though the tencicos had count out wins, they pulled the rudos back into put them in submission holds as well.

6) Samurai b Negrotistico and Gringo Loco and Tony Scarpone [GALLI TITLE, no rules]

Tony Scarpone replaced Amenaza del Siglo, which worked better for the match. Negrotistico brought a cane, Gringo Loco brought a tiny step ladder. Everyone but Samuari is a rudo, and the other three realized it early to work together on Samuari. He outsmarted him for a while, and the rudos ended up turning on each other (and turning back and forth thru the match.)

It wasn’t really a TLC match. Gringo’s tiny ladder was great, and they had a utility ladder set up on the outside, but they never really stood it up on the ring and there was no reason to – they didn’t actually hang the belt either. They didn’t have tables either (as revealered when Scarpone played Bubba Ray to Negrotistico’s D-Von), but they made it up with it by using lots of chairs, and one big superplex into thumb tacks to take out Negrotistico and Scarpone.

Match seemed to about 20 minutes. Ending spot seemed like it should’ve been Samuari giving Gringo Loco a bottom rope chair assisted 619 on the floor. I figure this, because they did it twice, Samurai covering after each time, and La Vaca being busy with other stuff as to not come over and count. When he finally did, Vaca decided no pinfalls counted on the floor. This didn’t stop Samuari from giving Gringo a chair shot adn trying again, but it still didn’t work. They took it in the ring, did one more bit, and finally got the pinfall they were looking for.

After the match, the rudos decided they non-lucha guys should be teaming together to stop the oppresive lucha forced holding them down. They beat up Samuari, and announced themselves as the Underground or the Guapo Underground, I dunno. They all wanted another match with Samuari, and after a bit of back and forth with the promoter, the rudos were offered a Underground vs Samuari/?/?? match where whomever pinned Samuari won the belt, but if Samurai wins, he gets Negrotistico’s valet. Guys were saying no, but she said yes and vowed Samuari was losing the belt. Not sure when the match is supposed to happen.

I got myself an actual camera and took some pictures. They’re up on Flickr. They’re kinda blurry.

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2 thoughts to “07/08 GALLI Results”

  1. I’m guessing Ricky Dragon is Ricky Kwong since he trained with both Slade and Thompson and has thing for Dragon print. Interesting seeing these guys working these shows. I was in a training session with all of them, but decided against going in the class, since I have a bad knee. It’s good they are getting more work outside of 3xwrestling.

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