07/11: Mexico, lineup

CMLL (FRI) 07/11 Arena Mexico [Ovaciones, superluchas, ESTO]
1) Calígula & Méssala b Astro Boy & Molotov
2) Dark Angel, Lady Apache, Marcela DQ Amapola, Hiroka, Princesa Sujei
3) Dr. Wagner Jr. b La Sombra, Sagrado, Hijo del Fantasma, Máscara Púrpura, Heavy Metal, Black Warrior, Sangre Azteca, Virus, Loco Max [Leyenda de Plata, cibernetico, semifinal]
4) Atlantis b Blue Panther
5) Héctor Garza & Místico b Mr. Niebla & Negro Casas [CMLL TAG]

Champs not only won, but beat the challengers with their own moves. Mistico challenged Negro to a mask vs hair match after the match. Match was about 20 minutes.

After Atlantis won (Atlantida after a 16 minute match), Satanico, Villano 3 and Emilio Charles Jr. appeared to congratulate him on his 25th anniversary. Sounds like the crowd was very into this.

Order of elimination went Loco Max, Sagrado, Purpura, Virus, Sagnre, Fantasma, Sombra, Warrior, and Wagner beat Heavy Metal to win the cibernetico. He faces Perro next week. Cibernetico went 30 minutes. Everything’s getting clipped. ESTO says Sagrado seriously hurt his left elbow.

Women’s match went two falls, Amapola getting her team DQed for excessive violence on Lady Apache in the second.

CMLL (TUE) 07/15 Arena Mexico
1) Nino de Acero & Pequeno Ninja vs Fire & Pequeno Universo 2000
2) Dark Angel, India Sioux, Sahori vs La Nazi, Medussa, Rosa Negra
3) Fabián el Gitano, Máscara Púrpura, Mictlán vs El Brujo, Vangelis, Virus
4) Blue Panther, La Sombra, Sagrado vs Euforia, Nosferatu, Rey Bucanero
5) Héctor Garza, Hijo del Fantasma, La Máscara vs Averno, Mephisto, Misterioso II

I have no idea who El Brujo is, but he’s starting out with a big push. There was a Monterrey area and Guadalajara area wrestlers with that name, no idea if this guy is one of those.

CMLL (FRI) 07/18 Arena Mexico
1) Molotov & Starman vs Calígula & Méssala
2) Mascarita Dorada, Shockercito, Tzuki vs Pequeño Violencia, Pequeño Warrior, Pierrothito
3) Astro Boy & Héctor Garza vs Ángel Azteca Jr. & Shocker and Axel & Blue Panther and Dos Caras Jr. & Metalik and Diamante Negro & Último Guerrero and Atlantis & Skandalo and Bronco & Mr. Niebla and Brujo & Villano V [Gran Alternativa]
4) Dr. Wagner Jr. vs el Hijo del Perro Aguayo [LdP, sf]

YES, another tournament. Why are they doing them all at once? Quick guess is Metalik/Dos Jr. or UG/Diamante Negro.

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66 thoughts to “07/11: Mexico, lineup”

  1. Wow, next tuesdays bottom 3 (my most anticipated matches of the week for obvious matches) is shockingly awful. Semi looks ok though.

    It would be kinda cool if they done what they done last year with the Gran Alternativa and put the two finalist ‘youngsters’ into the main event the following week (or fortnight, due to the 25th card already being pretty much made up with the LdP final and the TNA shit coming to town)

    Just imagine something like Mistico/LA Park/Metalik V Ultimo Guerrero/Rey Bucanero/Diamante Negro! (even though Axxel willbe the final tecnico)

    I’m looking forward to (hopefully) the bottom 3 on C3 today. Angel de Oro has quite an original, distinctive look, eh? – not a bit like any others…

    CMLL has way too much going on just now – shame that none of it is particularly interesting or intriguing.



    The Gran Alternativa be taking place – once again – at the tiem of the year where they have no television capable of airing it.

    And those teams are pretty much pathetic.

    I’ll go on record right now and tell you all the final will be Blue Panther/Axxel vs Atlantis/Skandalo with the latter two winning. Although Axxel winning would be fantastic since it’d be the first ever 37 year old Gran Alternativa winner.

    And why would you debut a new charachter in a tournament to crowd a new star? Don’t you have to earn the right to be in that tournament? They did it with Apocalipsis a few years back and look what good it did for him! Who even knows who is under the Brujo mask. Could be Caifan… Hechicero… Apocalipsis… Catedratico… there are just so many options.

    To rub salt in my wounds – look at that awesome mini’s match in the segunda with nobody around to record GdR any more!

    This is gonna be quite the week of hating CMLL.

  3. Not as much anger as I thought you’ have, Henrik.

    C3 replays at the same time tomorrow, correct? I gotta go out so I’ll miss everything but the opener.

    Next week’s C3 has only the top two looking interesting.

  4. It sucks a bit for sure – but look on the bright side…. at least it’s not anywhere near as disappointing as 2004. Besides, all the youngsters are TV regulars anyway, it’s not like pre-2005 when Gran Alterntiva’s were full of genuine novatos.

    It still bugs me to think about what we missed with that show. It had ebsolutely everybody we wanted to see on it, and the mini-matches were generally at least 6-8 minutes long, so were basically full lightning matches. Moreso when we got a ray of hope after raw footage of the previous weeks full show turned up. That was just cruel. Fuck that olympic shit :(

    But no GdR source any more? Now that does indeed fucking suck! :(

  5. 2004 was disapointing?!?!?!?!?!?! Hopefully that you mean it didn’t air or you meant to say 2005 with that ultra shitty finish and not a single team looking good.

    Even though older guys are sometimes in the tournament, I’m pretty sure when/if Axxel wins he’ll be the oldest guys to ever win it by many years. Chicago Express looked old when he won but he was only in his high 20’s if I recall correctly.

    Yeah, the one source I had (who posts here as reallyunavailable) did a fantastic job but is moving so last week was the last show.:( Figures with a week of Tzuki (today I think) and Tzuki again in 2 weeks. Although I did just get an idea…

  6. Yeah, that;s what i meant. even if the tournament is good, it will be disappointing because it will be butchered to hell…. which is still infinitely better than 2004 which was as disappointing as it gets because we got to see shit when the lineup looked great! CMLL didn’t even take regular show photos in those days. :(

    2005 wasn’t really disappointing – it was just shit. We all knew that in advance as it couldn’t possibly be anything else with the lineup it had and the knowledge that their golden boy La Mascara was going to be pretty prominent in it.

  7. Yeah my only memories from that tournament are the SuperLuchas photos I have.

    Don’t worry, one day we’ll be able to see it on CMLL 24/7 OnDemand.:p

  8. Just got my six-pack of Cerveza Sol and organic Black Bean Tortilla Chips for an afternoon and evening of Lucha. I think it’s going to be a better day than people think.

    CMLL 24/7 may never happen, but Televisa should show old Lucha on their Classic network.

    Here’s what I would show on CMLL Televisa today:

    – The entire Atlantis vs. Panther match
    – Final fall of the CMLL Tag match with all challenges after the match
    – Momentos would be the tournament
    – Final fall of the women’s match

    That’s a good episode if

  9. Wow. I’m watching AAAMania. Lots of empty seats and entire sections. They gotta work it out with Juan de la Barrera and run there quarterly.

  10. How you gonna fit that in one hour? I timed the wrestling last week and 17 minutes out of the hour were for actual wrestling. Atlantis/Panther went 20. Final fall of the tag title match went 10. Final fall of women’s match went 7 or so.

    The show is usually spread out for 20 minutes or so of commercials, 17 minutes of wrestling and the rest is filled with silly segments and ads.

    So re-book the show knowing you have 17 minutes for wrestling.


  11. Well, the running time for any one-hour show should be 44 minutes. If Atlantis vs. Panther went 20, plus the post match stuff, you’re right, time is short.

    – 5 minutes for the intro and closing of the show
    – 25 minutes for Atlantis vs. Panther
    – 7 minutes for highlights of the torneo
    – 7 minutes for the promos for upcoming house shows, and show the closing of the CMLL Tag match and post-match challenge

  12. Should be 44 minutes is correct. But each fall of each match has 2-3 minutes of replays.

    The intro of the show is just finishing at 5 minutes in.

    You gotta air the advertisement for that tire company.

    Tony gets his drawing segment.

    Fan of the week.

    Hype for next week.

    Lineups for the week.

    Interviews with participants in the Torneo and the main event.

    You’re down to MAYBE 25 minutes of wrestling for two matches – one that went 30 minutes and another that went 20 minutes.

    So far they’ve hyped the Torneo, Atlantis/Panther and the main event. No way they can get all that in. The Toreo will probly be joined with the final 4, Atlantis’ ceremony + finish over Panther will be shown and the main will be aired with each fall edited to finishes.

  13. Meanwhile over on the good show the opener isn’t airing so I might get to see this segunda in full like I wanted.

  14. They might air nothing of one of the top two considering the Torneo is only half over and they just went to commercial.

    I think we should call this the Torneo of ABSOLUTE MOTHER FUCKING DEATH.

    The dives to open things up were fucking insane, especially since they came one after the other. Rapid fire death! Purpura almost nose-dived his SSP to the floor.

    Sagrado’s elimination was BRUTAL. He definietly dislocated his elbow and did you see how much pain he was in afterwards? He rolled onto the ramp and then rolled off onto the fans b/c he was in so much agony. Poor dude.

    Purpura tasted death on Virus’ finisher.

    Fantasma’s finisher on Virus was neat.

    Sombra ate Azteca’s knees on that split-legged moonsault and then used an awesome roll-up.

  15. They announced the Gran Prix Torneo – CMLL vs TNA on the 25th. Yes, ANOTHER Torneo.


  16. I’d have to guess it’ll be the 6 TNA guys against Guerrero, Bucanero, Averno, Volador, Sombra and either La Mascara, Alex Koslov or Valiente.

  17. Damn, i had hoped that airing the opener had become a sorta permanent thing. Hopefully it’s just a one-off maybe because Angel de Oro sucks so bad and they want to keep him off tv or something :)

    Segunda wasn’t bad. First impressions of Faraon were ok. Angel Azteca is miles ahead of the rest of the CMLL rookies though. He’s gonna be real good.

    Tiger Kid is a small guy, he has no intimidating presence, his name ends in ‘kid’, there’s not a pick on him, and he’s a decent flyer – way to go CMLL for making him rudo.

  18. Last few mins. of Atlantis/Panther airing so third fall JIP should air of tag titles match but I’m outta here.

  19. LOL, they’ll put a new waste of time “Entrenando con” segment!!!

    They’ve turned into FSE from last year!

  20. I love CMLL.

    Glad I stayed an extra few minutes so I can officially tell Henrik that Metalico is AWFUL. That was a Mictlan-level exchange.

  21. Well, I timed CMLL using the time code recorder that just happens to be on the screen. Comes out to about 39 minutes. That includes the spots for “Dinamo” motorcyles(they sponsored Momentos), and the spots for the house show with TNA talent, and the spot with Mistico talking about dates he can’t work, aficionada de la semana, etc……… So it’s four or five minutes short, which really hurts.

  22. I had the intro at 4:30, torneo got 12:00 and 8:00, Atlantis and Momentos got 5:30 so Atlantis/Panther/25yr were part of Momentos, and the tag title started in the second fall and got 8:30. So this is not good. If they got a total running time of 44:00 like most one-hour shows do, it could be presentable. But Televisa can do what they want to do.

  23. Corleone will also be part of the TNA team…

    Dos Caras jr, ultimo Guerrero, Averno, Mephisto, Texano Jr, Mr Aguila and Hector Garza.

    Only 7 guys per team were announced.

  24. I wonder if TNA knows this? I’m sure the booking committee would have something to say about it.

    So Chuy, do you watch CMLL on cable or internet like us?

  25. Gala is on Cable, although a local channel airs lucha as well, at least AAA, but I also saw a CMLL commercial once. No C3 over here, and today, I didn’t bother with the internet feed, I just let the IWRG show being captured and left.

    OTOH, first you use Tigres(sucks) jersey and now you drink cerveza sol, I’m seriously doubting about your tastes….

  26. Gran Prix is always World vs Mexico, so it’s make sense to have Corelone and Koslov on that team. I’d presume TNA was informed or doesn’t care. Eight guy on Mexico side should obviously be Volador as the fourth man on X Cup team, but since he’s not mentioned I’m wondering if something is up.

  27. @luchalibrelive!: He he he, that’s explains it all… ;)

    They only announced 7 guys for the GP, Styles, C. Daniels, C. Sabin, Shelley and Sonjay Dutt (sp?) besides the aforementioned CMLL locals. I think Wagner could be an eight guy but they obviously did not announce it, had VJr being there, well, they would have already billed him there.

  28. Shocker and Rey did their thing today on C3.

    I don’t understand having Perro Jr vs. Mistico in the main event at the Anniversary show. I wonder how they going to build up the match? They gave us no hints. I totally think the fans will BOO Mistico out the building against Perro unless CMLL can come up with something to draw sympathy to Mistico. Wagner/Garza vs. Mistico vs.Perro is a better choice.

  29. Speaking of TNA, it’s great seeing CMLL guys under real stage lighting, instead of CMLL lighting.

  30. Chui – Did IWRG have Turbo today?

    So they shouldn’t call it CMLL vs TNA… just Mexico vs The World. I don’t like to be confused. And why isn’t Johnny Devine listed? CANADA REPRESENT!

    Did anyone see what made Momentos? Any Tzuki?

    Cubs – Know where I was? I went to the Skydome (now the Rogers Center). My buddy’s local team rented out the place somehow so after the Jays/Yankees finished up, they got to play a game in their league and before it started we were allowed on the field to throw the ball around.:D Nothing like watching a baseball game in a 60,000+ seat building with only 70 people in attendance. Now I know what El Toreo felt like in 1993.;)

  31. @Rob: How did the Yankees draw? They usually get a good crowd in Toronto.

    I don’t remember seeing Tzuki in Momentos. It went fast to leave time for Atlantis/Panther footage, and footage of Atlantis at the Basilica.

  32. The Yanks and Red Sox are always the best draws here in Toronto. More Yankee fans than Jays fans today but Toronto has been like that since 1996 or so. When the Jays suck, nobody wants to go. When the Jays have a chance (April), everyone goes. It’s not like the Leafs who will sellout whether they are 60-1 or 1-60.

    Personally I think the Jays blew from day one this season since they never want to go after guys who can help them. They’re happen to sign ‘b’ or ‘c’ level guys who are good… but not what you need to put yourself over the top. And in their division they NEED the ‘a’ level guys b/c you’ll always have the Red Sox/Yankees getting those type guys and if you are lucky enough to have one of those two teams going through a bad year – there are still other teams to worry about. Jays don’t stand a chance in the future unless the motto of getting second-rate players ends.

  33. I’ll try to catch a Rays game next week when Toronto is in town. Yankees and Boston are big draws in Tampa too. At least compared to other teams who come to Tampa. I’m hoping to be able to do TNA on Wednesday, FCW TV taping Thursday, and Rays on Friday.

    Anyone try to watch LyC? My feed kept freezing.

  34. You sure the feed was freezing? Tinieblas was in the main event and he moves pretty slow.

  35. @Rob:


    They had

    IWRG (THU) 07/10 Arena Naucalpan

    But it ran at the same time as CMLL TV and I can not switch channels while capturing (I don’t have a tv set). As soon as CMLL enden I bailed out and just let the thing on, upon returning they had

    4) Aeroman, Chico Che, Ultramán Jr. vs Negro Navarro, Septiembre el Terrorista, Veneno
    5) Hijo del Cien Caras, LA Park, Mascara Ano 2000 Jr. vs el Hijo Del Anibal, Multifacético, Tinieblas Jr.

    But it seems it was also edited as the third fall from 4) was never shown and the show ended 30 minutes before normal (unless it had started 30 minutes earlier which I doubt). I deleted the file since they should air it again several times during the week.

  36. I was just curious b/c the new SL had results of Turbo in IWRG but I don’t remember seeing him any upcoming lineups.

  37. Yeah Tzuki made Momentos. He got splashed by I think Halloween.

    Because the feed was messing up, I missed LYC. I wonder if Tienblas is still running to catch up to Hator with Alushe?

  38. That’s it? I was hoping they’d air him doing something cool incase the match doesn’t pop up from GdR.

  39. Has anyone seen the DVD “Mistico: Idolos de la Lucha Libre” by Sony Internation?

    Tzuki must’ve been on for two seconds, because I watched the whole show. Was it before or after Super Commando?

  40. based on the insanity, I think Canal 52mx should go to two hours airing the entire Sunday show. FSE should be a magazine show with footage from Sunday and Tuesday, workout tips from Olympico, fan of the week, etc..

    No one can argue that 52mx should be a two hour show with most matches from Sunday’s show.

  41. esmas has it at 1 hour.

    C52Mx has less exposure than FSE, I don’t think CMLL would be interested in investing that much in a show which is available to less guys.

    Better thing would be for CMLL to have Rivera back and their two hours, they don’t want Riaño and Morales anymore -they say they started some rumors about CMLL guys jumping (like Corleone)- so they Rivera won’t do that damage anymore.

    Things will get worse once Soccer returns, instead of 1 hour, it would be 45 minutes. Meltzer talked something about Alonso going to TVC, but they run lots of Televisa stuff, so I guess they’re not a viable option, same for FSE, maybe Televisa went with them just like Paco went over Morales to fire Rivera and that’s why CMLL only got 45 minutes in today’s show…

  42. TVC is part owned by Televisa anyway. TVC is part owned by all cable systems in Mexico, so Televisa is involved through Cablevision.

    TVC has been wanting Lucha, and with AAA being unreliable, their choices are slim.

  43. i don’t see two weeks in advance on esmas.com, only tvguide. Unicable and Fox Sports are about the best in terms of penetration in the market on cable/satellite.

  44. @luchalibrelive!:

    That’s funny considering one of TNA’s biggest problems is their setting and production. It makes them look bush leagues(which they are).

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