07/11 Mexico preview

CMLL (FRI) 07/11 Arena Mexico
1) Astro Boy & Molotov vs Calígula & Méssala
2) Dark Angel, Lady Apache, Marcela vs Amapola, Hiroka, Princesa Sujei
3) Dr. Wagner Jr. vs La Sombra, Sagrado, Hijo del Fantasma, Máscara Púrpura, Heavy Metal, Black Warrior, Sangre Azteca, Virus, Loco Max [Leyenda de Plata, cibernetico, semifinal]
4) Atlantis vs Blue Panther
5) Héctor Garza & Místico vs Mr. Niebla & Negro Casas [CMLL TAG]

Previews: Notimex, ESTO (Garza says he and Mistico have no plan for the match and they’ll be making it up as they go along – uh oh), ovaciones

Atlantis history pieces: Hoy, ESTO (Atlantis is happy to be facing Blue Panther and says it’ll be a classic match.) I would hope Atlantis is winning his anniversary match, but then I’d hope Atlantis’ 25th anniversary match would make TV and I’m not sure about that.

Splitting up the contenders again, and keeping in mind the winner is facing Perro Jr.:

No Chance
– Loco Max (no offense, but what is he doing in this match?)
– Virus
– Sangre Azteca
– Máscara Púrpura

Some Chance
– Black Warrior (would be awful strange)
– Hijo del Fantasma (can not yet rule out anything with him)
– Sagrado (previous finalist)
– La Sombra

Good Chance
– Heavy Metal (unresolved anger! that’s Heavy Metal’s life)
– Dr. Wagner Jr.

Even though it could probably lead to Perro and Mistico when facing him, I think Dr. Wagner winning would be fun. However, Heavy Metal winning, getting a win over Perro Jr. (getting revenge for the hair loss to Texano) and facing Mistico in the final works too well with the Casas/Niebla vs Mistico/Garza/Wagner feud not to happen. Metal’s my pick, and if you’re going to go with one member of the new top heel group, you might as well have a title change so all the members win.

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5 thoughts to “07/11 Mexico preview”

  1. I’ll stick with Wagner winning to set up two strong weeks of main events. I still think it’s gonna come down to Mistico vs Perrito w/ Perrito winning to set up the September main event.

    Poor Loco Max. First he lives in a tiny apartment and now you publically make him feel like he doesn’t belong in a match of this calibre!

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