06/21: Negro and Metal turn, lineups

CMLL (FRI) 06/20 Arena Mexico [superluchas, ESTO, la aficion, Ovaciones]
1) Arkangel de la Muerte & Hooligan b Astro Boy & Starman
2) Máscara Púrpura, Máximo, Metalik b Diamante Negro, Dr. X, Vangelis
3) Felino, Grey Shadow, La Sombra b Ephesto, Misterioso II, Sangre Azteca
4) Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., Místico b Atlantis, Rey Bucanero, Último Guerrero
5) Dr. Wagner Jr., Heavy Metal, Negro Casas b Damián 666, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Mr. Águila

Dr. Wagner was in position to beat Perro in the main event with a castia, but Negro broke it up and used his own castia for the win. Mr. Niebla ran in and attacked Wagner, and both Metal and Negro turned on Wagner. I think we can move them off the long list of people who want trios shots (unless Felino is turning too) and move them onto the long list of people who think they’re feuding with Dr. Wagner.

ESTO says Niebla is (or wasnt’t) a Guerreros and is allied with these two instead.

Mistico got UG clean with the Mistica in the third fall.

This past week’s Wrestling Observer (June 23rd cover date) says CMLL planned to have Damian 666 to lose last week’s Jucio Final. When Artruo Rivera picked Damian as the most likely choice (which was no big secret) in his Ovaciones, CMLL changed it to Heavy Metal just to prove him wrong. I don’mt know about you, but I think Arturo Rivera totally used his power for good here.

In today’s column, Rivera confirms the Monterrey taping will be at Arena Solidaridad. No mention of the recent jumps, though a picture of the Guapos in IWRG is right next to the column.

– Arizona Central article about a local lucha libre show said to draw over 2,000 people
more talk about the AAA movie
– Noroeste has a column on the recent AAA departures
– el Manana has a bio of Pancho Tequilla
– Downtown LA Scene writes about Lucha Va Coom

CMLL (MON) 06/23 Arena Puebla [hugo999]
1) Sensei, the Tiger, Toro Bill vs Calígula, Méssala, Mr. Rafaga
2) Astro Boy, Batman, Starman vs Dr. X, Nitro, Zigma
3) Axxel, Felino, Metálico vs Ephesto, Misterioso II, Skandalo
4) Dr. Wagner Jr., Héctor Garza, Marco Corelone vs Atlantis, Mr. Niebla, Olímpico
5) Shocker vs Mephisto

CMLL (TUE) 06/24 Arena Mexico
1) Sombra de Plata & Trueno vs Pólvora & Vaquero
2) Fantasy, Mini Maximo, Tzuki vs Mr. Águila, Pequeño Damian 666, Pequeño Halloween
3) Fabián el Gitano, Mictlán, Stuka Jr. vs Euforia, Nosferatu, Shigeo Okumura
4) La Sombra, Máscara Púrpura, Valiente vs Ephesto, Sangre Azteca, Virus
5) Dos Caras Jr., Heavy Metal, La Máscara vs Atlantis, Mr. Niebla, Olímpico

No Averno, Bucanero, Volador or UG on either day! Obviously Tuesday’s main event is going to have some issues.

CMLL (FRI) 06/27 Arena Mexico [cmll]
1) Bam Bam & Último Dragoncito vs Pequeño Warrior & Pierrothito
2) Diamante Negro vs Vangelis, Skandalo, Bronco II, Puma King, Tiger Kid, Hijo del Fantasma, Hijo del Faraon, Axel, Metalik, Astro Boy, Angel Azteca [cibernetico, Gen75]
3) Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., Shocker vs el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Terrible, Villano V
4) Dr. Wagner Jr., Héctor Garza, Místico vs Heavy Metal, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas

Ciberentico is a rematch from the Lucha Libre Expo, though it’s not referenced here. Tiger Kid is grouped with the rudos – did he turn and I missed it?

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52 thoughts to “06/21: Negro and Metal turn, lineups”

  1. Wagner doesn’t get to main event Puebla to a worthless match? Seeds of him leaving again have been planted.

  2. Last night’s show seems like it had such a cluster of an ending. It’s no surprise at all that Negro has alligned himself against Wagner seeing as Wagner is getting the biggest reactions these days and Negro loves to fuck around with the guys he trained when he was the leader of Grupo Cibernetico with Memo Diaz. Wouldn’t be shocked at all if Niebla loses his Wagner feud because of Negro. It’ll be interesting next week with Mistico/Negro on opposite sides. I’m betting Negro stays friends with Mistico so he can play both sides of the fence and be safe if Wagner packs up and leaves for no reason.

    Looking forward to seeing Sombra’s match (feed is up for me) and I can’t believe Metalik showed!

    As for next week’s shows…

    Tuesday looks AWESOME!!! Tzuki back on C3! The two smallest mini’s teaming with the tallest! This could only wind up awesome. I hope Tzuki shows though as he’s touring the interior of Mexico with Mascarita Dorada and they have a show in Madero I think on Wednesday. Not sure how the travel would work out. Semi-main should also be tons of fun.

    Friday also looks great! It’s so weird of CMLL to debut guys the way they’ve been doing it this year. To most CMLL fans – Faraon Jr., Puma Kid and Tiger Kid have never even had a match in the promotion since most fans aren’t around for the openers. It’ll be interesting to see the reaction to the match and if it turns out okay b/c a lot of these guys will probably be super nervous. I’m pulling for Metalik but it seems like Axxel or Hijo Del Fantasma are sure locks. I’ll go with Fantasma’s kid since he’s getting the super push right now.

    The mini’s tag opener should be GdR material if they follow the format from the Reyes Del Aire.

    Is it just me or has there been a ton of Torneos so far this year? Way more than usual and we’re only halfway done the year. I think they still have to do the women’s yearly Torneo and the Leyenda Azul/Plata as well. We also haven’t had the Gran Alternativa yet.

  3. @Rob: Casas brothers have already taken the Guerreros out of this feuds, and the heat seems to be on their turn rather than Niebla after week 2…

  4. @thecubsfan: It’ll definitely be interesting to see how things turn out next week. There is still time to turn it into a 3 way feud somehow but I doubt it’ll happen. If Abismo is coming in (which I still doubt but you never know), Niebla could have been removed so he’s available to just focus on Abismo but you’d think they would have known that and had him make a different debut than attacking Wagner and cutting promos on him in the press.

    Negro has a long history of attaching himself to big feuds and using his brothers as pawns to set himself up to get more heat so it just seems like another case of that. The tecnico ranks continue to dwindle…

  5. So is Negro a Rudo or just a tweener? I agree with Rob in saying next week will be interesting. Have they dropped the Fabian/Negro feud already?

  6. CMLL as expected is showing the top 3. I wonder if C3 will bust out the Romanos tag.

  7. *LMAO* The idiot lady on the fan of the week segment was asked how she came to be in Arena Mexico watching Lucha Libre and she said how she actually got to the arena itself. Oy…

  8. 35 minutes into CMLL TV and we’ve had a 3 minute first fall and a 1 minute second fall. But we’ve seen the videos of the chicks dancing that have aired every week for over a year at least 4 times.

  9. Sombra is AWESOME.

    Shadow/Azteca seem to be pushing their feud big time. Can we just get a mask match and be done with Romero already? He’s such a waste of roster space.

  10. That’s very professional of CMLL airing the lineup of last week’s Tuesday Arena Mexico show.

  11. Since AAA and ROH is thinking about a talent exchange deal, how will that affect Rocky and CMLL relationship? I thought Rocky has a contract with ROH?

  12. Yeah,that was pretty cool

    I’m trying to get into C3 but I hate only watching parts of the match.

  13. God damnit another awesome double team move! These guys are MACHINES!

    Thanks for the close-up of Rayo Tapatio II’s shoulder popping out of place. Really.

  14. That match had way too much Metalico and not enough Angel Azteca’s kid. Metalico almost dropped Skandalo on his head on the floor and then forgot how to take Euforia’s finisher. Fucking brutal…

  15. That match ruled. Especially the end of the second fall. Angel Azteca Jr. rules it.

  16. @Rob:

    How good did Azteca jr look when he was in though?! :)

    This has been a fun 45 minutes. They should have made this the PPV :-p

    Couldn’t really play close attention to the opener though, as i was too enthralled with watching the outstanding Russians demolish Holland and was trying to keep one eye on each – but it looked like what we’ve usually come to expect from our Roman lucha gods :)

  17. Fucking Russians. That’s all I have to say about that.

    Angel Azteca Jr. might even steal the show from Metalik next Friday. *MIGHT* It’ll take a lot but he seems like he can do it.

  18. I saw Metalik’s blown spot, it was the same as Volador Jr that I was talking about, but he flipped and fell hard on his back rather than on his face-chest like VJr…

  19. I wonder how Mistico/Stuka vs Averno/Virus is going to be tonight on LYC or whatever that show is called? It’s on at 11 est for anyone that wants to watch.

  20. @Rob:
    Which would you prefer:
    a) Only top 3 aired in full or…
    b) Everything including the battle royale, jip to the point where a bout will last like 32 seconds?

    Well, it doesn’t really matter what you would prefer, but you should know the answer…

  21. Yes. 11 Est to about 12:30 Am est. You’ll have a whole new respect for CMLL after watching some of those undercard Monterrey guys.

  22. Actually this week has Sky vs Turbina on the undercard which could be really fun. Two fun flyers.

  23. How do I record this now that I have updated to Firefox 3? The REal Player plug-in does not work on FF 3.

  24. Orquidia Negra & Black Diamond vs. Potro Jr. & Silver Star.

    Crowd chants beso to Orquidia Negra. Standing switch between orquidia and potro. potro backs away from it.

    black diamond double teamed by silver star and potro. BLACK diamond dragged out to the floor. it’s orquidia’s turn to be double teamed by silver and potro. ref has his back turned as orquidia is given a testicular claw. silver star and potro win the first fall by standing orquidia on his head and stretching him out in an X, leading to a submission.

    Fall 2 starts with potro clubbing black diamond, as silver star takes off his belt and lashes black diamond in the back. it’s orquidia’s turn to be lashed by silver star. orquidia then shoves his ass into someone’s face in the first row. silver star and orquidia brawl on the entrance ramp. silver and potro now double body slam black diamond on the entrance ramp. chops by silver star to orquidia. potro wishbones black diamond’s legs and silver star kicks his butt. black diamond back body dropped into the ring. orquidia responds by back dropping potro into the ring. black diamond kicks potro. irish whip, and a tilt a whirl backbreaker on potro. potro claims a foul, ref’s not buying it. orquidia negra works on silver star, and orquidia gets silver star’s belt. lash to the back and chest of silver star. Potro tries to flee, but is caught by orquidia. it’s potro’s turn to be lashed by the belt. back in the ring, silver star poses to boos. orquidia is cheered. orquidia with an armdrag, and slaps silver star in the back. black diamond hits a cross body on potro. modified crucifix backslide by black diamond gets three on potro and orquidia negra gets silver star with a victory roll. Falls are tied at one apiece.

    potro greets black diamond with a shot to the gut to start fall 3. potro in control with a clothesline. potro jaws at orquidia negra, and black diamond takes advantage with a lucha armdrag. tag to orquidia and in comes silver star. Silver star offers a peace handshake, and orquidia refuses. japanese armdrag by orquidia, and two more armdrags by orquidia. silver star wants a time out and gets a kiss from orquidia instead. silver star with kicks and chops. orquidia responds in kind. low kicks by silver star. irish whip, tilt a whirl backbreaker by orquidia gets two. small package gets two for silver star. sunset flip gets two for orquidia. clothesline by silver star. standing submission by orquidia broken up by potro. black diamond gets two on a rana. potro gets two of his own on a similar move. all four men in the ring, potro and silver star only get two as their feet were on the ropes. as the rudos argue, black and orquidia respond. potro dropkicks black diamond to the floor, favors his knee. potro and orquidia battle. orquidia misses a headbutt to the floor. silver clotheslines black diamond. giant swing by potro on diamond into a dropkick by silver star and that gets three for the rudos. orquidia negra says “it’s not fair,” but the rudos win the match.

  25. Back to the studio with Roberto Figueroa talks up Grey Shadow as being great. World War III interviews from Arena Coliseo Monterrey.

    I’m interested in the taped up hands you have. i had an injury in the ligament. it still hurts. it happened in matamoros in a crappy ring. I ALWAYS ASK promotors to put up a good ring, and I will take care of entertaining the fans.

    Perrito is interviewed. it’s the first time you face mistico in monterrey. plans for the short term are for the perros to grow. my dream is to have them pay attention to us, and we have been highly successful. i get a lot of criticism. there’s lot of greats like blue panther and mistico. but our style is unique.

    Rey Misterio (with a mask) is interviewed. he honored eddie guerrero in denver colorado. He says that there is less talk and more wrestling in mexico than in the states. its exciting to see my kids emulating me and following my footsteps, and I am proud of the success rey jr has had.

    the best guys are here, cmll is the best promotion in the world. tonight i wrestle perros del mal.

    haku says mexico is faubulous. the main thing you see is lucha libre. what can you say. it’s your first time in monterrey. the last time I was here, the old generation is fading away. the girls are doing great.

  26. Main event time: Mistico’s “debut” match in Arena Coliseo Monterrey

    Virus & Averno vs. Stuka Jr. and Mistico

    Mistico gets as big a reaction as you can from AC Monterrey. Stuka and Virus to start. Collar and elbow tie up, armdrag by Virus. Armdrag by stuka. single leg takedown by virus, stuka with a few lucha moves and virus regroups to the outside. mistico and averno in. AC Monterrey responds. Averno poses to boos. Mistico chant now. collar and elbow tie-up and a break. both men stare down once more as another mild mistico chant starts. armdrag by mistico, averno sells the back and his right ankle. single leg by averno. armdrag by averno countered by one for mistico. virus sneaks in and kamikazes mistico’s left leg while averno beats up on stuka. mistico tossed to the entrance ramp. fireman’s carry by averno on mistico and snake eyes him on the ropes. virus and averno work the left leg again. averno perches mistico on the top rope and starts to rip away at his mask. virus works stuka to the opposite corner while averno loosens the strings on mistico’s mask. double tree of woe and mistico shoulder-blocks stuka. averno fouls mistico. spinebuster on stuka by virus and puts him in a nudo for a pin, while averno gets three on a fouled mistico. Mistico loses his gold over pants and averno chokes him with it.

    Second fall starts as the announcers begin to speculate on not being able to see the mistica. mistico is fouled up against the top rope as averno poses to the crowd. stuka is laid out on the entrance ramp as virus works on mistico with right hands and a front facelock up against the ropes. stuka tries a comeback, and appeared to get fouled. averno fouls mistico on the top rope again as the referee is busy with virus. double team on mistico and is sent to the floor. stuka gets double teamed now, and a double clothesline by the rudos. mistico comes back with a plancha off the top. tilt a whirl backbreaker by stuka onto virus into a double 619 by mistico on the rudos. mistico gets averno for a three count, and stuka gets virus with a pinning combination.

    Joey Mercury thanks us for watching and puts himself over in the process.

    We’re back for Fall 3. Mistico gives chase to averno on the outside as the referee tries to intervene. averno introduced into the steel post chest first by mistico. a mild stuka chant starts, and averno is able to get his own chant going. averno extends his hand in peace, and averno bluffs him like a bull. stuka goes for it again, same result four times before averno gets sick and punches stuka in the stomach. irish whip, virus sneaks in, heel miscommunication as virus gets punched. double scissors on virus. averno gets three tilt a whirl backbreakers on averno who hits the bricks. mistico and virus in now. mistico chant and virus takes his frustrations out on a fan with a mistico sign. mistico had averno in his sights before virus comes back in. double takedown by mistico. dropkick by mistico sends virus to the floor leaving him and averno alone in the ring. head scissors takedown. mistico set to fly, and averno runs FAR, FAR AWAY. Refereee begins his count as Stuka comes in. Virus and Averno hug in support on the floor. stuka misses a charge on virus. stuka gets averno with a dropkick, crossbody by mistico. combo small packages by the tecnicos only gets two. stuka with a moonsault on virus, and mistico hits a tope on averno.virus and stuka back in. virus with chops to stuka. irish whip by stuka gets a cradle for two but virus has the ropes. mistico gets averno to submit to la mistica. Your winners, Stuka Jr. and Mistico.
    Mistico gets on the house mic.
    “I think that before anything else is said, Good Evening Arena Coliso!!!” Cheers from the fans. “Look Averno, you know that this is the first time I wrestle here. While it didn’t happen tonight, I would like this arena to be 100% full. So in order for this to happen, let’s you and me have a 1 on 1 match. You’re the middleweight champion. So, let’s make the match for your title and give the fans what they want to see.” Show ends.

    Not a bad show for LYC. I doubt I’ll get a chance to do this again seeing as I usually work weekends.

  27. Is that you Victor?

    It was really Mistico’s ACM debut. He never worked there before, even as Astro Boy.

    Decent enough show. Cosmos’ mask is very Rey Jr.-ish. Sky is still good as a rudo. Skipped the semi-main. Main was very by the numbers but sorta fun.

  28. It was really Mistico’s ACM debut… and it made no difference for the fans, ACM is dead.

    I had thought that the Dandy vs Pantera II hair match had drew poorly, but it looked better after watching Mty. Funny to hear the announcers calling it “an impressive sold out”.

  29. No I’m not Cubby, but that was an okay show for the most part. As for recording just open the link in the Real Player browser that let’s you it. Rob, are you recording all the C3’s onto your computer?

  30. @Victor: Nope. The second computer in the house is the only one with RealPlayer and I don’t always have access to it.

  31. Well, then ended not having Mesias vs Vamp and the match with Lashley and Silver King and said they will air next week, I guess they’ll repeat some stuff.

  32. Or the Expo show stuff will finally air.

    Sounds like next weekend is a GREAT weekend to skip AAA.;)

  33. I am a dvdvr board member who posts under the name cubbymark. As the name implies, I am a Chicago Cubs fan. I tend to lurk most of the time here and at dvdvr, but felt like recapping LYC if only to give Rob a break. That and I feel it might not be a bad idea to incorporate play by play recaps to this site for threads like this one. I am a relative newcomer to lucha, which is ironic since I am mexicoamericano. Keep up the good work Cubs.

  34. AH. Well you definitely did a good job. I didn’t even have the stomach to watch that semi-main. The interviews were great. I loved Romero using his hands to explain what he was saying in English as if somehow Spanish speaking people will understand his crazy hand motions to make up for their lack of English.:)

    So now the # of Cubs fans outnumbers the # of Jays fans. I gotta go find a friend. Are Cubs fans also Blackhawks fans?

  35. Thanks for the kind words Rob. It’s only the second time I have ever recapped a show play by play. The last time was for the first ever TNA X Cup on a message board that no longer exists (TWTF). I got a kick out of Roberto Figueroa saying Grey Shadow was a great wrestler, and immediately thinking of you guys and reading about how much Romero sucks. I was too busy marking out for HAKU in AC Monterrey.

    As for the answer to your Cubs fans=Blackhawks fans question, in my case I wasn’t much of a Hawks fan because the prior owner ($ Bill Wirtz) was such a cheapskate, never had home games on local tv, and pre-empted the programming of WSCR AM (the radio affiliate for the Hawks before WGN takes over for the next campaign). I’m still not a real big fan, but given the young talent that Kane and Toews have shown, I am inclined to at least pay attention to them.

    As far as baseball goes Rob, what are your thoughts on Cito Gaston returning to the Blue Jays?

  36. I’m still wondering why the Casa’s brothers turned on Wagner (Unless it was something he said).

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