06/21: Negro and Metal turn, lineups

CMLL (FRI) 06/20 Arena Mexico [superluchas, ESTO, la aficion, Ovaciones]
1) Arkangel de la Muerte & Hooligan b Astro Boy & Starman
2) Máscara Púrpura, Máximo, Metalik b Diamante Negro, Dr. X, Vangelis
3) Felino, Grey Shadow, La Sombra b Ephesto, Misterioso II, Sangre Azteca
4) Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., Místico b Atlantis, Rey Bucanero, Último Guerrero
5) Dr. Wagner Jr., Heavy Metal, Negro Casas b Damián 666, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Mr. Águila

Dr. Wagner was in position to beat Perro in the main event with a castia, but Negro broke it up and used his own castia for the win. Mr. Niebla ran in and attacked Wagner, and both Metal and Negro turned on Wagner. I think we can move them off the long list of people who want trios shots (unless Felino is turning too) and move them onto the long list of people who think they’re feuding with Dr. Wagner.

ESTO says Niebla is (or wasnt’t) a Guerreros and is allied with these two instead.

Mistico got UG clean with the Mistica in the third fall.

This past week’s Wrestling Observer (June 23rd cover date) says CMLL planned to have Damian 666 to lose last week’s Jucio Final. When Artruo Rivera picked Damian as the most likely choice (which was no big secret) in his Ovaciones, CMLL changed it to Heavy Metal just to prove him wrong. I don’mt know about you, but I think Arturo Rivera totally used his power for good here.

In today’s column, Rivera confirms the Monterrey taping will be at Arena Solidaridad. No mention of the recent jumps, though a picture of the Guapos in IWRG is right next to the column.

– Arizona Central article about a local lucha libre show said to draw over 2,000 people
more talk about the AAA movie
– Noroeste has a column on the recent AAA departures
– el Manana has a bio of Pancho Tequilla
– Downtown LA Scene writes about Lucha Va Coom

CMLL (MON) 06/23 Arena Puebla [hugo999]
1) Sensei, the Tiger, Toro Bill vs Calígula, Méssala, Mr. Rafaga
2) Astro Boy, Batman, Starman vs Dr. X, Nitro, Zigma
3) Axxel, Felino, Metálico vs Ephesto, Misterioso II, Skandalo
4) Dr. Wagner Jr., Héctor Garza, Marco Corelone vs Atlantis, Mr. Niebla, Olímpico
5) Shocker vs Mephisto

CMLL (TUE) 06/24 Arena Mexico
1) Sombra de Plata & Trueno vs Pólvora & Vaquero
2) Fantasy, Mini Maximo, Tzuki vs Mr. Águila, Pequeño Damian 666, Pequeño Halloween
3) Fabián el Gitano, Mictlán, Stuka Jr. vs Euforia, Nosferatu, Shigeo Okumura
4) La Sombra, Máscara Púrpura, Valiente vs Ephesto, Sangre Azteca, Virus
5) Dos Caras Jr., Heavy Metal, La Máscara vs Atlantis, Mr. Niebla, Olímpico

No Averno, Bucanero, Volador or UG on either day! Obviously Tuesday’s main event is going to have some issues.

CMLL (FRI) 06/27 Arena Mexico [cmll]
1) Bam Bam & Último Dragoncito vs Pequeño Warrior & Pierrothito
2) Diamante Negro vs Vangelis, Skandalo, Bronco II, Puma King, Tiger Kid, Hijo del Fantasma, Hijo del Faraon, Axel, Metalik, Astro Boy, Angel Azteca [cibernetico, Gen75]
3) Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., Shocker vs el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Terrible, Villano V
4) Dr. Wagner Jr., Héctor Garza, Místico vs Heavy Metal, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas

Ciberentico is a rematch from the Lucha Libre Expo, though it’s not referenced here. Tiger Kid is grouped with the rudos – did he turn and I missed it?

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52 thoughts to “06/21: Negro and Metal turn, lineups”

  1. So I just watched the angle where Negro/Metal turn on Wagner and CMLL can officially go fuck themselves. The angle was brilliant, the execution was brilliant, the reaction was brilliant, the Perros tease was brilliant and Niebla coming out of nowhere to kick Wagner’s ass more was brilliant.

    Promotions DREAM of accidentally falling into amazing angles like this that can carry on for months.

    And CMLL managed to blow it the following week.

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