Quick 06/13 results

1) Cuervo, Escoria, Ozz b Aerostar, Angel, Super Fly
– Angel replaced Laredo
– Espiritu turned into into a 4 on 3

2) Alan Stone, Octagón, Super Porky b Black Abyss, Psicosis, Histeria
– Histeria replaced Niebla
– Super Porky was dressed as Elvis
– Octagon beat Histeria with the usual finish

3) Bryan Danielson, Jack Evans, Teddy Hart vs Extreme Tiger, Halloween, TJ Xtreme and Crazy Boy, Ultimo Gladiador, Ricky Marvin
– Gladiador replaced Juvi, who’s already in Spain
– FdT was in first, and not all that long
– Crazy killed Jack for the win

4) Fabi Apache beat Mari Apache
– an exposed turnbuckle backfired on Mari
– Gran Apache got his hair shaved as well
– the Apaches and Billy hugged and seem to be togehter

– Guapos introduced a new member – El Brazo, who turned on Super Porky.
– definite hair match coming

5) Vampiro DRAW Mesias [hardcore]
– bloody brawl, Vampiro bleeding from the back and the head
– Sect got involved
– Vampiro gave Mesias a rock bottom thru tables just as time expired
– yea, time expired – time limit was “set by the comission”
– they fought more after the match, this is ongoing

6) Bobby Lashley, Electro Shock, Kenzo Suzuki b Chessman, La Parka Jr., Silver King
– Charly Manson (in a wheelchair) made a cameo to introduce Silver King
– …who wore his Wagner Brother gear, a Silver King mask (thru the match) and used Bad Medicine
– Lots of Lashely being a very strong man
– Kenzo snuck in a foul on Silver King for the win

7) Cibernetico b Zorro [AAA HEAVY]
– Tirantes, who’d ref earlier in the night, started this match
– he was bumped, and replaced by Konnan (who happened to have a ref shirt on under his gear)
– countless Legion all got involved
– Cibernetico overcame all, and got the win with Hijo de Tirantes counting the pin.

Show wrapped up at 15 til midnight.



1) Flash, Máscara Púrpura, Stuka Jr. b Arkangel de la Muerte, Loco Max, Skandalo

2) Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto b Grey Shadow, Sagrado, Valiente

3) Dr. Wagner Jr., La Sombra, Volador Jr. b Atlantis, Rey Bucanero, Ultimo Guerrero
– Wagner pinned Atlantis clean for the win.
– Mr. Niebla made his ‘surprise’ return by attacking and allying with GdA
– Clearly, Mr. Niebla’s return was never supposed to get out ahead of time.

4) Hector Garza, Hijo del Fantasma, La Mascara b Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., Místico [CMLL TRIOS]
– Came down to Garza and Mistico in the final fall, and Garza got Mistico with his own move.

5) Heavy Metal L Texano Jr., Damián 666, Mr. Águila, Terrible, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Shocker, Marco Corelone, Negro Casas, Alex Koslov [cage, hair]
– Order of escape was Koslov, Damian, Marco, Terrible, Mr. Aguila, Shocker, Negro, Perro.
– Texano pinned Metal to win it.
– This is only the third time Metal has lost his hair, and the first in 8 years.

Links and more in the morning. Thanks to SuperLuchas, boxyluchalibrerpn, el Martinete, and the guy running the webcam.

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11 thoughts to “Quick 06/13 results”

  1. Moderatto opened AAAMania with a few songs and they showed the trailer for AAA’s cartoon… and even more foreigners showed up.

    The count at the webcam site was nearly 600 viewers, which should mean that there are many guys who are into lucha libre but don’t visit this or the other usual websites that often.

    I wonder if this could be called the “Friday Night Wars”, and it a way, felt a bit bad for that, we all knew about Niebla and Silver King which is something common and that maybe damaged the marked during the Monday Night Wars… we could be heading the same path with lucha libre.

    I think AAA was successful in making this look like a special event, and even the weak matches might have come off well to their core audience.

  2. Heavy Metal losing his hair? Well, the push they gave him with Toscano’s hair has been all given to Texano Jr. Is he the new Perro’s second leader? No way, we’ll know it soon.

    That movement with Niebla helping GdA doesn’t sound me good. I think he’s going to drop his mask in one year, maybe to Blue Panther, maybe to Shocker…

  3. It turns out that the AAAMania press conference was to announce Christian Mijares being in the show (which was another highlight of the show since he’s really popular) and Capos Jr did show up. Silver mentioned that he’s still in the London tour, so who knows if this was just a one shot.

    Valiente blew the same dive and ended booed by part of the Arena which was told to be at 90% capacity and solidly behind Wagner.

  4. Is there any websites out there that have this show or is nothing available?

  5. TripleMania is apparently available in Mexico for free as part of pay service. Jucio Final is not available anywhere.

    Pirated video files of both will likely turn up in upcomign days, and AAA’s show should make US TV in three weeks.

  6. AAAMania, apparently will be in lovericeykaryice’s youtube account, or it will be at some time ahead, it seems it will be up in better quality in a different server (avi?)

  7. I know where you can get the better quality TM rips but I’m being an asshole and not saying anything to anyone who isn’t my friend.:) It’s actually really not hard to find…

    Most of you know where I post in other places or my e-mail so you just gotta ask and I’ll point. Unless your name is mozangeles.:D

  8. “””
    I basically called the EMLL card pretty close no?

    You mean, it was totally predictable?

    It seems Negro had the stage ready for Heavy to leave but Erci refused, sounds like he “sacrificed” to me…

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