Quick 06/13 results

1) Cuervo, Escoria, Ozz b Aerostar, Angel, Super Fly
– Angel replaced Laredo
– Espiritu turned into into a 4 on 3

2) Alan Stone, Octagón, Super Porky b Black Abyss, Psicosis, Histeria
– Histeria replaced Niebla
– Super Porky was dressed as Elvis
– Octagon beat Histeria with the usual finish

3) Bryan Danielson, Jack Evans, Teddy Hart vs Extreme Tiger, Halloween, TJ Xtreme and Crazy Boy, Ultimo Gladiador, Ricky Marvin
– Gladiador replaced Juvi, who’s already in Spain
– FdT was in first, and not all that long
– Crazy killed Jack for the win

4) Fabi Apache beat Mari Apache
– an exposed turnbuckle backfired on Mari
– Gran Apache got his hair shaved as well
– the Apaches and Billy hugged and seem to be togehter

– Guapos introduced a new member – El Brazo, who turned on Super Porky.
– definite hair match coming

5) Vampiro DRAW Mesias [hardcore]
– bloody brawl, Vampiro bleeding from the back and the head
– Sect got involved
– Vampiro gave Mesias a rock bottom thru tables just as time expired
– yea, time expired – time limit was “set by the comission”
– they fought more after the match, this is ongoing

6) Bobby Lashley, Electro Shock, Kenzo Suzuki b Chessman, La Parka Jr., Silver King
– Charly Manson (in a wheelchair) made a cameo to introduce Silver King
– …who wore his Wagner Brother gear, a Silver King mask (thru the match) and used Bad Medicine
– Lots of Lashely being a very strong man
– Kenzo snuck in a foul on Silver King for the win

7) Cibernetico b Zorro [AAA HEAVY]
– Tirantes, who’d ref earlier in the night, started this match
– he was bumped, and replaced by Konnan (who happened to have a ref shirt on under his gear)
– countless Legion all got involved
– Cibernetico overcame all, and got the win with Hijo de Tirantes counting the pin.

Show wrapped up at 15 til midnight.



1) Flash, Máscara Púrpura, Stuka Jr. b Arkangel de la Muerte, Loco Max, Skandalo

2) Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto b Grey Shadow, Sagrado, Valiente

3) Dr. Wagner Jr., La Sombra, Volador Jr. b Atlantis, Rey Bucanero, Ultimo Guerrero
– Wagner pinned Atlantis clean for the win.
– Mr. Niebla made his ‘surprise’ return by attacking and allying with GdA
– Clearly, Mr. Niebla’s return was never supposed to get out ahead of time.

4) Hector Garza, Hijo del Fantasma, La Mascara b Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., Místico [CMLL TRIOS]
– Came down to Garza and Mistico in the final fall, and Garza got Mistico with his own move.

5) Heavy Metal L Texano Jr., Damián 666, Mr. Águila, Terrible, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Shocker, Marco Corelone, Negro Casas, Alex Koslov [cage, hair]
– Order of escape was Koslov, Damian, Marco, Terrible, Mr. Aguila, Shocker, Negro, Perro.
– Texano pinned Metal to win it.
– This is only the third time Metal has lost his hair, and the first in 8 years.

Links and more in the morning. Thanks to SuperLuchas, boxyluchalibrerpn, el Martinete, and the guy running the webcam.

Jucio Final/Triplemania Live thread

It’s 6 PM outside of Chicago, which means it’s still a couple hours away from anything happening in Mexico. I wanted to get this thread up just in case any news leaks out early and people want to use the comments.

As usual, I can’t actually see either PPV, so I’ll be trying to bring you as many notes and links from people who are seeing it. I expect to be around all night, and hopefully movabletype keeps up with the comments one last time.

ESTO is reporting Sliver King is the mystery wrestler for AAA. I’m not convinced about this, because it comes in a profile of Bobby Lashley and treated as an aside, not the main story. Maybe they’re just assuming?

Other ESTO articles (though not much news): Jucio Final main/semimian preview (Mistico is expected to work hurt here), Atlantis’ quotes about Wagner’s return (not impressed.)

El Manana, which seems to have someone on the lucha beat daily now (or at least now I can find ’em), write about the set & production for TripleMania. Estimated cost is at least 3 million pesos ($290,000.) They’re sure they’ll have a better show than the WWE show last month.

Economista says 406 police officers will be providing security around Palacio de los Deportes from 8:30 to 12.

I’m going to go fix dinner. I’ll be back in a bit later, but I don’t think news will turn up till 8:30.


8:16pm (all CST): Nothing much going on yet. That Econmista article says security is the starting at 8:30, so we’ve got about fifteen minutes before either show gets going.

8:27: Everyone’s saying the mystery person for AAA is Silver King. Would anyone have cared that much if his name was announced originally? Not saying he’s The Animal. Don’t think he was the original choice.

Box Y Lucha PN confirms Silver King based on their sources. Right now, I’ve got Superluchas, elMartiente’s thread, and LMdLL open and probably will pop back in ByL in a bit…

8:32 – TripleMania is on the air, with a look back at previous years.

8:47 – AAA 1) Aerostar, Laredo Kid, Super Fly vs Cuervo, Escoria, Ozz

Angel is replacing Laredo Kid. Espiritu is hanging out with the Sect.

8:49 – we have audio (and very iffy video): http://es.justin.tv/racuher. Sounds like Espiritu is interfering freely.

8:53 – AAA 1) Cuervo, Escoria, Ozz b Aerostar, Angel, Super Fly

Sect surely aren’t done for the night quite yet.

8:57 – AAA 2) Alan Stone, Octagón, Super Porky vs Black Abyss, Mr. Niebla (perhaps), Psicosis

Alan is just entering. Lots of buffering because everyone found the link.

9:01: Histeria is in the match in Niebla’s spot. Octagon and Psicosis are captains, so I guess he’s back in charge. Pepe Casas is ref

9:03: Porky is dressed as the Honky Tonk Man. This PPV = $$$$

9:06: It could very well be affected by the way we’re seeing this, but this crowd seems loud.

9:08: Elsewhere…

CMLL 1) Flash, Máscara Púrpura, Stuka Jr. b Arkangel de la Muerte, Loco Max, Skandalo

9:09: AAA 2) Alan Stone, Octagón, Super Porky DEFEATS Black Abyss, Histeria, Psicosis – Octagon with La Escalera on Histeria Psicosis (I think)


(AAA’s animated trailer = more $$$)

9:16: Konnan thinks the Legion is great. Just so you know. Looks like entrances for…

3) Brian Danielson, Jack Evans, Teddy Hart vs Extreme Tiger, Halloween, TJ Xtreme and Crazy Boy, Juventud Guerrera Ultimo Gladiador, Ricky Marvin

Hopefully I can unbrick the comments.

9:21: Hart Foundation II is over. Tirantes is ref, figured he’d back for this.

9:23: By the way, I’m totally killing the server. Every time the comments break, just know that I’m pounding my head against the wall for not being on WordPress already. Comments actually broke because the error messages for MT filled up my entire free space.

9:28: Jack pins Halloween to eliminate FdT

9:32: no one can remember the Spain tour, it seems, so no Juvi here. Ovaciones didn’t mention him working when they ran the article about Super Nova, so I assumed he just wasn’t going back or something. Guess not. Gladiador is in for him. Lots of Bryan vs Ricky, so I think we’ll live.

9:35: announcers calling Danielson “Ultimo Dragon”…lots of near falls. This MAY be okay or better.

9:37: Crazy Boy kills Jack Evans with something like a cradle piledriver for the win. Brotherhood in AFTER the match and beating down the MPs.

9:38: Is Nicho using spray paint? Huh.

CMLL 3) Dr. Wagner Jr., La Sombra, Volador Jr. vs Atlantis, Rey Bucanero, Ultimo Guerrero
1 – Guerreros
2 – Wagner

9:41: Does sound like Volador’s in that match, BTW. Over in the Palacio, Hermidad celebrates on the stage before leaving.

9:45: So apparently el Brazo jumped his brother Porky, got in a limo, and challenged him to a match to prove who’s more Guapo? Something like that. Porky’s hair IS getting long.

Over in Arena Mexico, fans have adapted Ciber’s chant to Wagner.

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06/13: IWRG, previews, Abismo

Niebla & Abismo/AAA

IWRG (THU) 06/12 Arena Naucalpan [superluchas]
1) Avisman b Anubis
2) Gemelo Fantastico I & Gemelo Fantastico II b Comando Gama & Judas el Traidor
3) Freelance, Goleador, Zatura b Capitán Muerte, Karloff Lagarde Jr., Xibalva
4) Demony, Septiembre el Terrorista, Veneno b Aeroman, El Dandy, Pantera
5) Ricky Cruzz L el Hijo Del Anibal, Mascara Ano 2000 Jr., Tinieblas Jr., Hijo del Cien Caras, Fantasma Jr., Oficial 911, Fuerza Guerrera, Multifacético, Fantasma de la Ópera [cage, mask]

As everyone expected, Ricky Cruzz lost his mask. His real name is, in fact, Ricardo Jose Cruz (so, Ricky Cruz), a 9 year old vet from Puerto Rico. Ovaciones focused on Anibal in the lead up to this match, so they must’ve had a clue. Mr. Reyes posted video of the unmasking.

Wrestlers could leave the cage after 9 minutes. Order of escape was Fantasma Jr., Oficial 911, Hijo del Cien Caras, Fantasm de Opera, Tinieblas Jr., Fuerza Guerrera, Multifacetico. This left Mascara Ano Jr., Ricky Cruz and Hijo de Anibal. Hijo del Cien Caras came back in to help his cousin to leave, while Fuerza prevented Ricky Cruz from leaving from the outside. Cruzz had a chance to leave, but slipped, fell, hurt his leg and Anibal was able to get out.

Pantera accidentally hit Dandy in the match, which let to Dandy snapping and attacking Pantera and the ref. The locker room cleared out to break up the fifth, and Dandy challenge Pantera to a hair match.

CMLL Previews: Notimex
CMLL & AAA Previews: Notimex, El Sol de Cuautla. Ovaciones also has short articles on both with not much news.

I’ve posted previews for both Jucio Final and TripleMania this week. There’s no update on Mistico this morning.

The 06/11 Wrestling Observer mentions Abismo Negro has been fired from AAA for no-showing the 05/19 taping, saying that he was almost fired previously but brought back just to finish the angle with Niebla. This doesn’t fit with AAA’s explanation of Abismo missing the show with a neck injury, but seeing how Abismo is a featured character in that movie, they may be planning to put someone new under the outfit. On Black Abyss’ TV debut, the crowd loudly thought he was Abismo Negro until he refused to fight and there’s been short term fill-ins in the past, so it wouldn’t be a big jump.

The same edition mentions everyone in AAA has been asked to fill out paper work for US working visas. Maybe CMLL should have already done the same thing. Crazy idea, I know.

LuchandoLibre has a post up about the odd Mr. Niebla situation. The news announcing his return to CMLL is still not back on the website, and the Sunday card has still not been put up on their site, which is very unusual. Solo Luchas contacted AAA to find out what was going on, but hasn’t heard anything back.

LuchandoLibre also has a roundup of TripleMania mystery person guesses:
– the original Gronda
– Rayo de Jalisco
– Black Warrior
– Latin Lover
– someone already within AAA who’s just not booked
– Silver King

I think I’ve read things saying Silver King is for sure going to AAA, for sure not going to AAA, and for sure screwing around with the interviewer just to be confusing. AAA could use more vets who can work and I think Silver King would be a good addition to their roster, but I don’t think he works as a big surprise wrestler.

The most likely option remains Latin Lover, but I’m no more than 30% sure it’ll be him.

The main item of AAA’s New York trip was to tease a AAA Animated Film. The movie, scheduled for Fall of 2009, will feature AAA wrestlers traveling thru different eras in time (including interacting with dinosaurs) to save the Earth. Saving the Earth must be getting easier and easier. The film will feature 6 wrestlers (it reads like Abismo Negro, Octagon, Masacrita Sagrada and La Parka are 4), with about 20 more making cameos. Interestingly, the characters will be voiced by actors, not by the actual wrestlers.

Next Saturday in Chicago, you can pay $25 to see a lucha show and be an extra in a movie starring Roddy Piper and two American Gladiators.. YOU can go pay that. There were show at Congress where they ought to have paid me $25 for showing up.

A post for live (reposted) cover of both TripleMania and Jucio Final will go up around 6 PM CT. I’ll post news as I get it.