TripleMania Preview

TripleMania’s really the big show of the weekend, for nearly as many reasons outside the ring as in it. This might be the first time a promotion’s focused their biggest show of the year on their heavyweight title match since the UWA. There’s a feud here to be sure, but with the mask match called off, this is far more reliant on the drawing power of US/Japan-like World Championship Feud than what’s normally done. Will AAA sell out the Copper Dome? Will PPV be a factor? Will anyone find the webcast? Will AAA try to get their own jump to counteract Niebla? Which group will get the headlines the next day?


1) Aerostar, Laredo Kid, Super Fly vs Cuervo, Escoria, Ozz

Maybe Gato Eveready as the sub? That’d work. Maybe the Clowns come out and kill both teams? That’d save them the time of fighting them separately.

2) Alan Stone, Octagón, Super Porky vs Black Abyss, Mr. Niebla, Psicosis

Histeria seems a good substitute. Like the opener, this is just here to fill out the card (which they may regret if they run low on time on the PPV window – I hope they got an hour more than CMLL gets) and get people onto the card. I think the tecnicos would be going over regardless of the situation, but maybe we’ll learn a little more about what might be next.

3) Brian Danielson, Jack Evans, Teddy Hart vs Extreme Tiger, Halloween, TJ Xtreme and Crazy Boy, Juventud Guerrera, Ricky Marvin

I don’t even know what to say about this match. There may be parts that are really good. There may be parts that are really bad. It doesn’t really play to anyone’s strengths or feuds – Jack and Teddy should be getting a tag title shot, the Mexican Powers should be facing the Hermaidad (a mortal lock to appear), Brian Danielson should be wrestling Solar I in Arena Naucalpan, and Ricky should be returning to CMLL instead of Wagner. This’ll be chaotic, likely to have good moments but ultimately not be all that cohesive.

4) Fabi Apache vs Mari Apache [hair]

I’m still a little bit behind on AAA TV, but they’ve hit me so hard with the “Billy Boy wants to make it up to Fabi Apache” story point, I’m sure this is going to end up with him being shaved here. The storyline going into is Fabi wants no one – not Billy, not Gran Apache – to be at ringside. Surely Gran Apache will end up there, and I figure cost Fabi the match. Maybe Billy offers to get shaved instead to make it up, but that doesn’t work either because nothing works out for Billy Boy. Unless the finish is too wacky, this should be the women’s lucha MOTY to date.

5) Vampiro vs Mesias [hardcore]

This will not be a MOTY. Though Vamp appears to be working a little bit before and after this, it’s a big layoff and he wasn’t ever claiming to be a great worker to start with, so it’s fair to expect a WSX brawl complete with explosion. You can’t go back to Mesias getting a shot at the title yet, so I think Vampiro wins this match to keep the feud (and Mesias’ TripleMania losing streak) going.

6) Bobby Lashley, Electro Shock, Kenzo Suzuki vs ?, Chessman, La Parka Jr.

Everyone sure thinks the mystery person will be Latin Lover, so it’s sorta got to be him or people will be upset about not getting someone they weren’t actually promised. This should turn out a lot of like the Steiner matches, with the foreign strongman tossing the guys around, getting put over strong, and AAA going nowhere with it. Except for Konnan bragging about the strength of the Legion…

7) Cibernetico vs Zorro [AAA HEAVY]

…leaning directly into Cibernetico winning a blah or worse match here. I mean, I guess there’s a shot that Chessman might turn, but they seem to be doing the slow build on that and I don’t see it happening here. (To me, it seems more like Chessman’s being set up with a feud for Mesias in case things fall apart with Vampiro, as has happened time to time.) They’ve done a great job of building up Zorro, so I don’t think they’d kill him dead here, but I don’t think Cibernetico’s going to get the title back only to lose in three months later. This is probably where having a better understanding about recent Puerto Rician booking would probably help things, but my impression is they like keeping the title on the big lead face and having all the rudos chase him, rather than the other way around.

Maybe I’m wrong? What do you have?

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6 thoughts to “TripleMania Preview”

  1. i dont see Zorro taking the title yet. and if he does it wont be cleanly. this is Cibernetico’s first actual defense of the title, he should be winning this match. and then it can set up the inevitable Cibernetico/Chessman title match. Vampiro should win here as he lost the last time they faced each other. that seems to be the trend with them. one wins one match and the other wins the next. Lashley will be a waste of space in that match, hopefully he gets superkicked by Latin Lover. i really hope it’s him. he needs to come back at least part time. Apache match should be great. Mari should win this match as it gives her more options for when she’s not feuding with Fabi. a clean win over the Reina de Reinas winner should entitle her to a title shot. third match should be entertaining. Danielson can go to the air when he needs to and he can brawl, which is basically all this match is going to be. hopefully the second match is quick and the opener should be solid, basically the same thing as when they wrestle each other every other time. Gato is as good a guess as any other, but i’m thinking it’ll be another air force guy like Rey Cometa or Pegasso, probaly Cometa.

  2. 1) Aerostar, Laredo Kid, Super Fly vs Cuervo, Escoria, Ozz

    – I’d guess Pegasso or Argenis take Laredo’s place… probably Argenis b/c it’d disapoint me and bring the match down. This’ll be quick and full of spots. Secta ALWAYS go over except on big shows so I expect the Fuerza Aerea to take this one.

    2) Alan Stone, Octagón, Super Porky vs Black Abyss, Mr. Niebla, Psicosis

    – Who knows. With Niebla out I’d guess Histeria is in but where is AAA gonna go with the Vipers? Why put them over if you’re gonna dump them soon after? It was a mistake to take the Guapos out of this match. I’d guess they are gonna break the Vipers up so tecnicos should win and Vipers should split with Black Abyss disapearing, Psicosis joining one of the hardcore groups and Histeria joining the other.

    3) Brian Danielson, Jack Evans, Teddy Hart vs Extreme Tiger, Halloween, TJ Xtreme and Crazy Boy, Juventud Guerrera, Ricky Marvin

    – Hermanidad run-in seems obvious. They’re my pick to win the match. It’ll be interesting if they only have a 3 hour PPV slot to see how they pull this off b/c these clusters are usually such a mess that everyone drags it on to get all their moves in (hi Joe Lider). This will be such a mess that it will at least be entertaining.

    4) Fabi Apache vs Mari Apache [hair]

    – Billy gets shaved for the 3rd year in a row? I’m not on that bandwagon. I’ll go with Mari losing and the Apaches finally coming together (that includes Billy) as rudos. Mari should disapear after losing here.

    5) Vampiro vs Mesias [hardcore]

    – Dangerous match here. You have Vampiro who loves to be the main attraction and Mesias who always wants to steal the show. Dangerous combination as these guys could kill the crowd with two matches still to go. If they start busting out explosions and barbed wire it’ll only make the main event look weaker by comparison. The best thing here would be to have them brawl around the building leading to a big bump but I can’t see Mesias settling for that. I figure neither guy is doing the job here.

    6) Bobby Lashley, Electro Shock, Kenzo Suzuki vs ?, Chessman, La Parka Jr.

    – Logic says Chessman or the mystery guy go over Lashley since Lashley is a lock as being gone after the show. But Lashley comes straight from the WWE and probably has a big head (also due to the roids) so he won’t want to job. Kenzo will probably lay down for Parka in a lackluster finish.

    (7) Cibernetico vs Zorro [AAA HEAVY]

    – I’m not swaying from my original opinion. Roldan will turn on Cibernetico and cost him the title. The show will end with Roldan, Zorro and Konnan (who else?) in the ring celebrating with their new belt and spray painting the tecnicos.

  3. Martha and Fuerza Guerrera are saying that “AAA is on the edge of disappearing and everyone is leaving”. I guess that’s nothing new compared to when Peña was around, but with Niebla gone and Charly injured, I guess they need to be a bit more careful for what they plan to do for the rest of the year.

    1) Aerostar, Laredo Kid, Super Fly vs Cuervo, Escoria, Ozz

    I say El Oriental gets the spot here since they seem to be wanting to reintroduce him and Cinthia as part of AAA. I say tecs win and Banderas has enough of La Black Family as a support group. Yep, I love kicking out guys around.

    2) Alan Stone, Octagón, Super Porky vs Black Abyss, Mr. Niebla, Psicosis

    This match needed to be lights out or lumberjack or something… they could use Clowns or Guapos here, but who knows, I think Vipers will continue existing, most likely with Electro Shock, who was the one who re formed this particular group originally but I bet AAA will need to read that here to realize that, heehehe, but here they have not business at all and will lose in any scenario.

    3) Brian Danielson, Jack Evans, Teddy Hart vs Extreme Tiger, Halloween, TJ Xtreme and Crazy Boy, Juventud Guerrera, Ricky Marvin

    I think this is gonna be like that match that had Gran Hamada and Gran Apache running in and turing the match into a mixed tag while Moreno siters brawled in the backstage. Hermandan will run in and keep TJ guys brawling all over the place while HF2 and Mexpows have a decent match. Can’t help it, I’m the eternal optimist. Danielson takes this over Juvy just for the later to show he’s willing to job because he’s a team player.

    4) Fabi Apache vs Mari Apache

    The main problem with this is that they overworked the michinoku driver as a deadly finisher, even Ayako used it during Reina de Reinas and Fabi overcame it right there facing 2 girls with that move… well, it’s AAA so by now I guess no one will remember, this should get lots of blood and drama, and I hope a clean finish with Fabi taking this home. Billy and Fabi then go on to feud Rossy and Oriental for a while.

    5) Vampiro vs Mesias

    It’s a scary match, but it will help the card in terms of drawing, the prommos have been great so far and Vampiro still has that superstar aura. The comission is saying they won’t allow this to be a street fight but who knows. I say Clowns run in as a new support group for Mesias or maybe some Boricuans show up, or just say that Clowns are Boricuas and that’s it.

    6) Bobby Lashley, Electro Shock, Kenzo Suzuki vs ?, Chessman, La Parka Jr.

    There’s more here than meets the eye for the usual AAA fan, Suzuki and Electro are the ones who sent Parka to the hospital and sidelined him, so they should pick it up here, so the crowd will be ultra into this no matter what Vamp and Ricky try or fail to do. Silver King should be here but maybe CMLL will enter panic mode and offer him tons of cash and a megapush (which is what Cesar wants all along) and we’ll end seeing Gronda II or something… I think Parka wins but by DQ after being ganged up by Electro and Kenzo.

    7) Cibernetico vs Zorro

    There’s also the comission saying they won’t allow Roldan here… From what they had said in NotiAAA, it seems they expect to do a Cibernetico vs Lashley defense, that might never eventuate but I guess that will come into play here. If they indeed go through with Chessman turning, I wonder if Vampiro might come to the rescue… or who knows, we can not forget that Ciber was the Viper’s leader and they can even play that up (ditching Black Abyss of course). Of course, Ciber wins, but unlike Juicio Final, they really have a lot of things they could set ready for future storylines, I guess it might not be really work the effort trying to figure them out since even them probably have not decided that yet.

  4. Ok, TripleMania Card, here we go:

    1) Aerostar, Laredo Kid, Super Fly vs Cuervo, Escoria, Ozz

    RFA Vs SDM, not a bad start, but if anyone replaces Laredo, It would have to be one of the other Fuerza members, but now isn’t a bad time to bring back Oriental either, either way technicos win the opener.

    2) Alan Stone, Octagón, Super Porky vs Black Abyss, Mr. Niebla, Psicosis

    This is weird especially with one less dancer (Niebla) in it, Hysteria should be his replacement. This still should be a great and fun match especially with Porky in it, Technico’s via Porky’s “Air Mexico”.

    3) Brian Danielson, Jack Evans, Teddy Hart vs Extreme Tiger, Halloween, TJ Xtreme and Crazy Boy, Juventud Guerrera, Ricky Marvin

    Welcome back home Ricky Marvin, bet you wish you were still in EMLL and not AAA. This is going to degenerate into a WSX, ECW style hardcore match all the way. If the M.P’s don’t pull it out, Hart Foundation 2.0 and Am Dragon will take it.

    4) Fabi Apache vs Mari Apache [hair]

    I really don’t want to see Bill Boy as a rudo ever again. Fabi will kick out of the M.D. and finally kick her sisters ass and win her hair. I actually expect Gran Apache to turn Tecnico here (only if Roldan turns rudo).

    5) Vampiro vs Mesias [hardcore]

    Part two of the Puerto Rico/WSX feud between these two. Last time these two got together Mesias burned Vamp with a fireball and slammed him on an exploding casket, of course this was WSX. Vampiro might win this one, assuming the Secta stays out of it.

    6) Bobby Lashley, Electro Shock, Kenzo Suzuki vs ?, Chessman, La Parka Jr.

    Why is it any North american foreigner, save for Vampiro and any japanese wrestler not named Kenzo Suzuki, are always brought in as heels? If anyone comes back for the save it will be Latin Lover, although Gronda would be awesome, just to see him and Lashley go head to head. Sadly, Rudos take this one.

    (7) Cibernetico vs Zorro [AAA HEAVY]

    I’ve been hearing all week that Roldan is gonna pull a Heyman, a Vince, a “insert your Eric Bischoff joining the nWo” reference here. I just have this feeling Roldan won’t turn, he might hold off and cost the Belt for Ciber at a later date. i think even if he does turn, Ciber still wins.

  5. 4) Fabi Apache vs Mari Apache [hair]

    – Billy gets shaved for the 3rd year in a row? I’m not on that bandwagon. I’ll go with Mari losing and the Apaches finally coming together (that includes Billy) as rudos. Mari should disapear after losing here.

    Against Estrellita and who?

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