slight Mistico injury update

This intervew seems to be done before the doctor’s visit, but it also sounds like Mistico plans on wrestling Friday and take the risk of worsening the injury, unless the doctor prohibits him from wrestling.

If he can’t go, we still don’t have definite word of what will happen. Off the top of my head, the last time I can remember an injury affecting a tournament final like this is 2000 CMLL Tag Team Tournament. Final was supposed to be Ultimo Guerrero and Rey Bucanero vs Emilio Charles Jr. and Mr. Niebla (ha!), but Emilio was hurt and unable to compete. CMLL ruled the match a disqualification by forfeit, UG/Rey won the tag team titles for the first time without a match, Villano IV replaced Emilio so they could do a substitute match, and Emilio and Niebla got the first title shot.

I think CMLL deal would do the same if the same situation comes up on Friday. Volador replaced Mistico on Tuesday and makes as much sense as anyone to be bumped up into the semimain. CMLL’s not going to tell people Mistico will be out this week of all weeks, so the first actual indication may be Volador (or any other tecnico) replaced in an earlier match.

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One thought to “slight Mistico injury update”

  1. I wonder if he goes on Friday, If he will wrestle on Saturday with Stuka vs Virus and Averno in Monterrey? I would think not but who knows with Mistico?

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