CMLL CAN52 GdR #125

taped 04/04, 04/06, aired 04/12

Stuka is fun. If you’re reading this site, there’s 95% chance you’ve seen the Guerreros vs the Mistico sometime in the last four years but it’s still fun on a non-weekly basis.

I’m still bitter. Other CAN52 recaps may turn up, but even when this was the newness of this show wore up, it was still something I was waking up early on Saturday morning to jam a video tape in a VCR to record. It’s how I got to start watching CMLL again on a weekly basis when Gala gave up on it, so I’m grateful it existed and annoyed it’s gone for no particular reason.

It does occur to me now, I’m paying more to watch four (and a quarter) hours of CMLL on FSE each week than I’m paying for the Figure Four and Wrestling Observer combined. How very strange.


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One thought to “CMLL CAN52 GdR #125”

  1. hey cubs,

    any chance you could post the outside the ring, mr. aguila part 2 too?

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