Jucio Final Preview

(in case I forget to say it yesterday, lucha times is being postponed until tomorrow on account of bleacher tickets. Also, I wrote this before Mistico’s status became iffy.)

TripleMania has the better card, but TripleMania should have the better card. It’s their big show of the year, this is only the summer cage match show they usually remember to do. That doesn’t excuse CMLL from one again seeking the minimal possible Big Card, but I’d be more upset if this was the 75th Anniversary card.

While the stories and feuds aren’t there, the match quality might be. There’s more matches that have a chance to be a bunch of fun than other recent CMLL shows.

CMLL (FRI) 06/13 Arena Mexico
1) Flash, Máscara Púrpura, Stuka Jr. vs Arkangel de la Muerte, Loco Max, Skandalo

Like this one. This is the protypical CMLL big show opener, a match featuring high flying tecnicos versus rudos just there to catch them. All three tecnicos really were passed over by Hijo del Fantasma (and La Mascara, to a lesser extent) when it came to pushing a new young guy and probably should have some gripes with that. This should be a nice tecnico win to start the show off, and we can sure we’ll see a Purpura shooting star press.

2) Grey Shadow, Sagrado, Valiente vs Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto

Valiente seemed about to springboard into a big push until he springboarded into the floor and broke his wrist. Will he get to pick off where he left off? Any one of the three tecnicos could benefit from being Averno’s next project (he unified the middleweight belts! no one cares!) or perhaps they the Triad of Terror could actually be getting back together. I think this is a tecnico win. I’m not really sure about that, but I am sure this also should be a good match.

3) Dr. Wagner Jr., La Sombra, Volador Jr. vs Atlantis, Rey Bucanero, Ultimo Guerrero

The Doctor is in. And waving to the fans while being punched. I know the idea here is we’re supposed to be Atlantis/Wagner here (soon to be a double mask main event with Octagon/Fuerza Guerrera) and I they’re also hinting as GdA being the first challengers for the winners of the tournaments, but the most interesting possibility to me is GdA being challengers for the other set of trios titles to mix things up. Two of the champs are here, and if there’s chances for them to do their stuff during the Wagner lovefest (and if the fans aren’t burned out with three straight matches of high flyers), this could be pretty fun. I’m with the Guerreros, and hopefully that’ll go better this week.

4) Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., Místico vs Hector Garza, Hijo del Fantasma, La Mascara [CMLL TRIOS]

I still don’t believe in the future for this titles, but the present is going to be pretty interesting. We’ve gone from Mistico & Garza being insta-friends to Mistico accusing Garza of stealing from to Mistico and Garza bragging about proving they can get along after all. That might be a bit harder after this one, and the story coming out of this will certainly how those two act towards each other during the match. I presume Garza and his guys will be leaning rudo during this match, but that’s not for sure.

My guess is this a higher profile version of the Kid’s Day match. Probably not in the style, but in the attempt at establishing Fantasma and Mascara as bigger stars, but by coming up just short. (Mascara needs to get a new name if he’s getting his push, by the way.) The other team has the guys CMLL pushes as the best technical wrestler, the most powerful wrestler and the most agile wrestler in the promotion, which seems like an unbeatable trio. Not to mention the possibilities for future matches.

5) el Hijo del Perro Aguayo vs Damián 666, Mr. Águila, Terrible, Texano Jr., Shocker, Marco Corelone, Heavy Metal, Negro Casas, Alex Koslov [cage, hair]

Let’s see: Perro’s not losing his hair. Shocker’s not losing his hair. Marco Corelone’s not losing his hair. Alex’s not losing his hair while he’s working with TNA. The other six have a least a shred of possibility but it’s not a huge deal if they lose. Still, I think there’s a little pressure not to have a Damian lose and prove everyone right about CMLL’s lame booking.

I don’t think much of the match – 10 guys in one ring brawling for a while isn’t going to work most of the time – but I have this feeling Negro Casas might be taking the fall. He’s been winding down his schedule quite a bit lately, but he’s still Negro Casas so it’d mean a little bit and it’d allow them to continue the Heavy Metal/Perro Aguayo story they seem to have latched onto.

What are your picks? I’ll preview TripleMania tomorrow.

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16 thoughts to “Jucio Final Preview”

  1. I haven’t been able to get the internet feed in 3 weeks until last night. Hopefully it will work on Saturday.

  2. I wouldn’t hold my breath. I’ve had it working before I went to bed every Friday night but by Saturday afternoon it always dies.

  3. The entirety of the IWRG preview was the comment on Sunday that Ricky Cruz is so dropping his mask.

  4. CMLL (FRI) 06/13 Arena Mexico
    1) Flash, Máscara Púrpura, Stuka Jr. vs Arkangel de la Muerte, Loco Max, Skandalo

    Solid opener, this looks to be fun and you have 3 good workers in this one. Tecnicos in 3

    2) Grey Shadow, Sagrado, Valiente vs Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto

    This looks to be a great match, and I’m hoping to see how Grey Shadow does. But I have a feeling Rudos take this one.

    3) Dr. Wagner Jr., La Sombra, Volador Jr. vs Atlantis, Rey Bucanero, Ultimo Guerrero

    Show Stealer, and not because it’s Wagner, I have a feeling this will build up to another Wagner/Atlantis or Wagner Guerrero mask match, if the rudos win, it will be by cheating, But, I’m going with Team Wagner since this is Wagner’s Kobashi-like, triumphant return.

    4) Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., Místico vs Hector Garza, Hijo del Fantasma, La Mascara [CMLL TRIOS]

    If anyone gets booed, it will be Mistico, tell me he hasn’t become the John Cena of Mexico? But I digress, both teams should get some good pops, and I don’t see a Hector, Mascara, Fantasma heel turn here, it would be stupid to do it especially he (Garza) just became a tecnico. Team Garza in 3.

    5) el Hijo del Perro Aguayo vs Damián 666, Mr. Águila, Terrible, Texano Jr., Shocker, Marco Corelone, Heavy Metal, Negro Casas, Alex Koslov [cage, hair]

    Damn. See the hardest part about a cage match is picking who will remain, but we all know the main people (Perrito, Shocker, Marco, Alex, and maybe even Terrible or Texano) will not get their heads shaved. With that said, I expect either one of the Casas brothers or Damian to get Brittneye’d

  5. 1) Flash, Máscara Púrpura, Stuka Jr. vs Arkangel de la Muerte, Loco Max, Skandalo

    I’d had liked these tecnicos vs the 2) rudos, oh well, I guess this will be fast and tecnicos taking this.

    2) Grey Shadow, Sagrado, Valiente vs Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto

    I guess Valiente will try his dive and that’ll be it, rudos will win this easily, maybe even 2-0. They’ll proably be kicked out of Perros this very same weekend.

    3) Dr. Wagner Jr., La Sombra, Volador Jr. vs Atlantis, Rey Bucanero, Ultimo Guerrero

    Ah, I remember nearly 10 years ago when Mr Niebla Naucalpan, Oficiales and a few others walked in to Arena Mexico, will Mr Niebla walk in this time? I don’t really see them re launching feuds with UG or Atlantis since no one of them would be willing to lose and they theoretically have Niebla right there.

    4) Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., Místico vs Hector Garza, Hijo del Fantasma, La Mascara [CMLL TRIOS]

    Won’t probably top 10 minutes, which is to be expected. Garza will turn and rejoin Perros, and will make Mistico’s injury worse, they won’t need him anyways now that the guy who’s bringing the crowds in is back. Obviously, the titles will still be in a uncertain position.

    5) It was a big mistake to include Perro, Shocker and Corleone here. Now, even if a reasonable high enough guy like Casas or Texano-Terrrible lose, it’ll feel like a rip off. I say Garza will get involved helping his mate Aguayo and maybe Heavy will sacrifice himself to save Negro from baldnessdom.

  6. “Ah, I remember nearly 10 years ago when Mr Niebla Naucalpan, Oficiales and a few others walked in to Arena Mexico”

    Me too. I attended a July 1999 Arena Mexico show and they had a huge turnout, and they heat was great. That was a great run for CMLL. Two days later, I went to Naucalpan and saw Pirata vs. Super Parka, plus Volador Jr., in a prelim

  7. I’ll do my picks in a bit but here’s something to consider whether you trust Dave Meltzer or not…

    In the new WON he reports Marco Corleone asked for some time off to come back home for a bit. Wouldn’t be a huge leap to assume he’s dropping his hair on the way out.

  8. 1) Flash, Máscara Púrpura, Stuka Jr. vs Arkangel de la Muerte, Loco Max, Skandalo

    – I’ll go with the concensus and take the tecnicos. It’ll be fast paced but I wonder who will do the majority of the catching as Arkangel doesn’t seem interested in going all out based on what I’ve seen lately, Loco Max isn’t a good catcher aside from dives and Skandalo hasn’t proved himself as a good base.

    2) Grey Shadow, Sagrado, Valiente vs Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto

    – Kicked out of Los Perros? What are you smoking, Chui? Valiente will want to impress in his return and will hit his dive perfectly. This should be a lot like the 3/21 tercera… just balls out fast paced flying. Rudos will take it.

    3) Dr. Wagner Jr., La Sombra, Volador Jr. vs Atlantis, Rey Bucanero, Ultimo Guerrero

    – I’ll go with the Niebla walk-in here in which case tecs should take it by DQ. I hope they give this some time though as the Volador/Bucanero and Sombra/Guerrero exchanges could be highlight reel material. Cubs’ idea of the Guerreros going after the National Titles sounds absolutely wonderful but too good to be true.

    4) Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., Místico vs Hector Garza, Hijo del Fantasma, La Mascara [CMLL TRIOS]

    – I guess it’s pointless to predict since we don’t even know if this will go down, right? If it goes down – Garza’s team is definitely winning and will render these titles absolutely useless.

    5) el Hijo del Perro Aguayo vs Damián 666, Mr. Águila, Terrible, Texano Jr., Shocker, Marco Corelone, Heavy Metal, Negro Casas, Alex Koslov [cage, hair]

    – I love the Metal sacrificing himself for Negro idea b/c you know Negro is going to try and hog the spotlight here any way he can. I think Damian is leaving first as a giant fuck you to everyone saying he is going to lose much like Villano V at the September PPV. I’m sticking with what I said from day one – Perrito is taking Heavy Metal’s hair one way or another to setup him losing to Mistico in September. Why nobody belives what I’m saying is beyond me. MISTICO AND PERRITO ARE HAVING A MASK VS HAIR MATCH IN SEPTEMBER. Whether it’s a singles or relevos suicidas that ends up with them – IT’S HAPPENING.

    Now a question: Why is Terrible being overlooked? It seems like everyone is saying his hair is meaningless. The guy has been built up since 2003 and has taken some pretty important hair matches along the way. His hair might mean the most of anyone in the match besides Perrito and Shocker.

  9. I agree with Rob 100% on both three things:
    1) we are getting Perrito vs. Mistico in September
    2)Damian is going to be out of the cage very early
    3) Heavy Metal is losing his hair here to build up Perrito.

    I think Metal “sacrificing” his hair for Negro is too “AAA style”, and not something CMLL would do. Although, maybe they will do it to say “fuck you” to the Fabi/Mari angle. I dunno, its not like Santito works for AAA…

    Although, if Corleone is taking time off, I can totally see him going bald on the way out the door too.

  10. BTW, I guess this is a PPV since people on the ByL board have said they purchased it already. In fact many are saying they will buy it b/c AAA will be available for free online later in the day.

  11. Actually, it seems that the internet video on demand will have some cost but will feature interactive menus with profiles and what not, but the thing is that SKY might air the AAA show for free the following days.

  12. I still don’t see the point in turning Garza rudo again when he, basically, just turned tecnico, no?

  13. There was no point in turning him tecnico in the first place, he actually never said anything against Perros save he was not willing to accept Averno and Mephisto in the team because they’re “traitors” (remember Satanico).

    OK the point in turning him was to drive the attendances up, which didn’t happen…

  14. Quiet. I like Garza as a tecnico. Much more fun than when he was a rudo as his shtick had gotten old.

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