06/03: Panther/UG

CMLL (TUE) 06/03 Arena Mexico [notimex]
5) Blue Panther b Último Guerrero

Panther took the one, UG squeezed on the second but was limping in the third due to the damage Panther put to him. A big UG powerbomb seemed to be the win, but Panther locked on a fujiwara for the win. Mask challenges post match.

Doesn’t feel like we’re getting Arena Coliseo results this week.

indy (SUN) 06/08 Deportivo Lee Roy [El Siglo de Torreon]
1) El Loco & Rey Pony vs Aries & Black Bull
2) Averno (Laguna) & Guerrero vs Eclipticco & Rey Temestad
3) Circus & Payaso vs Jerry Brown & Vigilante
4) Autentico, Conflictus, Emerador Azteca vs Semental, Sexy Libra, Tony Rodriguez

This Semental is the one that wrestled in an Coliseo opener.

Damian talked to ESTO yesterday about the Perros. With no more Hector, Damian seems to have appointed himself 2nd in charge. He respects the Guerreros and the New Infernales, but doesn’t think much of the high flyers or Hector Garza’s ‘group’ to battle the Perros. Damian thinks Negro Casas is the most dangerous opponent in the cage match, so dangerous that he probably would be better of being a Perro. Damian’s high on the success of the Mini Perros and expects them to destroy all the tecnico minis, Bam Bam’s hair and Mascarita Dorada’s mask especially.

Today’s Ovaciones has Arturo Rivera’s column (talking about recent tapings, sayinig Tinieblas Jr. will be back soon, and teases a AAA surprise in New York next week), a preview of CMLL’s 06/13 show, and a profile of Enrique Vera Jr.

Ohtani’s Jacket writes about Espanto Jr. vs Hijo del Santo from 05/14/92.

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2 thoughts to “06/03: Panther/UG”

  1. CMLL.com has Sunday/Tuesday results. SoloLuchas says Tuesday was a very small crowd and that Metalik looked great.

  2. What could the surprise be in NYC? Triplemania is next week, so all the top names and office people need to be in Mexico City all week. Hopefully it will be postponed until after Mania as it should be(b/c I’ll be back in NYC then).

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