06/01 AAA TV Results (Merida)

Previous: 05/02 (Veracruz), 05/19 (Leon), 05/25 (Morelia)

AAA TV (SUN) 06/01 Poliforum Zamna de Merida [triplea]
1) Ayako Hamada, Mari Apache, Yuriko b Estrellita, Fabi Apache, Gato Eveready
2) Gran Apache b Billy Boy
3) Crazy Boy, Juventud Guerrera, Ultimo Gladiador b Joe Lider, Nicho el Millionario, X-Fly
4) Jack Evans & Teddy Hart b Extreme Tiger & Halloween
5) Mesias b Chessman
6) Alan Stone, Cibernetico, La Parka Jr. b Kenzo Suzuki, Konnan, Zorro

Projected Air Date (#840)
Mexico: 06/15
US: 07/05

I think I have the main event correct, but I’m having trouble following along with the commentary. I’m reading it as Roldan returned to help turn the tables on the Legion.

Semimain had been listed as Chessman vs Ozz. Ozz was there, helping Mesias, so maybe they just changed plans. After the match, Mesias tried to torch Chessman (playing off Chessman wanting to burn Mesias), but Vampiro made the save and put Mesias thru a table.

Hart Foundation Dos beat the tag champs clean. If Teddy’s here full time, I presume we’re getting a tag title match after TripleMania. FdT was busy on this show, helping out Joe Lider to beat the Mexican Powers in the prior match.

Catching up on recent TV, it seems like AAA was setting up Billy sacrificing his own hair to win Fabi back. Billy’s searching for a way to win Fabi back (yet again) and that would make as much sense as any. I’m not so sure that’s going to happen now. It seems more a standard build, Fabi losing up to TripleMania to get the win back there.

Mari laid out Fabi with a powerbomb Michinoku Driver to win the match. This meant Fabi was too hurt to help in the next match, Apache vs Billy, and Mari helped Gran Apache win. No mention of the referee stip. Since that’s not on the TripleMania program either, perhaps it was just dropped when the hair stipulation was added?

Upcoming announced taping
06/13 DF – TripleMania

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5 thoughts to “06/01 AAA TV Results (Merida)”

  1. Earth to Billy Boy, GIVE UP!!!!

    Are they actually dating in real time or is it just story?

  2. Billy and Fabi? They’re married with a child who has been in many AAA angles.

  3. Mari beat fabi with her Michonuku Driver dumbasses!and why does it say Yuriko lost?they won!fuckerS!

  4. That’s your first comment in six weeks? A typo no one noticed for a month?

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