04/25: Wagner to lead protest march against CMLL

Dr. Wagner Jr. will lead a protest match on Sunday at noon, protesting CMLL not getting him good enough matches. Here’s Dr. Wagner Jr. doing a promo about this on Superluchas. Here’s my brain exploding. Let’s go to the google translation of his quote in the ESTO article:

“It is not right, in the middle of 2008, that one has to keep silent to keep their job. I appeal to students, workers, anyone in the public who have felt cornered in their workplaces or study to accompany my silent march for freedom of expression.”

Wagner’s looking for the right to tell his boss off, basically. (Further protests for the right to give your boss a Stunner and drink beer in celebratory manner are still to come, I hope.)

Wagner’s still upset CMLL didn’t put him on Dos Leyendas among other things and has made this known. Since CMLL is threatening to not book him at all for his recent comments, Dr. Wagner is taking it to the streets. Silently.

This is the greatest mostly insane thing I’ve ever read. We NEED video of this. I hoping either massive amounts of people follow Wagner, or it’s four kids, their mangy dog and a hobo. One or the other.

CMLL (FRI) 04/25 Arena Mexico
1) Pequeño Violencia & Pierrothito vs Pequeno Maximo & Ultimo Dragoncito
2) Felino, Máscara Púrpura, Máximo vs Diamante Negro, Euforia, Nosferatu
3) Blue Panther, La Máscara, Marco Corelone vs Black Warrior, Olímpico, Universo 2000
4) Heavy Metal, Negro Casas, Shocker vs Atlantis, Toscano, Último Guerrero
5) Averno, Mephisto, Terrible vs Héctor Garza, LA Park, Místico

The big news coming out of this show does not seem to be a match – the only ongoing feud is the rehash in the main event – but the offical annoucement of the tag title rematch.

Next weekend is the Lucha Libre Expo, which would seemed to affect crowds elswhere. I don’t if it’ll make them go down (people have spent their entertainment money already) or up (they want to see more), but it seems unpredictable. I like Robert’s idea of waiting one more week for the Gran Prix and running it then.

When Minimo’s debut is the second biggest news item on a show, it’s a down week. AAA actually has a more interesting Friday night show even though it’s not a TV Taping:

AAA (FRI) 04/25 Arena Azteca Budokan
4) Alan Stone, Chris Stone, Super Calo vs Decnnis, Scorpio Jr., Zumbido
5) Rossy Moreno vs Estrellita [hair, cage]
6) Zorro vs Cibernetico vs Mesias [electric cage]

Stones/Guapos feud, someone loses their hair, and a possible TripleMania main event preview. I hope that’s not actually what they’re doing for TripleMania but it seems to be the path they’re on.

ESTO’s voting “tag titles are vacant”

Juventued Guerrera wearing a t-shirt of Juventud Guerrera.

CMLL (THU) 04/24 Arena Neza [Reforma via Jazzo]
5) Blue Panther, Mr. Credible, Negro Casas DQ Villano III, Villano IV, Villano V

Panther’s mask got destroyed.

(Reforma via Jazzo) Enrqiue Vera Jr. plans to make his Arena Naucalpan debut on May 11st. It seems to me he’s wrestled far more than the one time he’s claimed in this article, but perhaps Hijo de Enrique Vera is meant to be a different person.

CMLL (MON) 04/28 Arena Puebla
1) Blue Center & Centella de Oro vs Espiritu Maligno & Zigma
2) Fuerza Chicana, Furia Chicana, Policeman vs Cerebro Negro, Flecha, Kraken
3) Goddess, Luna Mágica, Marcela vs Amapola, Hiroka, Medussa
4) Blue Panther, La Sombra, Volador Jr. vs Terrible, Texano Jr., Villano V
5) Héctor Garza, Místico, Shocker vs Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto

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6 thoughts to “04/25: Wagner to lead protest march against CMLL”

  1. By the way, I now have an idea for a comic book featuring the Scooby Doo people and Dr. Wagner Jr. if anyone’s buying. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  2. And one day we will sit around and tell our kids of how Cesar Wagner got equal rights for all workers not just wrestlers, ah yes there will be a day when you will walk up to your boss, give him a stunner and stand on his chest and proudly drink that beer and say “fuck You”!!! LOL!

  3. How could it possibly be an angle? CMLL has not mention it, if it shows up during one of the TV Shows, theyn it would be an angle, but it doesn’t seem likely.

    There’ll be lots of guys showing up for pics and autographs, I wonder if it’ll make the regular news…

  4. Solo Luchas points out there’s an annual parade on the Sunday before April 30th at that location. So Wagner’s going to just hijack the parade for his own uses.

  5. Yeah, Wagner ain’t dumb enough to try and start a parade on his own. He’s popular but he isn’t mainstream popular.

    Jose says the first Vera Jr. that worked a while back was a fake and this is an entirely new fake kid.

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