04/05 AAA TV Results (Torreon)

Previous: 03/05 (SLP), 03/09 (Texcoco), 03/16 (Monterrey, Rey de Reyes)

AAA TV (SAT) 04/05 Plaza de Toros de Torreon, Coahuila [KrisZ]
1) Argenis & Gato Eveready b Picudo & Toxico AAA
2) Mascarita de la Muerte, Mini Abismo Negro, Mini Histeria b Mascarita Sagrada, Mini Dizzy, Octagoncito
3) Fabi Apache & Gran Apache b Billy Boy & Mari Apache [ri]
4) Jack Evans, Kenzo Suzuki, Teddy Hart b Joe Lider, Juventud Guerrera, Ultimo Gladiador
5) Alan Stone, El Elegido, Laredo Kid DQ Cuervo, Mesias, Ozz
6) Cibernetico DQ Zorro

Projected air date (#831)
Mexico: 04/13
US: 05/03

Mesias ran in and attacked Cibernetico so Zorro would end up losing (and I guess not become #1 contender.) Feels like we’re headed to another triangle match here.

Sect beat up Laredo and ripped off his mask for the DQ.

Mari gave Fabi the Wagner Driver of Death after the match.

Upcoming Tapings
04/10: Toluca
04/16: Celaya

04/06: Coliseo, Kid’s Day, IWRG, Tormenta

No results yet from that show.

CMLL (SUN) 04/06 Arena Coliseo
1) Méssala & Pólvora b Sensei & Trueno
2) Atomo, Pequeño Olímpico, Último Dragoncito DQ Pequeño Black Warrior, Pequeño Violencia, Pierrothito
3) Euforia, Nosferatu, Satánico b Fabián el Gitano, Leono, Tony Rivera
4) Dark Angel, Goddess, Marcela b Amapola, Hiroka, Mima Shimoda
5) Mr. Águila, Terrible, Texano Jr. b Grey Shadow, Máximo, Valiente
6) Dos Caras Jr., Místico, Shocker DQ Atlantis, Toscano, Último Guerrero

It came down to UG and Mistico. Mistico got La Mistica, so UG yanked off his own mask and tossed it away. Somehow, Tigre Hispano bought this and gave him a DQ win.

Dark Angel pinned Amapola again. If it matters. Third match was completely unadvertised, has no pictures, and might be a typo on some level (or they’re doing a feud, I guess.) (Never mind, it was a typo.) Pierrothito yanked Dragoncito’s mask en route to a two fall loss.

CMLL posted it’s Kid’s Day lineup, which has one more match that last year (maybe for CadenaTres purposes?)

CMLL (WED) 04/30 Arena Mexico
1) Ángel Azteca Jr., Astro Boy, Sombra de Plata vs Artillero, Pólvora, Súper Comando
2) Mascarita Dorada vs Bam Bam, Shockercito, Nino de Acero, Pequeño Damian 666, Celestial, Pequeño Halloween, Mr. Aguilita, Pequeno Warrior, Pequeno Ninja [cibernetico]
3) La Sombra, Sagrado, Volador Jr. vs Fantasma Jr., La Máscara, Valiente [MEX TRIOS]
4) Marco Corelone, Místico, Shocker vs Averno, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Mephisto

The tecnico vs tecnico trios title match finally makes it to DF, though not with the same lineup as elsewhere, where Purpura’s been in Fantasma’s spot.

I’ve got records of a Pequeno Ninja in Jalisco and Xalapa. No idea if this is the same guy. A Nino de Acero has been seen in Queretaro.

7pm is a late start for a Kid’s Day show.

IWRG (SUN) 03/30 Arena Naucalpan [SuperLuchas #258]
1) Judas el Traidor b Halcón Salvaje
2) Avisman & Chico Che b Nemesis IWRG & Rockero del Diablo
3) Oficial 911, Oficial AK47, Oficial Fierro b Fantasma de la Ópera, Filoso IWRG, Freelance [EdM Trios]
4) Cerebro Negro, Mascara Ano 2000 Jr., Ventarron Negro b Aeroman, Negro Navarro, Solar I
5) Hijo del Cien Caras, Máscara Año 2000, Universo 2000 b Hijo de Anibal, LA Park, Multifacetico

LA Park turned on Anibal in the third fall of the main event. Title match came down to Fantasma de la Opera fouled Fierro, but Fierro still rolled him up for the win.

IWRG (THU) 04/03 Arena Naucalpan [SuperLuchas #258]
1) Comando Gama b Armbar
2) Gemelo Fantastico I, Gemelo Fantastico II, Miss Gaviota b Payaso Carrona, Payaso Miedo, Payaso Terror
3) Aeroman, Multifacético, Zatura b Black Terry, Capian Muerte, El Hijo del Diablo
4) el Hijo Del Anibal, El Hijo del Solitario, Pantera b Mr. Matanaza, Septiembre Negro II, Veneno
5) Dos Caras Sr., Groon XXX, Negro Navarro b Hijo del Cien Caras, Máscara Año 2000, Ventarron Negro

(El_Jawa @ Satanico’s Mansion) Fray Tormenta is still upset Mistico hasn’t talked to him or donated anything to him. Either Fray Tormenta truly believes Mistico isn’t actually a kid from his orphanage (which would be odd, because that seems to be false) or Fray Tormenta thinks Mistico should pay the orphanage if he’s going to pretend to be from there.

SuperLuchas #258 has lots on WrestleMania.

Vampiro, never to wrestle again, is involved in some angle for the XPW reunion show.

Spain’s Publico goes to Arena Isabel and talks to Skandalo to find out about lucha libre. No, I know what you’re thinking, but it’s actually good.

El Unvierso writes about the WAR lucha libe group in Ecuador. We need to make a map of all these small promotions in South America.

Estadio W, who hopefully can find time to fix their web audio feed, writes about the 65th Anniversary of Arena Coliseo from a boxing history standpoint.

AAA Corsario Blanco (FRI) 03/28 Auditorio Reynaldo Portes [SuperLuchas #258]
1) Reptulus b X-Men
2) Blak Master & Okusono b Alas de la Noche & Diskar
3) La Parkita & Octagoncito b Jerrito Estrada & Mini Chessman
4) Misterio de la Muerte L Bulldozer, Arana Maligna I, Flash (local), Corsario Blanco, Pandillera, Guerrera Negra [mask, cage]
5) Billy Boy & Fabi Apache b Gran Apache & Mari Apache

CMLL (SAT) 04/05 Arena Solidaridad [RFC]
1) Muerte Guerrera b Flecha (Solidaridad)
2) Azteca Warrior & Furor b Angel del Silencio & Rey Pantera
3) Flash & Morvius b Andoride & Memo Valles
4) Diluvio Negro, Hijo del Trueno, La Sombra b Caifan 69, Terrible, Texano Jr.
5) Místico & Volador Jr. b Averno & Mephisto

CMLL SPARTAN (WED) 04/30 Auditorio Municipal Tampico [Lia. Pedro Miguel Mtz Pacheco 30 @ LMDLL]
1) Baby Lover & Rayo Azteca vs Arana Maglino II & Aterradora Arana
2) Mascarita Dorada & Shockercito vs Mr. Aguilita & Pequeño Damian 666
3) Iron Boy & King Boy vs Aborto & Mensjaero de la Muerte [super libre]
4) Brazo de Platino, Máximo, Oro Negro vs Loco Max, Nitro, Silver Fox
5) Místico & Sagrado vs Averno & Mephisto

Hmmm. Aren’t there supposed to be No More Lucha Shows in this building?