04/05.2: more on Park/UG, lineups, CAN52

SuperLuchas’ recap of last night’s Arena Mexico show shares the refrain of Ovaciones’ this morning: LA Park vs Ultimo Guerrero was not good and a lot of people were walking out during it. If you check otu the comments, Ernesto says all four people they had there felt the same way, so this was a pretty widespread feeling.

CMLL.com has a note about this match, with the hardest sell being “this is not the end of this.” As I write this, this newsbite is directly above the one about how LA Park will get a mask match if he wins. That’s not addressed at all in today’s update. I think that’s the problem here – no one cares about this feud at all (they just randomly started a death feud last week, because even the stuff with the PPV was about Mistico), no believes they’re going to have a mask match (to the point where there’s not a single person disappointed the match isn’t going to happen, just using the easy chance to mock CMLL for not living up to these promises yet again) and no one cares about a fake hate feud.

I think it was Steve Sims who was wondering if Dr. Wagner Jr. would be ultimately hurt because CMLL was never paying off his big teased mask matches. It turns it out Wagner’s okay, because he’s Wagner, but everyone who’s not Dr. Wagner is feeling the pain. The people do not believe in rivalries between top masked guys any more because they’re smart enough to remember the dozens of recent ones which never ever go to a conclusion (Averno and Mistico teased a mask match again) and all the brawling and mask ripping isn’t going to make them believe right now. Yea, it does say something negative about UG and Park that they could not get their match over with the crowd (and I’m surprised UG hasn’t been listed as Most Overrated on those lists on DVDVR), but I think it’s just one example of a company wide problem.

At any rate, if they’re following up on Park/UG, they ain’t doing this this week. They’re nowhere to be seen.

CMLL (TUE) 04/08 Arena Mexico
1) Puma King & Semental vs Molotov & Trueno
2) Mascarita Dorada, Pequeño Olímpico, Último Dragoncito vs Fire, Pequeño Black Warrior, Pierrothito
3) Fabián el Gitano, Leono, Tony Rivera vs Mentallo, Ohara, Shigeo Okumura
4) Axel, Máximo, Sagrado vs Olímpico, Sangre Azteca, Virus
5) Alex Koslov, Negro Casas, Shocker vs Damián 666, Mr. Águila, Terrible

This is Axel’s last match before heading to South America. Seems like they’ve figured out Puma King’s name this time around.

CMLL (FRI) 04/11 Arena Mexico
1) Ángel Azteca Jr. & Metálico vs Artillero & Súper Comando
2) Flash, Stuka Jr., Súper Nova vs Diamante Negro, Euforia, Nosferatu
3) Fantasma Jr., La Máscara, Valiente vs Ephesto, Misterioso II, Sangre Azteca
4) Blue Panther, Heavy Metal, Negro Casas vs Terrible, Texano Jr., Villano V
5) Héctor Garza, Marco Corelone, Místico vs Averno, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Mephisto

Main event is a revenge match for this week’s rudo win. I presume they’re setting up the tag title rematch here. Panther/V5 resumes. Hijo de Fantasma is starting up here, about the same level as Axxel. I think this is the same one who was in AAA for the Mexican Middleweight Tournament, but I know there’s a Fantasma Jr. and I have no way of keeping them straight.

CMLL CAN52 GdR #124 had
03/28 Mexico: Dark Angel, Goddess, Luna Mágica b Hiroka, Mima Shimoda, Rosa Negra
03/30 Coliseo: Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., LA Park DQ Villano III, Villano IV, Villano V
outside the ring: Mr. Aguila

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16 thoughts to “04/05.2: more on Park/UG, lineups, CAN52”

  1. I think all CMLL needs to do to fix this problem is find a mask feud people will actually care about, and then deliver the match, even if the price tag seems steep. My pick for this would be Wagner/Atlantis. If Wagner is asking for what the rumors say ($250K), then CMLL should throw whatever they have to at Atlantis to drop the hood. At that point, if Wagner takes a big mask, fans might think there is something to a Wagner/Park, or Wagner/Guerrero, or Park/Guerrero feud.

    Also… with the way a Wagner/Guerrero angle was teased in August/September, and Guerrero seemingly being thrown into a mask angle with Park, I wonder if Guerrero agreed to lose the mask in the Wagner angle, but when Wagner “left” CMLL, and they have no one for him to lose it to, yet they still want to do that big match.

    And, I am starting to think that Mistico/Averno is the backup for that big match.

  2. I asked O’Campo why the match was treated so badly and he said they just worked the match like a typical CMLL match (that’s a bad thing) instead of the kind of match they’d work on the indy circuit which the crowd wanted to see.

    I have my own two theories which may both be true…

    1) Look at the match times on the undercard and factor in a few minutes between matches. Not a single match was timed below 13:00 and the semi-main got 20:00. So logic says the main event didn’t come out until 10:30 or a little after that. Then they ran a long almost 20:00 main event! Crowd may have just impatient and left b/c they needed to catch the train. They’re not used to these “long” matches since at least 2 matches every week barely hit 10:00 on the undercard.

    2) Mistico/Perrito were in the semi-main. It just goes to show more how the crowd who attends Arena Mexico are not wrestling fans, they just want a fun night out to see the “stars” who are only Mistico and Perrito. Once they saw those guys and realized the night wasn’t over, they stayed to see who was in the main event and when they realized it was two masked guys they don’t recognize – they left. This would explain people leaving in the first and second fall. It’s not a good sign for CMLL b/c it shows how little new stars they’ve created, how the old stars aren’t treated as stars any more and how if anything happens to Mistico and Perrito – CMLL is in BIG TROUBLE. It also gives far too much leverage to those two when it comes to negotiating how much money they make and threatening to jump.

  3. “…CMLL CAN52 GdR #124 had…”

    (man, i hate being a newbie.)

    how do you access the GdR articles/pix? does GdR have a website?

  4. Unless CMLL clears PPV on cable in Mexico, and the US, they won’t be able to pay for a major mask. Right now, they’re only on SKY, and that’s not enough.

    I wonder if the daniel on superluchas is the same one who posts here?

    cubs, please put up the women’s match from 52MX.

  5. GdR is a TV show called Guerreros Del Ring that CMLL has on Canal 52MX every weekend.

    Pretty sure the Daniel that posts here doesn’t speak Spanish.

  6. if you’re referring to me (i.e. ???), then no, i’m not daniel. (you’ve asked before — i probably should have answered then, yeah?) i’m a female from Canada.

    (i really should put a name though, eh? if anyone wants to come up with a decent name for me, i’ll be happy to adopt it here.)


  7. ok, thanx! so is there a way to access the clips online?

    i’m not too good when it comes to technical, so i’m kinda hoping there’s nothing harder than a link click.(then again, that’s what brothers are for, so if it really is complicated, i’ll just get mine to figure it out for me.) :P

  8. How about refraining from teasing a mask match if you don’t have one actually planned?

    The feed is still messing up.

    Victor, do you have a feed for 100% Lucha?

  9. So is Fabian related to someone in CadenaTres Managment or something? How does he keep getting booked?

  10. The UG vs Park match was better than most mano a mano matches CMLL has been tourturing us for a while now. Detractors are saying that “TV pulled a miracle there with the edition”, which of course is BS since then we wouldn’t have to endure that many bad matches they’ve putting on.

    It had its issues, mainly LA Park being overweight and slow and making them both tired soon, which of course, made more sense than those 3 minutes couple of falls which lead to the same result… besides, it looks as if LA Park is not over at all, Ultimo got his usual part of the crowd going for him, but Park barely got any reactions, maybe the ugly colors for his outfit had something to do with it.

  11. I really wish I could of seen it but the stupid feed been mess up this whole weekend.

    How was the Rey De Reyes ladder match?

  12. Ladder match was bad enough to make the one from Guerra de Titanes look… even worse.

    Word is that Rayo, Canek and Atlantis are asking a price which CMLL won’t be willing to pay for their masks, even less so for Wagner winning, the Wagner vs Ultimo feud was just a tease, like most of masks matches challenges issued after pretty much each match.

  13. Also, “the kind of match they’d work on the indy circuit” involves foreing objects, brawling into the crowd and blood, so if fans are expecting to see that in ArMex…

  14. The only Mask match I think that is going to happen is Mistico taking Averno’s mask. Hell I’m shocked it hasn’t happened sooner.

  15. I don’t see Averno losing that mask soon. I really think the big Anniversary show in September will be another 8-man cage with someone like Villano 5 losing.

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