taped 03/09, aired 03/30 in the US

When I was watching the minis match, it felt like it was in the bottom quarter of those that have aired, but it’s tough for me to put a finger on a single reason why. I like the idea of having guys of different shapes and weights in the division, but Bracito de Plata didn’t do much for me but be fat and I was kinda left thinking of his upside as “guy who should be losing his mask to Mini Halloween or Mini Damian any time now.” I dug Fire here more than I have in the past.

Amapola/Marcela matches have generally been better than this Amapola/Dark Angel match, but I would like to see it again with more time and it’s the most complete Dark Angel match in a while. Marcela and Amapola don’t get enough times for their matches either, but Sarah and Amapola were trying enough variety of stuff that I wanted to see all they would do if given more of an opportunity/less editing.

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16 thoughts to “CMLL FSE #84”

  1. Tzuki did not do much. He was in the ring three minutes at most, little offense, and seemed out of it. He stood in the corner a lot, then came in to get pinned.

  2. “This is Bracito de Oro’s first TV match in who knows how long. Wait, I have a website for this exact purpose! He was in a cibernetico on CAN52 last year, a GDL match the year before that, and a PPV way back in 2000.”

    What GDL match? I don’t remember him being in a GDL TV match.

  3. If it was me, I’d cut a fall out of the women’s match to air a Noti CMLL style show updating everyone on the current events involving only the mini’s. A special sitdown interview with Sombrita would be up first.

  4. Oh, right right. It only aired in highlights and he was actually never shown. He got hurt and it turned into a handicap match which was a straight falls rudo win. They aired the match one spot lower instead.

  5. Yes, an events center segment is needed for CMLL. Especially for the US to keep us up to date on the happenings in Arena Mexico.

    All minis and women matches for tv should be one fall. This would help with time for the segments. Eliminate the stupid “llaves” and “diseno” segments too. An update from ArMex is needed now. I swear, the Mexican kid who works the cereal aisle in the supermarket does not know who Hector Garza is. That’s MVS’s fault.

  6. This is a bit Devil’s Advocate, but…

    What’s the point of running a CMLL general news update? MVS should promote feuds happening on it’s shows to get people to continue to watch them, but how does CMLL or MVS benefit from promoting the larger CMLL universe?

    If the kid in the cereal aisle can’t buy the PPV with Hector Garza on it, can’t go to a CMLL show with Hector Garza on it, can’t buy some merchandise with Hector Garza on it, does it matter if he knows who Hector Garza is?

  7. Many fans, excluding the kid I’m talking about, remember CMLL on Galavision, and remember who the top stars are. They know that the garbage on FSE is just prelim junk and not worth watching each week. Even FSE knows who the top stars are, which is why they gave Mistico their award, instead of Leono who truly deserved it based on what he accomplished in the FSE “universe” in 2007.

    I can’t help but think that a general news update with clips of Perro winning Garza’s hair, or Lizmark losing his mask, would make the FSE show more interesting, regardless of the fact that CMLL will probably never tour or do PPV’s in the US. Still makes better programming than “diseno” and “llaves”.

  8. Do you know who runs the luchawiki site? I had a question about some info on a certain profile.

  9. Cubs created LuchaWiki and is the head cheese. Jose’s Arena bios were the foundation of information and numerous people have contributed to updates over the years. You just need to sign up for an account and edit away.

  10. Continuing the discussion on MVS/FSE, one more point.

    Galavision no longer airs the weekly CMLL/Televisa program in the US. My feeling is that FSE/MVS can benefit from this by being the exclusive provider of CMLL and it’s top stars and top angles. I’d take advantage of this since Televisa and Galavision have dropped the ball on CMLL in the US.

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