taped 03/09, aired 03/30 in the US

When I was watching the minis match, it felt like it was in the bottom quarter of those that have aired, but it’s tough for me to put a finger on a single reason why. I like the idea of having guys of different shapes and weights in the division, but Bracito de Plata didn’t do much for me but be fat and I was kinda left thinking of his upside as “guy who should be losing his mask to Mini Halloween or Mini Damian any time now.” I dug Fire here more than I have in the past.

Amapola/Marcela matches have generally been better than this Amapola/Dark Angel match, but I would like to see it again with more time and it’s the most complete Dark Angel match in a while. Marcela and Amapola don’t get enough times for their matches either, but Sarah and Amapola were trying enough variety of stuff that I wanted to see all they would do if given more of an opportunity/less editing.

CMLL CAN52 #123

taped 03/23, aired 03/29

Volador/UG was better than Perro/Aguayo and Marco/UG. It had all the same problems all the big CMLL singles matches seem to have (short short long fall sequence, match cut down so much that guys are selling dead tied from the start of the third whistle for no reason, at least there wasn’t as move rest move rest as usual) but I still thought it was enjoyable.

I’d like someone to mix it up and give me a big tag or a big trios match on this show instead of everything ending in the a 50-85% performance singles match, but I take what I can get.


taped 03/02, aired 03/23 in the US

This one’s still not on the schedule to repeat yet, so I’m going with what I have – a version with no sound, and a missing fall of the opener. It’s just that way sometimes.

Not that this show is so hurt by it. The women’s match was not so different than other ones in the lead up to Amapola/Dark Angel and it’s not like I wasn’t going to watch the title match next week because I didn’t get the third fall here. (Still, why take out the deciding fall ever?) Main event was as long as most and worked out okay->good, but there wasn’t a lot new brought to the table.

CMLL CAN52 #122

taped 03/16, aired 03/22

What went wrong this week:

There’s been better Virusfernales matches to than this one. Main event was good, but nothing you need to go out of you way to see by a long shot. The most interesting thing was the Out Of Costume (but only seen from behind) Monito. He’s treated like a human cartoon, even on the relative lucha libre scale, and so it was just distracting to see him as a normal person (that I really couldn’t focus on what he said this week, or next.)

The second most interesting thing was Ultimo Dragon out right stealing Alex’s Stop sign bit. I’m sure Alex is okay with it.

This is as good place to mention as any that if anyone wanted to figure out regular finishing holds to update Trademark Moves field on the wiki, the easiest thing to do would be to go thru these recaps and just look at the stats for each match. The data is all there, and easy to extract since it’s just looking at the finish listings, it’s just a matter of collating it for each wrestler. It’s not a lot of work, it’s just another idea I have with a bunch of other ideas stacked in front of it.

Worst newest great idea: mimic fantasy sports player trackers, so that all the wcard pages have a list of recent news items attached to them. It’s just take twice the work of what I’m doing now + a bunch of time for set up, but it’d be so useful when it’s up and running and would help fill the hole of lack of profile updates on the wiki. I’d totally blow off everything to start doing it, if there weren’t 20 other projects I’ve got in various states of unfinished-ness. It’s kinda frustrating.


taped 02/24, aired 03/16 in the US

I don’t think they knew Panther was feuding with Villano V at this point. Grey Shadow’s MVS debut was only remarkable for the over complicated stunner combo (rule of lucha libre = keep the moves simple and make the submissions complicated) and the English promo.

It made me wish I could figure out why my PC is having a tough time capturing my VCR – I’m ditching all the VHS I’ve found laying around, but I want to transfer some to DVD and the best way for me to do that is recapturing it on my computer. My computer’s just not seeing any video there (even though this same method worked perfectly when capturing stuff over from my TiVo, before they turned file transfer on.) The added benefit of redoing the video is I’d be able to have some old clips to play around with, like the last First interview I heard Rocky Romero do on CMLL TV. That one was far more memorable than anything on here. (or more memorable than this last paragraph.)

04/03: Mexico, GDL

I’m otherwise occupied today, so I’ve got Tuesday’s results for you now, and I’ll be posting the FSE/CAN52 recaps one per hour till I’m all caught up there. If there’s more news that breaks, I’ll get to it when I can but go ahead and talk about it in the comments.

CMLL (TUE) 04/01 Arena Mexico
1) Artillero & Súper Comando b Súper Camaleón & Súper Tri
2) Arkangel de la Muerte, Dr. X, Hooligan b Astro Boy, Leono, Tigre Blanco
3) Fabian el Gitano, Mictlán, Tony Rivera DQ Euforia, Nosferatu, Vangelis
4) Heavy Metal, La Máscara, La Sombra b Olímpico, Sangre Azteca, Universo 2000
5) Damián 666, Mr. Águila, Terrible b Héctor Garza, Shocker, Volador Jr.

Terrible fouled Garza and pinned him, which is a bit of a surprise.

In the tercera, Fabian replaced Flash. Vangelis led his team to a straight falls loss, getting DQed for excessive rudoness in the second fall. Santo debuted the same way, and that ends any comparison of Vangelis and Santo.

Tigre Blanco returned to replace Trueno, in his first known back since taking time off to deal with head issues. Becaus he’s a replacment (and they may have already know Fabian was subbing for Flash), I wonder if it was a last minute thing and perhaps not indicative of a planned return. Hopefully some more info will turn up about his status.

CMLL (TUE) 04/01 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Quazar b Thunder Boy
2) Ebola vs Virgo
3) Lider DQ Asesino Negro
4) Vaquero b Metatron
5) Pierrothito b Ultimo Dragoncito
6) Axxel, Gallo, Máximo DQ Malefico, Misterioso II, Toxico
7) Alex Koslov & Marco Corelone b Black Warrior & Texano Jr.

Black Warrior replaced Rey in the main event. Tecs won clean. Misterioso fouled Gallo in the semimain. Dragoncito replaced Tzuki and hopefully didn’t KO himself on an Asai moonsault, like the last time I can recall him facing Pierrothito in a singles match. Vaquero beat Metatron clean. Lider knocked down the ref by accident and faked a low blow on purpose. It all worked for him.

CMLL (SUN) 04/06 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Palacio Negro vs Novato
2) Valentin Mayo vs Thunder Boy
3) Metatron & Virgo vs Fraile de la Muerte & Guero Loco
4) Flash, Máscara Púrpura, Metalik vs Depredador (Guadalajara), Mr. Trueno, Rey Trueno
5) Metal Blanco vs Vaquero [mask, hair]
6) La Sombra, Rayman, Sagrado vs Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto

There’s the apuesta match they’ve been setting up. Sagrado and Rayman are still the local tag team champs, I wonder if the main event is setting up something.

CMLL (TUE) 04/08 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Milenio vs Relampago
2) Idolo vs Guero Loco
3) Nube Roja vs Asesino Negro
4) Thunder Boy vs Vaquero
5) El Gallo vs Mr. Trueno
6) Casanova & Leon Blanco vs Infierno & Super Maquina
7) Grey Shadow, Místico, Último Dragón vs Atlantis, Toscano, Último Guerrero

Maybe Vaquero being booked for this show is a positive sign! Probably not.