03/21-23 Lucha Times


FSE-US: the title for this show is “Blue Panther vs Lizmark Jr.”, but of course Lizmark Jr. hasn’t been wrestling lately. I dunno what that means, so I just went with the usual. The Amapola vs Dark Angel is already listed for NEXT week, so this taping has to be these matches anyway.

AAA US: Captains Advance To Rey De Reyes. Legion vs HBs/Intocable in the main event.

CAN52: Minis match is too good not to air. More Volador/Ultimo build in the main event.


CMLL (Mex PPV): the full Friday night show.

CMLL (Mex TV): who knows. Repeat material, likely.

AAA MEX: Last stop before Rey de Reyes. Two more get in, and the full HBs are back together to take on Abismo, Head Hunter and Zorro.

FSE MEX: Virus & Infernales in one match, Sagrado and Valiente in another. Not quite right.

CadenaTres: the usual.

AAA #824

taped 02/15, aired 03/15

I really loved this match. In a promotion where rudo refereeing is done and overdone and then done some more, it does still work when you’re not expecting it and they’re subtlety building it thru the match. It even makes sense if you remember back to their (unresolved) issues last year – just because Abismo might be becoming a good guy doesn’t mean Hijo de Tirantes has to like him. Niebla was also as good as I’ve seen him here.

There’s been better matches, I don’t know if it would hold up to rewatching or redoing, and the post-match angle doesn’t make any sense as a story. On the other side, AAA seems to have toned down rudo referee bits – Piero’s been calling it more fair of late, Copetes hasn’t been around a lot, and Tirantes Sr. hasn’t been around at all – so this was helped by similar stuff not happening.

I’m totally expecting Hijo de Tirantes to be a back tecnico referee next time he’s referring a match without Abismo Negro, because I hope I would know if Hijo de Tirantes has been a rudo for a month. It was good to get to boo him for purposely being a rudo, instead of all the attention grabbing tecnico referee things I’m not supposed to make a deal about.

Meanwhile, the cage match, and the lack of idea of what was going on, was so AAA. I wonder how many people thought they won that match. “I know it’s tough for you, Halloween, having to get beat up post match, but you get to win the match!”

03/19: Coliseo, TripleMania, Televisa, DTU

Zorro and his huge Rey de Reyes sword

(Vanguarida) An employee of AAA, Daniel Chavez Benitez, passed away Monday when a tire on the van he was driving exloded, the car started to roll, and things got worse from there. Eight other people were injuried in the accident. Benitez and many of the others were selling merchandise at Rey de Reyes.

CMLL (SUN) 03/16 Arena Coliseo
1) Artillero & Súper Comando b Kid Tiger & Molotov
2) Mascarita Dorada, Pequeño Olímpico, Último Dragoncito b Mr. Aguilita, Pequeño Damian 666, Pequeño Halloween
3) Máscara Púrpura, Máximo, Mictlán b Euforia, Nosferatu, Virus
4) Sagrado, Último Dragón, Valiente b Mascara Ano 2000, Olímpico, Sangre Azteca
5) Dos Caras Jr., Dr. Wagner Jr., Volador Jr. DQ Atlantis, Rey Bucanero, Último Guerrero

Tecs won first fall clean. Second fall came down to Volador and Ultimo and Ultimo faked a foul. Volador knew he was screwed, so he brilliantly took off his own mask and threw it at Ultimo before the referee turned around. Rafa el Maya saw Ultimo selling a foul, saw Volador with his mask off, and had no idea what to call, so he asked the fans! Fans told him Ultimo yanked Volador’s mask, and that was the decision. This sets up the singles match next week, guaranteed not to have a clean finish.

One bad dive by Purpura took out both him and Nosferatu in the third match. Both were helped to the back before the end of the match.

Marco Rivera, who’s been pretty accurate about these things, says TripleMania will be 06/13 in Palacio de los Deportes, Mexico City. Besides the link over on the right side there, KatoKungFu posted photos from Rey de Reyes at el Martiente. Chavo Guerrero looks a bit rough.

In Reforma (via Jazzo), Fabian el Gitano apologizes for being a bad wrestler. No, really! He says he’s rededicated himself to improving, dropping his other job as a stripper to spend more time training. It sounds like he was asked to do this if he wanted to keep getting booked. I hope it works and he didn’t drop the wrong job.

(superluchas) Televisa’s always strange Wrestler of the Year ballot has Perro Aguayo Jr. (fair enough), Rey Misterio Jr. (strange – not even the year you’d pick if you were picking based on people outside of Mexico) and Abismo Negro (inexplicable given how much time he’s missed.)

Ovaciones has no results from last night’s action, but they do have an extended interview with Crazy Boy. Crazy lays out his vision for DTU again (trying to give spotlight to lesser known talent and different styles, not trying to compete with CMLL or AAA or IWRG or AULL.) He mentions the previously announced 04/04 DTU show, and also throws out the planned carded for their 05/04 show at the Lucha Libre Expo:

DTU (SUN) 05/04 Centro Banamex
1) Dark Zinder & Hoit vs Dance Boy & Money Pack and Black Fire & Ragde
2) Angel O Demonio vs Amo de la Noche, Talaxys
3) Aero Boy, Kaientai, Nightmare vs Lord Byron, Pesaddila, Violento Jack
4) A Star From ROH & Crazy Boy vs Joe Lider & Someone From The US

CMLL (MON) 03/17 Domo de la Feria de Leon [Am.Com.Mx]
1) Nitro, Skandalo, Virus b Carta Brava, Máscara Púrpura, Mictlán
2) Grey Shadow, La Sombra, Máximo b Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto
3) LA Park, Místico, Negro Casas b Atlantis, Rey Bucanero, Último Guerrero

Mistico got Ultimo with a small package in the main event. They fought again after the match and Mistico got in La Mistica

CHIKARA’s King of Trios DVDs, which included Pantera, Skayde and Incognito, is now for sale at Smart Mark Videos.

CMLL (THU) 03/20 Arena Neza
1) Molotov & Trueno vs Calígula & Méssala
2) Bam Bam, Pequeño Olímpico, Último Dragoncito vs Mr. Aguilita, Pequeño Damian 666, Pequeño Halloween
3) Felino, La Sombra, Leono vs Arkangel de la Muerte, Dr. X, Nitro
4) Alex Koslov, Místico, Negro Casas vs Averno, Damián 666, Mephisto

indy (SUN) 03/23 Arena Coliseo Monterrey
1) Metalico (Monterrey) & Mini Gato Volador vs Mariposa Monarca & Mini Hator
2) Aguila Rela & Huesos vs La Furia & Negro Casas
3) Angel del Amor, Genocida, Turbina vs Pancho Tequila, Rey Infernal, Tonina Jackson
4) Golden Boy, Huracan Ramirez Jr., Ultraman Jr. vs Espanto Jr., Jaque Mate, Simbolo
5) Hator vs Aventurero [FILL MIDDLE]

Noticas Oaxaca profiles local wrestler Guerrero Estelar.

Van Nuys, California indy wrestler Super Mojado was written about in a write story.

San Fransico’s Hotel del Arts has a Casa de Luchador. (thanks to Robert Lamb)

PressPeru wries about a woman trying to push for more women’s wrestling in her home country.

Site notes: This week’s AAA recap and the CAN52 recap are done and will be turning up the next two evenings. FSE lost a fall due to the game going long, so I’m just going to wait for the reair and take care of it next week.

News will be abbreviated on Friday and I do not figure on being around for PBP of the PPV. I’ll probably due the same open thread as the Rey de Reyes and catch up when I get a chance. I’ll chime over my iTouch if I end up some place with wireless.

03/18: Bestia Salvaje, Solidaridad

EDGAR ALEJANDRE @ box y lucha foro says Bestia Salvaje is having some severe health problems, to the point of the doctors telling the family to prepare for the worst.

CMLL (SAT) 03/15 Arena Solidaridad [RFC]
1) Andoride & Apolo Estrada Jr. b Hijo del Trueno & Sky
2) Azteca Warrior, Dark War, Furor b Dranser, Gemelo Muerte I, Scravos
3) Dralion, Mictlán, Sagrado b Caifan 69, Nosferatu, Satánico
4) Sangre Azteca b La Máscara [MEX WELTER]
5) LA Park b Dr. Wagner Jr., Nicho el Millionario

Volador vs Ultimo is on for Sunday in Coliseo.

Arturo Rivera says the CMLL Tag Team title change may be overturned. CMLL forgot to let the commission know there was going to be a title match, so there was no commission to authorize it as a title match at the show. I don’t think anything will come of this. Rivera also talks about Brazo de Oro some more.

ESTO’s recap of the Rey de Reyes says the Clowns are at 91 wins.

El Gris @ El Martiente posted photos of an AAA show from this past Saturday.

Rey Misterio Sr. says they’re planning a rematch of WrestleManiac.

CMLL (WED) 04/09 Plaza de Toros Monumental El Paseo [ddevil_mex @ Satanico’s Mansion]
1) Máximo vs Máscara Púrpura, Rayo de Plata Jr., Misterioso II, Sangre Azteca, Black Bull [cage, hair, mask]
2) Alex Koslov, Marco Corelone, Volador Jr. vs Damián 666, Mr. Águila, Terrible
3) Blue Panther, Místico, Negro Casas vs Averno, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Mephisto

Oddly, El Sol de San Luis Potosi’s near daily article about this show hasn’t mentioned the cage match. Rayo de Plata Jr. and Black Bull are locals who have been feuding, and Rayo de Plata Jr. appears to be the son of the promoter, so…

03/17: Tijuana, links

I’ve been waiting for Coliseo DF results to turn up. I’m sure they will about five seconds after I post this.

Anyone watch a lot of Puerto Rician wrestling? There’s a theory that Killer Clown, the tallest one of Psycho Circus, might have been someone who would’ve been brought over by Moody Jack Melendez, but I don’t know who’d fit.

indy (FRI) 03/14 Auditorio de Tijuana [d3v1lb0y @ box y lucha]
4) Angel Blanco Jr., El Hijo del Solitario, Hijo de Rey Misterio DDQ Arandu, Inferno, TJ Boy
5) Dr. Wagner Jr. & Último Dragón b LA Park & Toscano

Recall how Wagner’s crowd brawling was a problem in Laguna? Wagner and Park went brawling in the crowd here during the second fall, and the commission ordered the show shut down! Lights and sounds were turned off, referee left, and crowd was not happy. Fifteen minutes later, Wagner and Park came back to the ring and did a foul finish to end it and send people home. This is starting to become a trend.

The semimain was thrown out for too much extreme wrestling too, so someone decided to lay the law down.

Pierroth told Periodico Record (via wagnerdesdel92) he wil lretired on 08/15 (Friday) at Arena Mexico in a relevos increibles match: Pierroth & LA Park vs Atlantis & Satanico. It’s a long time between now and August. Pierroth explains this is pushed back from July because “there was a significant event in CMLL.”

El Sol del Hidaglo writes about Fray Tormenta’s life. I didn’t realize he was abusing drugs at the age of 13. He sounds upset Mistico and Sagrado don’t remember his orphanage enough.

Olimpico & Justiciero were scheduled for a singles match this Sunday in Coliseo Coalaco; dime_vakerochris @ box y lucha says it’s now a mask vs hair match.

An article in Hoy Tamaulipas accused AAA of using a fake Mesias on the show Saturday. The fake Mesias was “obese, and slow in the ring.”

Milenio-DF writes about a new lucha libre book, “Y detrás de las máscara…El pueblo” by German researcher Janina Möbius (who’s name is mispelled). It’s an examination of the links between lucha libre and Mexican society, and I think it came out a couple years ago. There’s an old thread on DVDVR about it, but can’t find a link for the book (and would presume its in German.)

Jvän_ßrvj() @ box y lucha posted an interesting factoid about the origin of the original Grey Shadow. It’s a right place, right time thing.

Televisa & Telemundo have reached a content sharing deal, but it’s going from the US to Mexico, not the other way (which we’d in the US would hope for lucha.) Telemundo will produce telenovelas in Mexico, Televisa will add a network to their servce to air them, and Telemundo will also air them in the US. (thanks to mikeinformer)

indy (MON) 05/05 Expo Fresas 2008, Irapuato, Guanajuato [el sol de irapuato]
1) Máscara Sagrada & Mil Mascaras vs Blue Demon Jr. & el Hijo Del Anibal

CMLL (MON) 05/12 Expo Fresas 2008, Irapuato, Guanajuato [el sol de irapuato]
1) Místico & Volador Jr. vs Damián 666 & el Hijo del Perro Aguayo

These are main events for an annual Strawberry Fair. I don’t put much stock into two months out lineups, but why not. Fairs are picking up as weather warms up; lucha libre is on the schedule in Mexico City’s fair, starting on the 03/30.

Black Terry Jr. posted photos of the AULL show and from one of the ANL daily fair show in the box y lucha forum.

Lourdes Groubet’s lucha libre photos are now in the Queretaro City Musuem.

I’m not sure why google is just picking it up now, but Pagina 12 Argentina writes about the 2006 revival of Gladiadores del Ring in Uruguay.

Slam! Canada’s review of Wrestlemaniac

Wrestlemaniac may not get great reviews, if any, but for a horror movie fan and wrestling fan, this movie fills both needs and keeps you from getting distracted.

Like a ball of string?

03/16 AAA TV Results (Monterrey, Rey de Reyes)

(Sunday news is one post below)

Previous: 03/01 (Orizaba), 03/05 (SLP), 03/09 (Texcoco)

AAA TV (SUN) 03/16 Plaza de Toros Monumental, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon [boxyluchalibrerpn foro, superluchas]
0) Principe Diamante, Street Boy, Tigre Cota b Black Mamba, Rio Bravo, Tito Santana II
1) Killer Clown, Psycho Clown, Zombie Clown b Cuervo, Ozz, Scoria
2) Mr. Niebla b El Elegido, Mascara Divina, Zumbido [Rey de Reyes, sf]
3) Alan Stone b Decnnis, Head Hunter I, Pirata Morgan [Rey de Reyes, sf]
4) Abismo Negro b Super Porky, Psicosis II, Aerostar [Rey de Reyes, sf]
5) Zorro b Scorpio Jr., Billy Boy, Super Fly [Rey de Reyes, sf]
6) Extreme Tiger b Chessman, Teddy Hart, Halloween, Juventud Guerrera, Joe Lider [ladder]
7) Electroshock, Kenzo Suzuki, Sabu, Scott Steiner b Alebrije, Charly Manson, Chavo Guerrero, Laredo Kid
8) Zorro b Mr. Niebla, Abismo Negro, Alan Stone [Rey de Reyes, final]
9) Cibernetico b Mesias [AAA HEAVY]

Projected Air Date (#829, #830)
Mexico: 03/16, 03/23
US: 04/19, 04/26

Cibernetico is the second champion. Sect lit a table to put him thru again, but HBs made the save, and Chessman put Ozz thru it.

Niebla and Abismo eliminated each other from the tournament final. Legion tried to get involved, but were balanced out by a bunch of tecnicos. Zorro appears to have won on his own.

Sabu replaced Ron Killings on the Legion team. Chavo Guerrero, here for Eddie’s induction into the AAA HOF, was the mystery tecnico partner. Scott Steiner beat Charly Manson.

Another in the unending Konnan/Roldan segments introduced La Parka Jr., who will be returning soon, again.

order of elimination
A: El Elegido (by Zumbido), Divina (by Niebla), Zumbido (by Niebla)
B: Decnnis (by Head Hunter), Head Hunter (by Pirata), Pirata (by Alan)
C: Aero Star (by Psicosis II), Psicosis II (by Porky), Porky (by Abismo)
D: Scorpio (by Billy), Billy (by Zorro), Aero (by Zorro)

Chessman took a bad bump in this match. Shocking. He’d reappear in the main event, so he did not die. Extreme Tiger got the money.

Original post: I’m at the galli show right now, and will put up results late tonight if they turn up. If you find them first, feel free to use this thread.

Upcoming Announced Shows
04/05: Torreon