03/03: Tampico, Solidaridad, Coliseo

Yoshie and Dragon, (BlackTerryJr. @ ByL)

CMLL (SAT) 03/01 Auditorio Municipal de Tampico [RFC]
1) Aborto & Mensajero de la Muerte b King Boy & Rayo Azteca
2) Darling Boy & Iron Boy b Alejandro Montana Jr. & Baby Ruiz
3) Alex Koslov, Astro Boy, Oro Negro b Dr. X, Nitro, Silver Fox
4) Loco Castillo L Máximo, Felino [hair]
5) el Hijo del Perro Aguayo & Mr. Águila b Lizmark Jr. & Rey Bucanero

Lizmark Jr., in fact, did wrestle a match this weekend. Rey was here replacing Atlantis, among many CMLL switches on the card. Felino replaced La Mascara, who had missed the lead up this match. The story they’re going here with is the commissioner would not allow La Mascara in the match, because it’d be two relatives versus one Loco Castillo. Maximo took his hair.

CMLL LLVIP (SAT) 03/01 Arena Solidaridad [RFC]
1) Atomo (Monterrey) & Dark War b Angel del Silencio & Rey Pantera
2) Dranzer & Scravos b Dralion & Morvius
3) La Máscara b Androide, Black Diamond, Caifan Rockero I, Diluvio Negro I, Hijo de Trueno, Máscara Púrpura, Misterioso II, Mongol Chino, Principe Rebelde, Raiden, Sangre Azteca, Silver Star, Stuka Jr., Virus, Volador Jr. [cibernetico, trofero]

La Mascara was actually booked over here. He got a trophy instead of a hair.

CMLL (SUN) 03/02 Arena Coliseo [ovaciones, SickMistico @ Box Y Lucha
1) Dr. X, Hooligan, Skandalo b Sensei, Sombra de Plata, Trueno
2) Dark Angel, Luna Mágica, Princesa Blanca b Amapola, Medussa, Rosa Negra
3) Satánico, Terrible, Texano Jr. b La Máscara, Mictlán, Sagrado
4) Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., Volador Jr. b Atlantis, Rey Bucanero, Sangre Azteca
5) Último Guerrero b Marco Corelone

Ultimo used a ref bump and a foul in the third fall for the win. Ovaciones report says this proves Mexican wrestling > Italian wrestling.

Dark Angel asked for a title shot after her team’s win. Sounds like it’ll happen this Sunday, probably in the semimain spot.

Atlantis replaced Lizmark Jr., who missed both the morning and afternoon shows.

Triplea.com.mx says the Psycho Cirus is up to 72 wins. Looks like they’ll hit 100 on Rey de Reyes.

AAA (MON) 03/03 Domo de la Feria [am.com.mx]
1) La Parkita, May Flowers, Sexy Star vs Jerrito Estrada, La Diabolica, Yuriko
2) Cuervo, Escoria, Espíritu vs Killer Clown, Psycho Clown, Zombie Clown
3) Gronda, Intocable, Super Porky vs Kenzo Suzuki, Pirata Morgan, Scorpio Jr.

indy (MON) 03/03 Deportivo Torreon [El Siglo de Torreon]
1) Fuerza Infernal vs Cadete
2) Flashman & Samael vs Gemelo Muerte & Rey Fobia
3) Guerrero & Vikingo vs Cachorro & Templario
4) Atomo, Demonio, Oso Negro Jr. vs Dragoncito, Espacial, Tackle

That’s the CMLL mini coming back to work a main event.

Vanguardia has a long bio of the Zorro Platedo famimly .

Mascarita Sagrada is holding a contest to redesign his wardrobe top. You’ve got to be on mySpace and use the colors he already uses, and the winner gets an official mask.

Chile’s El Morro Cotudo writes about Bolivain wrestling. I think this was the same group written about in the NY Times a few years ago. One female trio uses “the Final Countdown” as their entrance music. The world is a small place.

Horror Year Book didn’t like El Mascarado Massacre , a film staring Rey Misterio Sr. as a masked serial killer.

SuperLuchas #253 has Perro and Hector and an interview with Axxel.

Cuautla, Morelos has reformed it’s box y lucha commission. The city had been unregulated. They’re looking at improving safety and standards in both disciplines.

Mariotepicense @ el Martinete posted lots of photo from a CMLL show in Tepic.

03/02: Coacalco, IWRG, Dragon, Accion

Arturo Rivera says La Parka Jr. will NOT be wrestling at Rey de Reyes. He’s suffered a set back, which would explain why he’s been off the spot shows again. Arturo also connects Perro Aguayo Jr. opening a shop at Arena Mexico to the beginning of the end for Brazo de Oro (doesn’t make sense to me either) and talks about the lunch where Pena came up with the Payasos gimmick.

Ovaciones lists a new IWRG main event for tonight: an eight man tournament including Mascara Ano 2000, Tarzan Boy, Hijo de Anibal, Negro Navarro, Septiembre Negro II, Hijo del Solitario, Pantera, and Ultraman Jr., with the final match in a cage.

I’m sure it’ll change again, not just because it’s IWRG, but because Pantera would have to be on some heck of a flight to make it back from Philly in time for the show. He, Incognito and Lince Dorado won CHIKARA’s 28 team King of Trios tournament this afternoon. Pantera pinned Mike Quackenbush in a semifinal tournament match and asked for a shot at Quackenbush’s NWA Junior Heavyweight title, which will apparently happen at some point in the near future. If I may pointless segue for a sec: it’s an NWA title, Pantera’s the perfect fit for Blue Demon’s NWA Mexico (not with the major groups but a moderate important name), I wonder if that match is coming to Mexico. Not the first time thru, because no NWA show has actually been announced, but it’s the type of match I expect eventually if the NWA Mexico promotion actually runs shows at some point.

indy (SUN) 02/24 Coliseo Coacalco [superluchas #253]
1) Estigma & Eterno b Daga & Lobo Metalico
2) Storm & Terrorista b Espartano I & Espartano III
3) Dark Angel & Goddess b Amapola & La Nazi
4) Panterita, Suicida, Último Vampiro DRAW Felino, Kid Tiger, Puma King
5) Ave Nocturna, Wizard, Yakuza DRAW Hanaoka, Satoshi, Suzuki

Back to back draws probably aren’t fun to watch. Felino and kids worked as rudos in their match.

IWRG (THU) 02/28 Arena Naucalpan [superluchas #253]
1) Bacteria b Semental
2) Chico Che & Soberano b Trauma I & Trauma II
3) el Hijo del Pierroth, Mr. Matanza, Veneno b Fantasma de la Ópera, Freelance, Miss Gaviota
4) Hijo del Cien Caras, Mascara Ano 2000 Jr., Septiembre Negro II b El Fantasma, el Hijo Del Anibal, Ultraman Jr.
5) Black Terry b Multifacético [IWRG IC WELTER]

Black Terry retained, clean! This Pierroth is a new one, and fatter looking than the other ones. The best guess is it’s the original (and maybe actual) son of Pierroth, who blew out his ankle long ago and never returned.

ULTIMO DRAGON GYM (SUN) 03/02 Arena Coliseo
1) Arkangel de la Muerte, Daisuke Hanaoka, Negro Navarro b Amigo Suzuki, Bryan Lee, Kajiwara
2) Pequeño Damian 666 DCO Toshiya Matsuzaki [CMLL MINI]
3) Brazo de Platino & Último Dragón DQ Atlantis & Último Guerrero [COPA YAMAHA, sf]
4) Olimpico & Texano Jr. b Alex Koslov & Marco Corelone [COPA YAMAHA, sf]
5) La Máscara, Máximo, Súper Nova b Hiromi Horiguchi, Ohara, Shigeo Okumura
6) Último Dragón & Yutaka Yoshie b Olímpico & Texano Jr. [COPA YAMAHA, final]

Olimpico and Texano cheated to beat Alex and Marco. Guerreros ripped Dragon’s mask off and Platino was strechered out. I guess it’s just lucky Yutaka Yoshie happened to fly from Japan and be backstage for this show. (Ultimo Dragon is odd.)

Damian and Matsuzaki were outside for 20, but champion retains it. Mascara pinned Ohara, so that feud won’t die. Winners of that trio match got soup from a sponsor.

AULL (WED) 03/05 Arena Lopez Mateos
1) Rey Krystal & Sombra Escarlata vs Hombre de Guerra & Sol de Oriente
2) Mini Tortuguillo Ninja I, Mini Tortuguillo Ninja II, Mini Tortuguillo Ninja III vs Mini Nacho Libre, Pequeno Angel, Pequeno Demonio
3) Blasfemia, Chavo Extreme, Judas el Traidor vs Cerebro Maligno, Epitafio, Herejia [possesion of Trolly]
4) Chucho el Roto, Terry 2000, Yakuza vs Rey Krimen, Sadico, Sepulturero I
5) Alex Koslov, La Máscara, Volador Jr. vs Olímpico, Onita Santana, Sangre Azteca

A battle for possession of the rudo mascot. I can’t believe this hasn’t happened with Monito yet.

CMLL (SUN) 03/09 Arena Coliseo
1) Rayo Tapatío I & Rayo Tapatío II vs Pólvora & Vaquero
2) Bracito de Oro, Pequeño Olímpico, Tzuki vs Fire, Pequeño Damian 666, Pequeño Halloween
3) Alex Koslov, La Sombra, Máximo vs Damián 666, Ephesto, Texano Jr.
4) Dark Angel, Princesa Blanca, Sahori vs Amapola, La Nazi, Medussa
5) LA Park, Negro Casas, Volador Jr. vs Atlantis, Sangre Azteca, Último Guerrero

They may be setting up Dark Angel vs Amapola. Or I may just have the 3rd/4th match flipped. Ovaciones preview for tonight’s show still teases Ultimo vs Corelone, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see this card get changed midweek. because it’s tonight, and I forgot.

(Shining Road) Silver King won the AJPW Junior Heavyweight Title on their 03/01 show.

Accion higlights
CMLL: all of the main event. Perro pulled Mistico’s mask right when he had Averno in La Mistica. Maybe next time he should just break it up. Mistico got smushed by Corelone’s Superman plancha into the ring, and Corelone got cracked in the head on Mephisto’s tope con giro.

AAA: Mexican Powers Familia de Tijuana vs Alebrije, Laredo Kid, Mascara Divina. Absolutely hilarious to see Alebrije toss Cuije into a splash, and then they clip to him doing the same exact spot with Extreme Tiger. That buried him more than even “Mini Extreme Tiger” did. Seeing Mascara Divina get a clean win here (no sign of Chessman in this photo) makes it seem like Nicho had a point about how strong this group was going to be booked.

03/01 AAA TV Results (Orizaba)

Previous: 02/10 (Ixtapaluca), 02/15 (Queretaro), 02/23 (Minatitlan)

AAA TV (SAT) 03/01 Plaza de Toros la Concordia de Orizaba [Salvador Rodríguez Cruz @ el Martiente]
1) Barba Roja, Drake Morgan, Pirata Morgan, Pirata Morgan Jr. b Alan, Javi, Kevin, Ricky
2) Gran Apache, Jerrito Estrada, Mari Apache, Yuriko b Estrellita, Gato Eveready, Octagoncito, Pimpinela Escarlata
3) Killer Clown, Psycho Clown, Zombie Clown b Cuervo, Espíritu, Ozz
4) Konnan, Ron Killings, Zorro b Charly Manson, Chessman, Juventud Guerrera
5) Histeria, Mr. Niebla, Psicosis II b Gronda II, Laredo Kid, Octagón
6) Alan Stone, Brazo de Plata, El Elegido, Zumbido b Electro Shock, Escoria, Intocable, Kenzo Suzuki [dome cage, Rey de Reyes tornero]

Projected Air Date (#826)
Mexico: 03/09
US: 03/29

Zumbido was first out to escape, then Alan and Elegdio. Porky did not actually climb the cage, but climbed a ladder the tecnicos brought in. I still find that hard to believe, but there’s a picture a few posts down in that thread.

Mr. Niebla actually led the Vipers to a decent victory. Abismo Negro ran in after to attack, but both the Vipers and the Legion (don’t say no to them) beat him down. Prez Roldan and his security tried to break it up, but got beatdown as well. Lights off, lights on, Cibernetico’s in the ring and clearing house. I think I might know where Abismo Negro’s ending up.

ZORRO WINS AGAIN. Charly Manson is to Zorro what Zorro is to Cibernetico and Mesias. Speaking of winning streaks, after the Clowns pressed slammed Ozz to another victory, the Hell Brothers showed up to challenge to face a “real trio.” So many people so offended. Mari beat Estrellita with the Michinoku Driver, and Estrellita was strechered.

Rey De Reyes Qualifiers (12 of 16)
Mascara Divina
Brazo de Plata
Alan Stone

Scorpio Jr.
Pirata Morgan
Mr. Niebla
Head Hunter I

Upcoming Tapings
03/05: Gimnasio Miguel Barragan de San Luis Potosi
03/09: Plaza de Toros de Texcoc, Mexico State
03/16: Plaza de Toros Monumental, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon (Rey de Reyes)

Dr. Wagner, tag title match off Dos Leyenda show

I count this as being right about no singles match between Wagner and Mistico on this show. Box y Lucha (!) has the scoop. They say Wagner is off the card because he didn’t attend the press conference. Follow this sequence of events

1) CMLL holds a press conference
2) CMLL does not see Wagner there
3) CMLL announces Mistico vs Wagner, despite Wagner not being there to talk about it
4) CMLL only later realizes they didn’t see Dr. Wagner
5) CMLL regretfully calls off match

Uh huh. That’s not so likely. It doesn’t explain the title match being off the show either. A sneaky company might have heavily teased a Mistico/Wagner match for the extra publicity even while knowing they won’t be doing it.

New top 2 matches:

CMLL (FRI) 03/21 Arena Mexico
Ultimo Guerrero, Atlantis, Mistico vs Averno, Mephisto, LA Park [revelos incredible]
Hector Garza vs Hijo del Perro Aguayo [hair]

03/01: Mexico, lineups, GdR, Dragon, Xalapa

CMLL (FRI) 02/29 Arena Mexico [SuperLuchas, ovaciones, ESTO]
1) Mictlan & Starman b Calígula & Méssala
2) Arkangel de la Muerte, Loco Max, Nitro b Fabián el Gitano, Flash, Super Nova
3) Felino, Máximo, Valiente b Ephesto, Euforia, Nosferatu
4) Atlantis, Sangre Azteca, Último Guerrero b Grey Shadow, La Sombra, Negro Casas
5) Héctor Garza, Marco Corelone, Mistico DQ Averno, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Mephisto

Mistico was well on his way to winning fall one of the main event, so Perro yanked his mask and destroyed it. Rudos dominated while Mistico was gone getting a new one, and Mistico started the comeback on his return. Corelone took out his partner Mistico with Air Italia by mistake, Garza still managed to moonsault Perro for the pin, Averno broke that up, and Mephisto fouled Garza for straight DQs. Second straight main event that’s gone two falls. Perro was carried out after the match.

Guerreros dominated the semimain, though CMLL talks up the team of Shadow and Sombra. Ephesto took the third fall pinfall from Maximo to lose the tercera. I hope the Nuevo Infernales learned a valuable lesson about whom to team with. Mictlan replaced Molotov in the opener.

CMLL (SUN) 03/02 Arena Mexico
1) Sombra de Plata & Trueno vs Calígula & Zayco
2) Bam Bam, Mascarita Dorada, Último Dragoncito vs Mr. Aguilita, Pequeño Damian 666, Pequeño Halloween
3) Felino, Máximo, Stuka Jr. vs Mentallo, Ohara, Shigeo Okumura
4) Averno, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Mephisto vs Negro Casas, Sagrado, Volador Jr.
5) Rey Bucanero vs Mr. Águila [CMLL LH]

Aguila gets his shot. This is Mentallo’s Arena Mexico debut, unless I’m missing something, and his first TV match.

CMLL (FRI) 03/07 Arena Mexico
1) Starman & Tony Rivera vs Calígula & Méssala
2) Máscara Púrpura, Mictlán, Stuka Jr. vs Arkangel de la Muerte, Skandalo, Virus
3) Alex Koslov, Marco Corelone, Valiente vs Olímpico, Rey Bucanero, Universo 2000
4) Blue Panther & Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Dos Caras Jr. & LA Park and el Hijo del Perro Aguayo & Villano V and Atlantis & Último Guerrero [torneo]
5) Héctor Garza vs Averno

That’s odd. I guess the had people they wanted to get on the card, but didn’t want to go to six matches, so we got a rare tag torneo. Or maybe Avenro & Mephisto won’t end up getting the title match at Dos Leyendas. I know Wagner is still cheered plenty, but I figured his last turn on Mistico was supposed to set him up as a rudo (not that it’d work.) Maybe he’s only teaming with upstanding men he can trust not to dive on him.

The main event could possibly be fun, or it could be eight minutes and two DQs. Note the tercera has the High Society imploding. Maybe Marco and Alex can recruit Valiente as a new member.

CMLL CAN52 Guerreros del Ring # 118 has
02/22 Mexico: Mascarita Dorada, Shockercito, Tzuki b Mr. Aguilita, Pequeño Damian 666, Pequeño Halloween
02/24 Coliseo: Lizmark Jr., Rey Bucanero, Último Guerrero b Dos Caras Jr., Marco Corelone, Místico
(Video won’t be up until tommorrow, probably)

Box Y Lucha posted video of Thursday’s press conference.

CMLL (WED) 02/27 Arena Xalapa [luis_bunbury @ box y lucha]
1) Gabriel o Gabriela & Guerrero del Infierno b Perro Mocho & Perro Mocho Jr.
2) Crazy Man, GMC, Ricky Estrada b Cosmos, Jaguar, Tigre Cosmico
3) Mr. Aguilita, Pequeño Damian 666, Pequeño Halloween b Shockercito, Tzuki, Ultimo Dragoncito
4) Impacto, Sombra, Valiente DQ Damián 666, Mr. Águila, Texano Jr.
5) Dr. Wagner Jr. & Héctor Garza b el Hijo del Perro Aguayo & Terrible

They were an Averno/Mephisto match from getting all the Perros on the card. Even the minis were there.

ULTIMO DRAGON GYM (SUN) 03/02 Arena Coliseo
1) Amigo Suzuki, Bryan Lee, Kajiwara vs Arkangel de la Muerte, Daisuke Hanaoka, Negro Navarro
2) Pequeño Damian 666 vs Toshiya Matsuzaki [CMLL MINI]
3) La Máscara, Máximo, Súper Nova vs Hiromi Horiguchi, Ohara, Shigeo Okumura
4) Alex Koslov & Marco Corelone vs ? & Último Dragón and Atlantis & Último Dragón and Lizmark Jr. & Olímpico

CMLL (MON) 03/03 Arena Puebla [hugo999]
1) Blue Center & Forajido vs Aguila Guerrera & Mr. Rafaga
2) Batman, Centella de Oro, Lesat vs Kraken, Siki Ozama Jr., Veneno
3) Amapola, Hiroka, Mima Shimoda vs Luna Mágica, Marcela, Sahori
4) Heavy Metal, La Sombra, Negro Casas vs Ephesto, Misterioso II, Sangre Azteca
5) Grey Shadow, Héctor Garza, Místico vs Averno, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Mephisto

UMLL T@VO-NET (FRI) 03/21 Salon Teotihuacan, Centro Internaional, Acapulco [chespiro_rko @ Satanico’s Mansion]
1) La Parkita & Mascarita Sagrada vs Espectrito I & Pentagoncito
2) Dos Caras Sr. & Tinieblas Sr. vs El Fantasma & Lizmark Sr.
3) El Hijo del Solitario vs Solar I, Hijo de Rey Misterio, Black Fish, el Hijo Del Anibal, Black Man Jr., Máscara Sagrada, Super Muneco [cage, mask]
4) Canek, El Hijo Del Santo, Rayo de Jalisco Jr. vs Blue Demon Jr., Hijo del Cien Caras, Rey Misterio Sr.

Box Y Lucha interviews Muerte Bucanera, a wrestler from the DTU show. Muerte Bucanera has only ONE HAND, he lost the other one in a work accident.