past weekend TV notes

On CMLL FSE in the US, we got

03/02 Coliseo
Dark Angel, Luna Mágica, Princesa Blanca b Amapola, Medussa, Rosa Negra
Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., Volador Jr. b Atlantis, Rey Bucanero, Sangre Azteca

Anyone else watch this? I skimmed thru it and noticed there was a fall missing. The not-live show before it ran late, so things had probably been running late all afternoon, but naturally lucha is the show they take a bite out of to catch up.

FSE/MVS also dropped the sound for the whole show. It’s not even like last time, where just the announce teams were missing – there’s absolutely no sound, as if you accidentally hit mute. (I didn’t, I checked.) The commercials are totally normal, so it’s gotta be with the show.

The Televisa show aired:
2008-03-16 Mascarita Dorada, Pequeño Olímpico, Último Dragoncito b Mr. Aguilita, Pequeño Damian 666, Pequeño Halloween
2008-03-14 Amapola, Hiroka, Princesa Sujei b Dark Angel, Goddess, Marcela
2008-03-09 Alex Koslov, La Sombra, Máximo b Damián 666, Ephesto, Texano Jr.

So Mexico’s FSE aired the 03/16 main event AND one of
– a repeat of the minis match from this week’s Televisa show
– a repeat of last week’s Mexico segunda from last week’s Televisa show
– the Coliseo opener?

I have no idea which it was.

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5 thoughts to “past weekend TV notes”

  1. Cubs. Check your SAP button. Not sure why you didn’t hear commentary and crowd noise on Comcast. It worked fine on DirecTV which is where I watched it from.

  2. It also means next week’s FSE may hold the key to the Tzuki trios match from 3/9 Coliseo! Fingers crossed!

  3. Yea, I think it was a SAP issue. My TiVo sets SAP settings by channel and FSE was set on English for some reason. Oddly, the recording doesn’t let me change sound settings – it only saved the blank version, there’s no way of listening with sound.

    This must’ve been this way for a while. The soccer roundup show that airs after was always in English, and I thought that was just weirdness. So I guess I’m just lucky this didn’t happen before.

    Hopefully the listings are wrong and it’ll replay again soon.

  4. Well, based on what’s happening, I’m going to assume Villano 5 vs. Blue Panther at the Anniversary show. And I’ve always thought it would be a Villano losing his mask at one of the Anniversary shows.

    If not, it will be another 8-man cage.

    I don’t expect any big one-on-one matches featuring Mistico, Perro Jr., Ultimo Guerrero, Wagner, LA Park, Averno, or Atlantis at the Anniversary.

  5. i have Time Warner and i also had no sound at all. the commercials were fine, but not the wrestling. and my SAP was fine as most of the commecials were in Spanish and they came in normally so it was something wrong with their feed to cable.

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