03/24: Zorro now back in time for the next TV show?, Coliseo, IWRG

Mocking AAA’s lack of updates gets them to update. Or it’s nice coincidence. Anyway, the news you can use is AAA’s story on Zorro’s injury. According to them, Zorro had a hurt right leg for “several weeks”, but expected to be back in the first week of April. Which may mean no TV time missed – the next taping is offically announced as April 5 – and may mean Zorro’s back but he’s very protected for a while.

The news update also has Crazy Boy returning that first week of April, and speculates Palacio de los Deportes will be the home of TripleMania (which has already been leaked.)

SoloLuchas is a new news site which looks to have a lot of potential (and as you’ll see from the links, actual news), and will hopefully realize that making it’s entrance page a flash animation is really annoying and must stop. There’s a lot of good stuff there, but I’d like it more if they had an RSS feed and didn’t break up their results one match per page.

CMLL (SUN) 03/23 Arena Coliseo [ovaciones, Sololuchas: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
1) Sensei & Trueno b Carrona & Cholo
2) Hooligan, Loco Max, Skandalo b Metálico, Starman, Súper Nova
3) Satánico, Shigeo Okumura, Virus b Fabián el Gitano, Felino, Mictlán
4) Alex Koslov, Blue Panther, Marco Corelone b Black Warrior, Ephesto, Olímpico
5) Último Guerrero b Volador Jr.

Main event went short, short, long. Volador went up top for a moonsault (I assume), but Ultimo stopped him and gave him the Guerrero Special for the pin. Volador again comes up short but hangs tough with a top rudo. Nothing else much of note.

IWRG AZTECA (SUN) 03/23 Arena Naucalpan [Sololuchas: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
1) Chico Che & Star Boy b Judas el Traidor & Nemesis IWRG
2) Fantasma de la Ópera, Filoso IWRG, Freelance b Oficial 911, Oficial AK47, Oficial Fierro [super libre]
3) Cerebro Negro, Mr. Matanza, Veneno b Centauro, Miss Gaviota, Negro Navarro
4) Multifacético b Black Terry [IWRG IC WELTER]
5) Hijo del Cien Caras, Máscara Año 2000, Mascara Ano 2000 Jr., Universo 2000 b Aeroman, el Hijo Del Anibal, Solar I, Tarzan Boy

SoloLuchas’ report says 90% of the fans were cheering for Black Terry. Oh well.

Fox News follows up on the Super Mojado story; they were expecting 200 and drew 400 and raised $4,000 for their charity show. You know, there’s a long socio-political discussion we could have right here, about the gimmick and the INS raids that preceded it, but I think I should just point you to the pictures to point out the real story here: Super Mojado teamed with Huracan Ramirez! That man is everywhere at once, it’s unbelivable. LA Times also has an article on the show, and it’s not everyday Dollar and Peso get namechecked.

Rey Misterio Jr. is running away with the Televisa Deportes awards. I wonder if he’d be allowed to show up to accept, since WWE is on MVS networks and they’re feuding with Televisa.

Rey Mistero Sr. was interviewed about WrestleManiac: “It’s not Santo and Blue Demon against zombies, with flying vampires on visible wires, but the nation will enjoy it.”

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10 thoughts to “03/24: Zorro now back in time for the next TV show?, Coliseo, IWRG”

  1. I don’t know why, but I have a feeling Palacio is not confirmed, and we’ll get Ciudad Madero or Acapulco. This has happened before. How many times over the years have we heard that AAA would run Palacio?

  2. Crazy Boy is coming back. wow I didn’t even notice the guy was gone in the first place.

  3. They did a ceremony for Bestia at Arena Coliseo last night.

    Also – the cmll.com section for the Tuesday results now says “MARTES ARENA MEXICO” instead of “MARTES COLISEO”. So looks like they don’t plan on moving back any time soon.

  4. You could be dead on. Cadena Tres probably has no use for Arena Coliseo. I think only one of their tapings have come from there and they probably hated it.

  5. I haven’t liked Coliseo on tv as much as I used to. The balcony is too much of a distraction by today’s tv standards. And the crowd is too dark.

    We have to get to the bottom of Cubs not having audio this week on FSE.

  6. Thank for pointing me to the feed. I didn’t see that orange icon in the address bar when I was on the site before, but it sure is there.

    Unfortunately, they don’t seem to have all the articles in the feed – there’s no IWRG results in there, or from last night’s Coliseo.

    The flash seems to stop once you’ve got a cookie saying you’ve visited there once, but if you’re someone who uses a few different computers or clears your cookies…

    It’s still a much better start than the official sites.

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