03/04: Mexico, Mesias to return tonight

CMLL (TUE) 03/04 Arena Mexico
1) Calígula & Zayco DQ Sombra de Plata & Trueno
2) Bam Bam, Mascarita Dorada, Último Dragoncito DQ Mr. Aguilita, Pequeño Damian 666, Pequeño Halloween
3) Fabian el Gitano, Felino, Máximo b Mentallo, Ohara, Shigeo Okumura
4) Averno, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Mephisto b Negro Casas, Sagrado, Volador Jr.
5) Rey Bucanero b Mr. Águila [CMLL LH]

Ovaciones has TIMES for the title match
1st fall: 3 minutes
2nd fall: 2 minutes
3rd fall: 4:19 minutes
(total 9:26)

The report didn’t think too highly of the match. Reforma echos the complaints, saying neither guy showcased much. Mr. Aguila suffered a hip injury in the third fall, which may have cut it short.

Ovaciones (still green) and Reforma (good level) are split on Mentallo. Fabian replaced Stuka Jr. in the match, which never helps.

Mini Damian yanked Dorada’s mask in the minis match. Novato rudos lost via excessive violence, beating Sombra de Plata up too much after Trueno had left the match injured.

ESTO confirms what the Observer had reported a while back: Eddie Guerrero will be inducted into the AAA Hall of Fame at Rey de Reyes. Arturo Rivera has random thoughts from the Orizaba taping. AAA tapings again tonight in SLP, and their website promotes Mesias’ third coming. Theortically, this is to promote his Rey de Reyes appearance, but this taping won’t air till the day after the major show.

(Reforma via Jazzo) Canek returns to action tonight at the first IWRG/Azteca taping. He’s missed most of a year with surgery on each knee, and tells the people he really shouldn’t be back for two months more. If he doesn’t feel right after this match, he’ll take those two months off.

Noticias Oaxaca has a bio of local wrestler Birdman. Not, not the lawyer.

The latest edition of Tercera Cuerda podcast has the Mini Perros del Mal. Dr. Wagner will be on CUC (university radio) Thursday at 11AM.

Ford is running with a Hispanic campaign, matching it’s cars with (fictional) luchadors. Champeons del Camino include El Galan, Senor Piedra, Dragon Techno, Galan and Super Viba and the commercials will air on Univision, Telemundo and other spanish language media.

Sergio Ossio has been posting some interesting history pieces on daily or more on Superluchas, like this one on the Brazos vs the Villanos.

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7 thoughts to “03/04: Mexico, Mesias to return tonight”

  1. I’ll guess that if a major angle is done in SLP tonight, it’ll make NOTI AAA to hype RdR.

    Canek could just do a live appearance. He does not have to wrestle to draw.

  2. They should’ve waited to induct Eddie Guerrero. One year can make a big difference, and who knows where Chavo and Vicky will be next year. Maybe they’d be available next year. There are others who could’ve gone into the Hall.

  3. Vicky is going to work for the WWE forever because they control her,plain and simple.

    As for Chavo, he’s not going anywhere either.

    They could of got Chavo Sr.

  4. I wish I could remember who it was but someone made their debut for CMLL a few years back and was called “green” by Ovaciones the next day which is the kiss of death for someone making their debut in a higher than normal match for a newbie. I wish I could remember who it was…

    Mini’s from last night look fun. That Mascarita/Peq Damian feud is sure heating up! The regular Neza correspondant didn’t give a result but said last week’s mini’s tag was a bloodbath. They aren’t booked this week. BTW while on the topic of mini’s – someone is in the process of putting up the Bam Bam/Electrico vs Pequeno Damian/Halloween match from Sunday in said building. You can find all the parts up so far here: http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=laparkk

    Maybe I’m weird but I’m actually looking forward to the title match. It might be refreshing to see a faster paced style match instead of the typical quick first two falls and then extended third fall where the guys sell exhaustion within seconds as if they’ve been in a 1 hour match. Also, nobody wants to see Aguila in a 20+ minute singles match – trust me on that one.:)

  5. HERACLYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ironically he resembled Mentallo a lot, right down to the similar mask. What are the odds we’re talking about the same two people here?

  6. Chavo Senior or Hector since AAA has a working relationship with TNA, if it has not deteriorated.

    I wonder whatever happened to Mando Guerrero, he would have been a nice call to induct Eddie, although Rey, Vicky and Chavo would have been a better call.

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