AAA 01/12/08

(I’ve dropped the numbers because they’re so so wrong.)

taped 11/30, aired 01/12

Tag Team title match was worthless. Also hilarious, when the rudos didn’t touch Parka’s shoulder during the match but suddenly realized it might be a good idea when it came to the post match injury angle. Air Force/Secta was real good in parts but had it’s rough moments. Hope they do get around to the Atomicos feud again.

Main event was probably as good as a match as you’d expect with this crew. Not that it was good or anything, or that the finish made any sense, but they’ve definitely done worse. Low standards are great for this sort of thing.

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10 thoughts to “AAA 01/12/08”

  1. I liked how they padded the show by airing the old stuff. It’s a lot better than showing something we just saw last week or showing a really long preview to a match, and the matches from 10 years ago were a lot better than most of the stuff they do now.

    Tag title match was great. Octogon and Electroshock put on a clinic when they were together.

    I hate how the set doesnt’ look that diffeent from normal TV shows. I would like to know who came up with the idea of having a stupid grid as a set when they have so many things that would look 10 times better.

  2. “Octogon and Electroshock put on a clinic when they were together.”

    An alcohol dependency clinic?

  3. ha ha, come on Rob that was good technical wrestling. Normally I don’t get too exited over technical mat wrestling but some guys have a chemistry that goes so well together, and Octagon and Electroshock have that.

  4. You hate the set. When Pena died, you had to expect changes, and the set was one of them.

    The old sets were often made on the spot before tv. You’d see Pena’s helpers spreading Elmer’s glue and glitter on the wooden boards before tv started.

  5. You hate the set. When Pena died, you had to expect changes, and the set was one of them.

    The old sets were often made on the spot before tv. You’d see Pena’s helpers spreading Elmer’s glue and glitter on the wooden boards before tv started.

  6. luchalibrelive! My problem is not that there’s a new set being uded since Pena’s death, my point is that the new set looks terrible.

    If the old glittery sets were made on the spot before shows then my hat goes off to the guys who did them for making them look so good in a short amount of time. They looked a lot better than a grid.

    I wouldn’t mind the grid so much if it wasn’t used every week and if the AAA logo would be present. With this current set you don’t know if you’re watching AAA or WSX. In the past the set would always be different from week to week which was cool since no other fed does that. That way if you didn’t like one you’d probably like the next one.

  7. The set is low-budget. Just a gridded stainless steel board with a small tv screen. Not the best, but what can you do? AAA does not have much of a budget.

    Are you proposing no change at all, or something else?

    I mean, you have to initiate change at some point. That’s wrestling. The old glitter and glue sets were bound to be retired.

    What do you think of Latin Lover talking about going to Argentina for a while?

  8. luchalibrelive! I know AAA doesn’t have much of a budget, and my point is that they have so many glitter and glue sets that they can use a new one every week, and still put the screen. Like I said in my last post I wouldn’t mind them using the grid once in a while but it’s stupid to use it every week because there’s absolutely nothing exiting about it.

    The glitter and glue sets, as cheap as they were, looked cool and it was so unique to AAA especially when they customized them for big events. Keep in mind that I’m not talking about the ugly black and yellow ones we saw throughout 2006, I mean the ones that were bright red, blue, silver etc.

    Last I heard Latin Lover said he didn’t want to go to Argentina because it would be too much time away from his family. I personally hope he doesn’t go because that would mean that he won’t be in wrestling until at least April. I say April assuming that he would come right back into the ring, but realistically he would probably save his comeback for Triplemania which would mean that we wouldn’t see him until June. So, yeah I’m hoping as a wrestling fan that he chooses not to go to Argentina.

  9. luchalibrelive! I liked the new RAW set, I thought it was great. I know I know, I did notice that they had a grid as part of their set. I actually laughed when I saw that because you and I were just discussing grids in the sets. Even though I’ve criticized AAA for having a grid, it’s a lot different on RAW. On RAW the overall appearance of the set is superb regardless of the grid. I can’t say the same for the new AAA sets.

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