CMLL CAN52 GdR #110

CMLL CAN52 GdR #110, taped 12/21 and 12/23/07, aired 12/29

This minis match was definitely a step above the previous one. The rudos jumping the tecnios to start the match worked especially well, because Mini Damian and Mini Halloween are great at killing people. At this point in the minis battles, I think you want them controlling most of the action, and the tecnicitos making sudden comebacks with quick moves, like what happened here. Dorada still seems to be a little off with his opponents on his tricker moves, but I have high hopes for the title match (and hopes GdR grabs it somehow.)

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One thought to “CMLL CAN52 GdR #110”

  1. I’ve always wondered when two matches air on each show, do the exact same matches air? Always been too lazy to check but just did it with the mini’s match.

    1st fall: Regular show had an opening exchange with Tzuki/Halloween (+ intros and teams arguing beforehand) before cutting to how GdR opened the match up. Also the regular show had an obvious cut after the Tzuki/Halloween exchange and went right to Dorada/Pequeno Damian doing stuff before the rudos took over.

    2nd fall: Nothing cut.

    3rd fall: Regular show had Atomo doing exchanges with all three rudos over a 2 minute-ish span before the GdR third fall start took place.

    I guess that gives a general idea of how much we miss out on with the GdR matches just so we can see those amazing filler segments!

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