01/12: Mexico, lineups, GdR

(Edit: fixed first round matchups)

CMLL (FRI) 01/11 Arena Mexico [ESTO, ovaciones, HesnupiH @ box y lucha, Mistyk @ el Maritente]
1) Calígula & Méssala b Molotov & Starman
2) Amapola, Hiroka, La Nazi b Luna Magica, Marcela, Princesa Blanca
3) Pequeño Damian 666 b Mascarita Dorada [CMLL MINI]
4) Villano IV & Villano V b Rey Bucanero & Stuka Jr. [torneo, 1st]
5) Blue Panther & Sagrado b Ohara & Okumura [torneo, 1st]
6) Dos Caras Jr. & La Sombra b Hector Garza & Pierroth [torneo, 1st]
7) el Hijo del Perro Aguayo & Texano Jr. b La Máscara & Volador Jr. [torneo, 1st]
8) Villano IV & Villano V b Blue Panther & Sagrado [torneo, qf]
9) Dos Caras Jr. & Sombra b el Hijo del Perro Aguayo & Texano Jr. [torneo, qf]
10) Dos Caras Jr. & Sombra b Villano IV & Villano V [torneo, sf]
11) Místico, Negro Casas, Shocker b Atlantis, Black Warrior, Último Guerrero

Main event was just two falls, possibly because the tag team tournament had caused the show to run so long. Mistico got Atlantis with La Mistico. Ultimo and Shocker had issues, with UG beat up Monito (who was helped out.)

Dos and Sombra face the winner of next week’s tournament winner. Stuka Jr. replaced Valiente for no known reason. Pierroth and Hector Garza did not get along at all during their match. Sagrado was strechered out during his semifinal tournament match.

Mini Damian had talked about keeping the match 100% clean at the press conference, so I guess I should’ve figured he was going to win by cheating. Mini Halloween jumped up on the apron to distract the ref, and Mini Damian yanked Dorada’s mask then cradled him for the win. This isn’t over.

Ovaciones says just over 10,000 fans. The minis match and the women’s match were specifically praised in press coverage, though the el Martinete report was bored with the women’s match.

A group of wrestlers, including Hijo del Santo, Canek, Mil Mascaras and La Sombra, handed out toys and ate pizza and cake with children for Three Kings Day.

Ovaciones writes about Mil Mascaras and Mistico getting their hand prints in the walk of fame. Arturo Rivera spends 80% of his column yelling at Mistico for saying negative comments about Cibernetico.

CMLL (TUE) 01/15 Arena Mexico
1) Sombra de Plata & Trueno vs Artillero & Súper Comando
2) Ángel Azteca Jr., Astro Boy, Tigre Blanco vs Apocalipsis, Hooligan, Ramstein
3) Flash, Metálico, Stuka Jr. vs Diamante Negro, Ohara, Shigeo Okumura
4) Blue Panther, Rey Bucanero, Volador Jr. vs Ephesto, Mephisto, Universo 2000
5) Místico, Shocker, Valiente vs Atlantis, Averno, Olímpico

Coliseo shows are back in Mexico again; I guess road construction is back on? If you’re surprised by that Valiente teamup, check out Friday’s card.

CMLL (FRI) 01/18 Arena Mexico
1) Bam Bam & Mascarita Dorada vs Pequeño Black Warrior & Pierrothito
2) Fabián el Gitano, Mictlán, Super Nova vs Euforia, Nosferatu, Virus
3) Místico & Valiente vs Alex Koslov & Marco Corelone and La Máscara & Último Dragón and Felino & Heavy Metal and Black Warrior & Olímpico and Averno & Mephisto and Damián 666 & Mr. Águila and Misterioso II & Sangre Azteca
4) Shocker vs Último Guerrero

Averno & Mephisto are the heavy favorites. It’s most likely a rudo team to face Dos and Sombra, and they’re the best team. Still, I’m hoping the tournament final has a indecisive finish and they rematch Averno & Mephisto against Mistico & Valiente in a full match at some point, becaus that just like tons of fun. No Negro Casas to be seen anywhere here, which throws off my guess. Not sure why La Mascara is getting a second shot in the tournament, they surely could’ve found someone else for Dragon to team with.

Micltan fans can rejoice about his return from injury.

CMLL CAN52 Guerreos del Ring #112 has
01/06 Coliseo: Amapola, Hiroka, La Nazi b Luna Magica, Marcela, Princesa Blanca
01/04 Mexico: Mephisto, Ohara, Shigeo Okumura b Felino, La Máscara, Máximo

I was totally wrong here. They’ve done work on Coliseo during it’s downtime, and wrestlers now enter thru a door that looks quite like the one from WCW Saturday Night. So weird. Mexico match is a repeat, right?

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25 thoughts to “01/12: Mexico, lineups, GdR”

  1. That’s a new match, last week’s CMLL TV only had the YET UNSEEN PEQUENO REYES DEL AIRE and semi-main/main.

    CMLL has 3 hours today so I wonder if we get another week where the entire Arena Mexico show airs?

    Think there’s a reason they had the exact same women’s match on Sunday and last night? CMLL rarely does that.

    Ovaciones actually says Panther was stretchered, not Sagrado. Seems surprising, huh?:)

    The highlight of the show for me from the pictures on ESTO so far are Mistico and Mascarita Dorada’s AMAZING new outfits. Mascarita may not officially be Mini Mistico but he’s sure using the color scheme. Meanwhile I hope Mistico sticks to that new look.

    Tuesday Cadena Tres taping looks AWESOME!

    Friday is another show that could use a good 3 hour time slot to get that opener in.

    I’m positive La Mascara is going to be pulled and replaced with someone else. More idiot bookers not realizing who had already been in the tournament. Finals seem pretty obvious but I thought last night’s finalisits were obvious and I was half wrong. The ultimate prick move would be Negro returning to team with Mistico and Valiente being moved to job with Ultimo Dragon.


    Lots of singles matches recently at Arena Mexico. Change of direction?

  2. I think next week’s singles match is so they can rush thru it if the tournament goes long again.

  3. Arturo Rivera is such a Jackass. If the picure he has on his column isn’t proof enough he sure proves it on TV and in his writing.

  4. 3 hour? They’ll be lucky to get 2 hours if the Packers and Seahawks don’t go to overtime.

  5. Actually, TVGuide says CMLL will have 90 minutes, so I’m guessing only the tag tourney (said to be bad) and the main event will air.

  6. Great news for Valiente; I believ he deserves more chances on top matches because of the work performed specially last year.

    Mascarita Dorada will come back with this feud; I was almost sure Damian was going to drop off the title…

    Go Valiente!

  7. Esmas says it starts in 40 minutes but they don’t list the football game in their listings. Football only starts in 15 minutes or so and will go at least 3 hours.

  8. Yep, on the bright side we’re back at comfortable Arena Coliseo with CALIGULA AND MESSALA followed by a bunch of Laguneros!

  9. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAH! What a first fall finish! Caligula (in particular) and Messala are AMAZING!

  10. Really liked the opener. Caligula and Messala are way too good to be working as low as they are.:(

    Stuka Jr. sounds like he’s 13. On the bright side for him, both his partners sound like their are 10.:)

  11. Decent show.

    Opener was pretty good overall if not awesome. I was a bit disappointed that there wasn’t much in the way of cool highflying as i thought there might have been, with the tecnicos safe in the knowledge that Los Romanos were catching. I loved the Trueno/Caligula exchanges in the first caida, Caligula really is great, and is noticeably a step higher than Messala (although Messala has by far the cooler outfit nowadays!).
    Sombra De Plata this past 2 weeks has only reinforced my earlier opinion of him. He’s not the most spectacular, and can seem pretty bland at first, but he plays the tecnico role well, and some of the fun stuff he pulls off is pretty intricate and requires a high level of skill. He should really be much higher than he is.
    Apocalipsis is….. well….Apocalipsis. And Astro Boy still socks. :-p

    Tercera was really enjoyable too, despite the botched dives. Can’t remember off the top of my head Stuka ever busting out the non-assisted/monkey-flipped tope con giro before either.

    Strangely though, despite going balls out with 3 dives and obviously trying to impress, i was a bit disappointed in Angel Ateca. Knowing Angel Azteca Snr, and having saw that awesome 180 ropeflip armdrag dive Jnr can hit, i kinda expected him to be full of innovatave armdrag based offence, with possibly more of an old school style – unfortunately, he looked like just another mid-grade undercard flyer with little in the way of standout qualities. But that’s just me thinking out loud, i won’t judge him after 2 matches.

    Semi main was just a nothing match, which i have no problem with when the rest of the card is strong. But i just wish they had the decency to throw all the shit into the one match instead of wasting some of your best rudos on those bums (I was going to say Felino excepted, but in all truthfulness, b-show Felino is as dull and uninspiring as the rest of the piss-break match guys). maybe a bit harsh on Maximo as i admit he can be quite funny in moderation, but he’s certainly no worker.

    Take the Latin Lover rip off for example, i have no problems at all with him in this kind of match, but there’s no way he should ever be mixing it up with the real good youngsters and lowercarders who are in the Arena Mex segunda spot, like next Friday. Same goes for Mictlan.

    And the main was decent enough, even though it was mailed in by everyone not named Valiente. That double jump moonsault still amazes me every time i see it.

    Finding out the main show is only 1.5hrs is a bit disappointing. But i’m sure the minis title match will air anyway,whether today or GdR next week. and missing out on anything else is no great catastrophe. To be honest, the main reason i was hoping for the 3hr show was so that at least everything except the opener would be shown, and we’d have a chance of Polvora/Vaquero on GdR next week, but there’s zero chance of that now.

  12. New SuperLuchas has the lineups for the next 3 AAA TV Tapings. Too lazy to type it all up, I’m sure cubs will at some point. Bottom line…


    I thought 2008 might be weak to start off with all the injuries but these lineups make it seem like AAA is crippled.

    On the bright side Laredo Kid is back.

  13. Oh and for those unaware yet – Super Fly is out of action for at least a month but probably more.

  14. AAA does seem to be off to a weak start. But they know how to run angles and create stars.

    Konnan has always been into bringing in foreign talent. He was the one who brought Love Machine to Mexico, discovered Rey Jr., etc…….But they first need to concentrate on what they have. At least the insane violence has been toned down a little bit.

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