CMLL FSE #70, taped 12/02, aired US 12/30/07

You’ll have to excuse me, because I’m jumping out of order to get this one up ASAP. It was quite the remarkable show.

Leono/Mr. Mexico’s third fall was just about everything I thought it could be (though they weren’t just botching spots left and right) and entertainingly horrible by the end.

Maybe this is just one of those things where the customs are different in Mexico than what I expect from US style, but Mr. Mexico’s behavior in the closing moments of this match was picture perfect unhappy loser – making an obvious very casual cover after hitting your finisher because you know they’re kicking out and making it very clear you weren’t actually pinned at the finish are thing you do to show up the matchmakers and opposition. And yet, Mr. Mexico could not have put over Leono stronger after the match. I have no idea what the deal was here.

I also have no idea what was up with the editing. Every single fall in both matches was absolutely savaged by the editing. The opener would’ve been better served by a highlight package than what was shown here, with momentum change skipped or barely shown, and every fall cut down down to little more than the finishes. It was just as wretched for the Leono/Mr. Mexico, with at least one dive cut out, matches “starting” in unexplainable situations and the finishing sequence never show for sake of a replay.

In exchange for all of this, more pointless promos. It’s really nice Mephisto wants Negro Casas’ hair, but I really don’t care to hear about it unless they’re actually feuding and building to a hair match. Stop wasting my time.

This show was horrible and causes me to question why I recap all of these shows.

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2 thoughts to “CMLL FSE #70”

  1. That pretty much explains why I no longer watch CMLL on FSE on a regular basis anymore, if at all.

  2. See, I’m a completionist so I need everything good or bad. I can see how shows like this turn off other folks though. There have been TONS of these weekend shows that were just abysmal and make me question is it really worth it to get excited that CMLL has so many matches airing. But then there are random weeks where you get the mini’s or mid-carders like Stuka Jr. that you don’t normally get to see or even a surprising fun semi-main with the bigger names. It doesn’t even out in the end but you gotta take the really awful to see the occasional really fun match. That’s the way new CMLL is.

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