CMLL GdR - 06/23/07 (#83)
Recapped: 07/02/07

Intros: Miguel talks to Diana (wearing a Brazil t-shirt?) and Juan Carlos talks to Amapola.

Match 1: Amapola vs Diana La Cazadora in a hair match
Arena Mexico, 06/17/07

  1. Amapola arm trap chinlock submission (3:17)
  2. Diana standing surfboard (4:52)
  3. Amapola figure four (5:20)

Winner: Amapola (2-1)
Match Time: 13:29
Approx Rating: Just okay. Could've been better. Could've been worse.
Other Match Notes: The entrance music is way off into the background. I'm thinking now they must be purposely covering it up for copyright reasons or something. Amapola enters seconds, and immediately gets Diana with a dropkick. Somehow, Diana's backing Amapola in the corner after we look at the graphics. 

1: Amapola back in control with a kick to the thigh and a slap to the had. Whip, spinning side slam. Off the ropes, dropkick to Diana. Diana didn't even sit up there, it was sort of an aimed-stomp in execution. Boot choke on the ropes. Amapola taunts the fans into cheering for Diana. Whip, spinebuster, elbow drop. Amapola celebrates, and is shocked to get booed. Crowd noise is very odd.  here,. Whip, big boot, Diana still not got at taking a big boot. Amapola stomps and yells at her. Diana stood up just to be knocked back down with a chop. Whip, clothesline. Amapola asks if the crowd would like to see one more. Corner whip, Amapola charges in with a back elbow, and taunts the fans some more. Boot choke. Hey, want to try and win this? Amapola seems more interested in annoying the fans. Whip, Diana reveres it, spinebuster, legdrop tot he midsection. Amapola slow up selling it, and knocked right back with a clothesline. Another, and a third. These are not good clotheslines - Amapola ducks a fourth, and gets Diana with a good one. Amapola rolls Diana onto her stomach, traps Diana's left arm under her leg, and puts on a chinlock - that's a weird submission, but an effective one.

2: Amapola starts with a corner whip and charge, but Diana moves out of the way - just as we're looking at the fall graphic. Diana tries for a half crab, but can't get it turned right away. Then she does, and Amapola acts as if she might give up 10- seconds into the fall, but she's too close to the ropes for that to happen. She's limping, with a bad right leg now. Diana kicks her down, kicks the leg, and puts on a toe hold. Amapola tries to fight her off with left leg kicks, but Diana stops that by leg dropping the bad knee. Diana with a knee twist, but Amapola won't give up. She's kinda the tecnica at the moment, for no giving in, right? I dunno. Diana with a chop, whip, quick reverse, and Amapola turns it into a flapjack. Amapola, running and limping despite the knee, adds a dropkick to the head. Amapola limps over to follow up, but Diana takes her down and grabs the right knee to twist. Amapola tries to yank at Dian's hair to break free, but she's warned by the referee each time. Amapola slides them both the ropes into force a break, and then crawls to the corner. Diana quickly up and attacking the knee more. Back to a toe hold, but they're totally in the ropes. Amapola rolls out to he apron this time to make sure Diana won't be able to follow up right away. Diana's backed up even, so she waves to the crowd. she's back in position as Amapola gets up, but Amapola chops he and throws her by her hair. Amapola's knee pain sure is coming and going - she's fine as she pulls Diana thru the ropes and throws her by her hair on the stage. Stomp, and Diana's set up on the outside of the ropes for Amapola to work over. Amapola back up the ramp, and lands a running sit. Dragon sleeper around the ropes! Amapola is warned about the five count and let go. Diana is brought in, but she randomly breaks free, slaps Amapola, and kicks her down . Wristlock by Diana, chops, and  springboard slingshot armdrags. Diana landed, and then did the armdrag, and the fans did not dig that. Stomps. Amapola with a shoulderblock, springboard plancha but no one home. Diana tries up Amapola's legs, takes a bit, and puts on a standing surfboard. That's it. No leg hold? Still some booing? Huh.

3:  They still have women ring card girls for this match. I'm sure Sujei would be annoyed. No seconds, while I think about it, and it's not like the other women weren't here. Diana and Amapola start of with chops. Diana tries shoulderblocks, but she can't get Amapola over. Diana off the ropes, Amapola drops down, Diana cartwheels over. Wristlock, chops, and Diana tries a climbing spinning armdrags, but the fans are sour on the idea.  Amapola kicks Diana in the corner, charges, Diana moves, and Amapola spears the post on the way out. Diana to the apron - tope con giro onto Diana.  Both down and slow up. Replays. Amapola pushes Diana away from the ring so she can get in first, but Diana returns the favor. Amapola makes the count back in, crawling in behind Diana - ah, it's the cavernaria spot. It doesn't work this time either. Amapola headbutts Diana' in the midsection, and gets a spinning leg DDT, which Magadan thinks is awesome. One two no, not awesome enough. Diana misses a wild clothesline, Amapola double underhook, Diana slips free, pause, Amapola tries a clothesline, Diana catches it, kicks Amapola, chops, corner whip, charge in - part of the crowd just booing Diana for the sake of booing - Amapola backdrops Diana to the apron, Dina smashes Amapola into the turnbuckle, Diana all the way up, missile dropkick connects. Yet, Amapola is fired up and up first. Diana is laying on her back for a moment. She seems out of gas Amapola clothesline misses, Diana inside cradle one two NO. Both slow up. Diana bodyscissors cradle one two NO. Not Tiger Hispano slow counts, but still kinda slow. Amapola up first again. She's limping now. Double underhook, up into a Gory Stretch, Amapola walking around with it on, and Diana (loosely) slips out into a sunset flip one two NO. You got your fans who are booing, you got your tecnico air horn guys, and I don't know if you've got the rest at all. Dian tries a shoulderblock, but Amapola grabs her by the hair - back cracker! Figure four! That's it! More cheering than booing. Amapola's limping as she celebrates.

Diana's pony tail goes first. She's untying her shoes as it's done. Amapola celebrates with the pony tail as more hair gets cut off. Diana takes off her boots and seems to be in tears. Magadan is in to talk to Amapola, but has to get attention first. VIVA LA RUDAS. They clip ahead here. Diana wants a rematch in Monterrey. Looks like Diana took off her right boot - maybe she hurt her ankle on those armdrags?   

Valets dance interlude - different song than FSE?

Dr. Wagner cuts a Dr. Wagner promo. 

Match 2: Damian 666, Halloween (c), Terrible vs Dr. Wagner Jr. (c), Heavy Metal, Shocker
Arena Mexico, 06/17/07

  1. tecnicos
  2. rudos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: Tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 11:17
Approx Rating: Okay. Typical.
Other Match Notes: No entrances. Damian chases the valets to the back.

1: Metal/Halloween. Terrible mocks the Dr. Wagner finger touch before starting with him. Terrible's now wearing black trunks. He doesn't quite have the Perro's boots. Lots of back and forth slapping before Wagner pulls Terrible off the top rope for a Stunner. Damian ambushed Wagner, but ends up doing no better. He gets enziguri-ed when going for the Wagner pose. Halloween knocks Wagner down to try the same thing, and gets kicked down as well. Wagner and Halloween take turns kicking each other in the head, and then Wagner sides step a Halloween charge. Halloween posts him self, and extracts him only to take a Wagner Driver. Metal finishes off Damian quickly after, and Shocker chases Terrible around the ring and up the ramp. 

Break for dancing. The valets get random guys in the front row to dance with them, with mixed results. 

2: Wagner/Shocker/Monito group pose before the fall starts. Damian wants to fight Monito, gets Metal. Beatdown starts almost immediately. Halloween got in his thru the ropes spear on Wagner. Terrible gives Metal the side backbreaker, and once again, we're waiting forever for Damian to get help to do the walking the ropes legdrop. Rudos are completely obvious to Metal not being the captain. Thankful, Wagner comes into help them out. Rudos go after Monito while we watch replays. We get the shortest double back elbows and double suplex ever, but Terrible adds a big splash.

El Arte del Catch: La Lagardina - to me, it's ol Stump Puller submission. But who am I to argue with Tony Salazar. 

3: Beatdown goes on. Heavy Metal's wearing his t-shirt with a target on it. I don't think you want to give these guys ideas. Shocker gets held for Terrible to taunt, Terrible chest slaps him a few times, and while Terrible's going off the ropes, Shocker breaks loose and spears him. Fine work of holding by Halloween and Damián there. Shocker punches Terrible like we all remember they had an issue, and FdT is so useless. Damian "helps", more like feeding himself to be pulled out by Wagner. Halloween just stands and observers until Metal comes back in the ring. Lots of ringside brawling. It settles down so Halloween and Wagner can do a big chop fest (and so Halloween can take off his shirt.) It's about equal till Damián randomly comes in, and that's when Wagner turns it around. I think we've learned something about interference. Wagner ends up slamming both of them and leaving, Metal takes over to finish them off. on Damián. Wagner walks up the ramp, waits, and goes the tope con giro from there. Terrible and Shocker left, and Shocker gets his headscissors/hammerlock roll up

Replays and that's it.