GdR #66

aired 02/24

Mogur’s doing this feud with Leono because:
– Loco Max lost his hair on June 5th
– Mr. Mexico lost his hair on August 7th
– Okumura lost his hair on June 18th
– Emilio Charles Jr. lose his hair on October 29th

That’s about it for unmasked midcard rudos who on TV even close to regularly. (Ohara’s a special case.) They must like Leono, but not enough to actually have him beat a guy for a mask, and Mogur was around, so…Also, both Mogur and Leono are cat people. That’s vital.

Is there any special appeal of Mogur I’m missing? Is there something in his work I should pay more attention to?

I know this seems like my solution to everything, but a minor title feud would probably be better than this. I don’t think there’s any drama in this feud, and there’s not much else.

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One thought to “GdR #66”

  1. This feud is so random… kinda. It reminds me of only one feud… Kid Guzman vs Americo Rocca from early ’99. Young guy who is getting over nicely as an under/mid-carder. Suddenly Americo Rocca (who had been working only part-time) starts appearing regularly and wins a few matches over the youngster who naturally gets bloodied on a few occasions and challenges for a hair match. Rocca says no until finally Guzman beats him in a trios match and they sign the contract for the hair match which drew a sellout crowd.

    Here’s the catch…

    Rocca won.

    Surprised the shit out of EVERYONE at the time b/c Rocca was going straight into retirement once again and Guzman had a world of potential (much like Leono… even though I’m not a big fan). Of course a few weeks later we found out Guzman was being put under a mask as the new Tigre Blanco so it made sense.

    That was a case of good booking by CMLL. I don’t think anyone in charge now has the brain power (or guts to put a mask on Leono?) to come up with something like that so on March 18th I think it’s pretty obvious Leono will win Mogur’s hair in a 9 minute 3 fall match.

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