CMLL GDR - 09/23/06 (#44)
Recapped: 10/08/06

Profiled: MS-1

Match 1: Mascara Aņo 2000, Shocker (c), Universo 2000 vs Blue Panther, Dr. Wagner Jr. (c), Ultimo Dragon
Arena Coliseo, 09/17/06

  1. tecnicos
  2. rudos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: Tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 16:54
Approx Rating: Not a lot of moves, but fun interaction with Shocker and Wagner.
Other Match Notes: In the pre-match interview, Shocker says he came here to face the best guys; he also talks about Dr. Wagner, and so Dr. Wagner Jr. also talks about him. They have a different to opinion over who's house this is. Wagner finds a kid to pose with, check. 

1: Blue Panther has really hairy forearms. That's the kind of insight I bring in this recaps. Mascara and Panther start on the mat for about 45 seconds, interrupted by Dragon getting an urge to start kicking people. Panther and Mascara return to where they left, and no one gets an advantage. Universo and Ultimo. Five people are into chanting for Dragon - the rest, not so much, but Universo has issues with all those five people. As well as Dragon pulling the hair on a jumping snap mare. Ultimo and Universo take time to react to each and every person who might be reacting to them. Now Universo is complaining about a tights pull on an armdrag. Universo gets sick of the armdragging and just punches and kicks Dragon until he goes down. Ultimo gets a brief rally, Universo stops that with a short clothesline, and Universo' ends on an ill advised running senton. Universo covers up to prevent the kick to the head, so he takes the kick to his spine. Tags to Wagner and Shocker - THIS, the crowd is into. Very much so, actually. So Shocker bails. Hahaha. Wagner's out after him, but the crowd convinces Shocker to come back. I don't think they brought this up at all (or will), but it could be creatively stated that Shocker fled CMLL to escape from Dr. Wagner - they were scheduled to have a singles match at a Sunday Coliseo the day of the jump (which got changed to a title match, which got changed to a Ultimo/Wagner and me wishing they had GdR back then.) Back in the ring, they exchange chops, Shocker stopping to take off his shirt. Both men agree to Take It Outside, and the chops hurt even more there. Shocker' got a discus knife edge chop going on. Back inside, and Shocker welcomes us back with a Yakuza kick. STRUT. DANCE. Crowd behind Wagner. So Shocker slaps him. Whip, reversed, Wagner drops down too soon, and Shocker drops an elbow. Shocker mocks the Wagner fans. Charge, bodyscissors, blocked, and face first powerbombed. Wagner's all fired up. Wagner ducks a Shocker clothesline, and spins him out with a shoulderblock. Dropkick sends Shocker out, and Wagner to the apron - running tope con giro! That's going to leave the other four in. Dragon gets Universo with a wheel kick (Sorta), and Panther puts on his modified campana (6:41). Dragon lights up Mascara with the Five Kick Combo, and of course ends with a Dragon Cutter. That's it. (6:45) Shocker stays as far away from Wagner as he can. 

2: Wagner and the tecnicos clown around with another Dr. Wagner masked kid. Is Wagner trying to steal the kids away from Atlantis? Fiendish! This fall, I'm going try not typing five hundred words. Mascara and Panther start again, Panther is able to armdrag Mascara out, and Blue then turns right into a Shocker boot. Shocker mocks the fans booing him. Panther rallies back, giving Shocker a face first powerbomb, Shocker rolls out, realizes he's about to get dived on, and runs for the hills, almost knocking down a vendor in the process. Wagner gets a run on Universo, but as he's attacking Mascara Aņo 2000, Shocker secretly grabs his leg. That helps the beatdown get started. Shocker gives Panther a middle rope elbow drop, climbs to the ropes to celebrate, and trips and crotches himself. While everyone's laughing at that, the Capos get a double armbar on Panther - It takes me a moment to realize that isn't it for him. Shocker ahs to waist for ever for the Capos to stop doing their double teams so he can hit a seated tornado DDT on Wagner to set up the pin. (4:06) Dragon gets beat up for good measure.

3: Rudos still in control, with Shocker taking Wagner on a guided tour of ringside. I think Wagner ends up arguing with some anti-Wagner fans and wonders where he ended up. Meanwhile, the Capos are tossing the other tecnicos into each other. Now Wagner is leading Wagner fans against non-Wagner fans. This cuts down on bumps. Keeping busy, Shocker's challenging random mothers in the second row. Wagner ends up in the ring, Panther ends up out of it. Shocker leisurely watches the Capos do the work form the apron. Now they're going to all team up on up on Wagner? No, that goes horribly bad with in five seconds. Wagner wastes no time in trying to kill Shocker, and Shocker wastes no time in hiding with the Shocker fans.  Shocker manages to beg off on every side of the ring. Meanwhile, Panther and Mascara doing spots in the ring. Luckily, they finish up just in time for Wagner and Shocker to take their act inside. Crowd behind Wagner. Shocker has a lot behind his first punch. Wagner back with a chop. Shocker knocks him down with a chest slap. Shocker charges Wagner when he's laying down, an naturally gets monkey flipped out. Wagner teases dive, but Mascara leisurely kicks him out. Panther in for his team, as they fight once more. Mascara Aņo has a typically effortless powerbomb, and not effortless in a good way. That get a two count, Panther reversing a suplex into a small package also gets a two count. Mascara gets in a spinebuster, and ascends the ropes as if he were about to go for a moonsault, so obviously nothing's going here. Dragon dropkicks him to the floor. Panther gets in his tope - when is Dragon going to get in the moonsault? Ah, first he gets in he teases a  Dragon Cutter on Universo, then he gets him with the back elbow, and now Dragon's actually going for a top rope pescado. This leaves Shocker and Wagner back in, as it should. Shocker knocks down Wagner with a big boot. Off the ropes, boot's caught, and Wagner gives him the dragon leg whip. Wagner goes for another, but Shocker comes back with an enziguri. Shocker up, but limping. Figure four - no, Wagner kicks him away. Shocker to the corner, Wagner misses a splash, and Shocker hangs him upside down to pull him off - big spinebuster slam. Shocker trying for a figure four variation, Wagner small package one two three! (6:30) That was fun. Shocker seems to think Wagner just got lucky.

Match 2: Alex Koslov, Kenzo Suzuki, Marco Corelone (c) vs Dos Caras Jr., Rey Bucanero (c), Ultimo Dragon
Arena Mexico, 09/15/06

  1. tecnicos
  2. tecnicos

Winner: Tecnicos (2-0)
Match Time: 10:35
Approx Rating: Some wackiness, but not really a good match
Other Match Notes: We're well into the show by the time this one starts, so no entrances AND the tecnicos are getting beat down. From the way he's posing, looks like Corelone just entered.

1: Kenzo is beating out Dragon with a Japanese flag! That seems wrong. Kenzo waving it around immediately after makes up for it. Alex takes Rey since Corleone has to beat up Dos. Now Kenzo's choking Dragon with the flag. So wrong. They switch off partners, but it's mostly one one one face yanking. The Axis Of Evil due team up to beat up Dos in the ring, with Marco hitting the high high dropkick on Dos, and then a normal dropkick on Dragon. Oh my gosh, Alex Koslov can do a good superkick. Please, he needs to teach everyone he meets in Mexico. Kenzo gets in the faceclaw STO on Dragon. Someone want to get in a pin? Nah, I guess Rey has to the the springboard clothesline too. Kenzo top rope Thesz Press leaves Rey in position for a Koslov lyagushka splash. Hey, a pin, anyone? No, Alex has to put back on his Ushanka hat. Time TO Dance! Kenzo stops him - no, that's not good enough, for Kenzo Suzuki. Kenzo shows of his technique, which is far more Riverdance, but whatever, and Alex decides this is the time to tie his shoe. Like a Three Stooges bit gone weird, Kenzo backs up, and Alex inadvertently schoolboy trips his partner! Now the rudos are not on the same page, and Dragon uses the distraction to attack Alex. This actually goes no where - he's throttled by the rudos without getting much in, so the rudos goofing around was just the rudos goofing around. The rudos get on the same page for some big move  - ah, they're whipping Dragon back in the ring for a backdrop. That seemed pointless. They're going to try the same with Dos, backing him up on the ramp, having Kenzo whip him - oh, Rey pulled Alex out of the way, so Dos was able to springboard into a dropkick on Corelone. Dragon manages to outsmart Kenzo (no, really!) as Dos flies over the top rope for a tope on Corelone. Dragon gets in a crossbody and a Two Kick Combo ON Kenzo before he goes out. Tecnicos are in search of someone to fight. Where did Koslov go? Kenzo's down, Corleone is fleeing form Dos. Alex is on the apron, but it's Kenzo in, and mocking Bucanero's taunt. Crowd is with Rey, at any rate. Kenzo about kills everyone with a clothesline. That was bad. The boost spot Rey and Dragon try to goes equally bad. Perhaps we can get a finish? Dragon with a Six Kick Combo into the Dragon Cutter on Alex (6:01) Rey with a suplex on Kenzo, and that's that. (6:03) Corelone doesn't want any part of Dos - at least when the fall is already over. 

2: Dos has some very animated words for Corelone to star the fall. They challenge each other to knock each other down, and neither's going, though Corelone's the one posing after posing after they run into each other. Marco tries a clothesline, Dos ducks under, and finally the shoulderblock works. Kenzo tries a cheap shot from the outside, and Dos kicks him to the floor, but that allows Marco to get in a dropkick. Turnbuckle smash. Kicks to the midsection. Whip, Dos runs up the ropes, moonsault over Corelone, and a hips when Corelone charges him. NOOGIE! Dos off the ropes, over, grabs the ropes when Corelone goes for a big boot, ducks when Corelone charges with a boot, and Marco crotches himself on the ropes. Dos sends him out with the climb up enziguri, and Dos poses - till Kenzo tips him over. Dragon on Kenzo with slaps and kicks, but Kenzo run s him over with a boot. Kenos head up top - why? - but Dragon crotches him. Dragon slaps Kenzo for being dumb, I'd guess. But then, Dragon's the one who tries for a superplex, and we know that's not going to happen. Dragon gets pulled up to the top rope, so he backflips down and climbs up to dropkick Kenzo over. (Huh) We weren't going to escape two Dragon matches without at least one Asai Moonsault, so where we go. Alex in, Rey in, and Of course Alex mocks the Rey taunt. They evade moves for a bit, and Rey gets backdrop into/over the ropes (Didn't look good, Rey about crotches for good), Rey comes back in with a shoulder to the gut and a springboard over Koslov, the better to dropkick him out. Rey charges for a dive, Koslov moves, Rey slides out under the bottom rope, Koslov misses a clothesline, Rey tosses him up, Koslov lands on the apron and kicks at Rey, Rey pulls him off hard, and Alex's face meets the apron. Corelone and Dos in, and both take time to compare reactions. Dos charges, Macro moves, Dos flips around to his feet, and Marco knocks him down with a clothesline. Try that again! Rey trying to rally the crowd for his partner. Dos gets the waistlock, but Marco gets to the ropes and shoves him off. Marco misses a clothesline, Dos has the waistlock again, and Marco reaches behind his back and pulls off the mask. That's not going to fly for a pin, dude, when both refs saw it. There's the DQ arm raise. (4:32)  It's a victory in Corelone's eyes, and he takes special effort to completely rip off Dos' mask. The Japanese fans in the crowd are happy - well, they were going to get a win either way. Replay of the mask pulling off - you can see Dos' face from this angle if you're paying attention.

And that's it.