CMLL GDR - 09/02/06 (#41)
Recapped: 09/12/06

Mitos Y Leyendas: Throughout the show, Julio interviews Ringo Mendoza about his career.

Match 1: Sagrado (c), Texano Jr., Kronos vs Hombre sin Nombre, Misterioso II (c), Sangre Azteca
Arena Coliseo, 08/27/06

  1. Tecnicos
  2. Rudos
  3. Rudos

Winner: Rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 9:28
Approx Rating: Eh.
Other Match Notes: Sangre seems more confident than usual. Since Hombre sin Nombre is Hombre sin Nombre, is Misterioso the biggest start on the rudo side? Kronos and the tecnicos shove each other around some, but it doesn't break out to a direct brawl. 

1: Texano and Sangre do a battle of leg submissions, and then Sagrado comes in. He gets some flashy offense on HsN, takes a short beating from Sangre only to rally back (using a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, and then spinning him backwards once for a gutbuster), and pins Misterioso immediately with the up and over sunset flip. That was rather quick.

2: It's weird to see Sangre beat down Kronos, what with Kronos seemingly 70 pounds bigger. Kronos still wrestles the same match as every mid card tecnico, just not as quickly. Seems a bit dumb to me. Announcers discuss Maximo, with his two title partners here. Not that we're doing anything with those belts. Texano's first sequence is with Sangre as well - everyone's worked off him most of all. Misterioso and HsN have been in for seconds. They tease another Sangre sequence (this with Sagrado), but it's time for the beatdown. Sangre and HsN do a backbreaker/middle rope legdrop combo - the FBI are over in Mexico! Maybe. Texano takes the corner charges. HsN and Misterioso spread Texano's legs and roll him on to his upper back, and Sangre adds a middle rope stomp that's just barely not a low blow (more to his butt, they way they have Texano rolled.) 

3: Rejoined with the beatdown ongoing. Sagrado gets the triple boot. Long stalling before a corner whip on Texano - Kronos has time to grab HsN's leg, and get kicked away. Rudos try springboard clotheslines, and they actually work, only because this beatdown has to go a bit longer. This match lacks energy. Sangre's looked interesting at some parts, but to this point, no one else has done much. Sagrado's got a could spinning headscissors on the comeback, after he sidesteps a Sangre charge. Texano gets boosted up into a dropkick, because all tecnicos are the same. Triple tope does look pretty cool, I'll give this match that. Captains in, and Misterioso immediately ends up in a stalling ab stretch. Meanwhile, Texano comes off the top rope, to Sangre, but Sangre gets him with a dropkick. That turns the tide. Kronos gets a spinebuster from HsN and locked in a leg hold (is that a stump puller pin), while Sangre attacks Sagrado from behind, and loads him to Misterioso as he goes up. Top rope Rosa Driver, that's it. Fans do not approve.

Match 2: Mascara Ano 2000, Pierroth, Universo 2000 (c) vs Heavy Metal (c), La Mascara, Volador Jr.
Arena Coliseo, 08/27/06

  1. Tecnicos
  2. Rudos
  3. Rudos

Winner: Rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 10:00
Approx Rating: bad
Other Match Notes: I have less than zero desire to see this match. What in the world did they have in mind here? Did Volador just do "you can't see me?" I'm pretty sure I didn't see that. You might be surprised to hear that Heavy Metal is fired up. I should note they got a new font for the graphics last week, but no one besides myself could possibly care.

1: If you've been looking for Volador and Universo working chain wrestling, this is your day. Actually, no, Universo just bails at the first chance. Mascara's hair is still short from facing Rey. The Casas Family are the only wrestlers I can think of who purposely lean down and bounce off only the middle ropes when they want a short boost. Heavy Punch knocks Mascara right out of the ring - and Metal whips Volador into a tope on him! Heavy Punch for Pierroth as well. Did Pierroth stop paying for hair dye. La Mascara comes into get one more - 'rana on Universo - and that's it for the fall. Metal may have a crossface on Pierroth, but we don't get a good look at it. Are La Mascara and Volador's tights supposed to match here? They almost do.  

2: Volador gets in one enziguri before mascara rolls out, and takes a human shield. Universo levels Mascara with a chop as he comes in. Standard stuff here, with Universo throwing himself out of the ring for a missed clothesline, and Pierroth cutting La Mascara off from a dive (weakly and with bad timing.) Rudos rush the tecnicos, and it's beatdown. Mascara and Metal are focused on, with Universo doing nothing for quite a while. Not that he's doing a whole lot when he's fighting. They go for masks, of course. At they pull out the slingshot into a DVD bit. Double leg bar with mask pull on Volador for that submission. Are they going to bother getting two? Yes, but slowly. Metal gets the guillotine sit from Universo, who almost wipes himself out on it. Metal's holding his head again. 

3: Beatdown goes on.  Mascara take a double backdrop. He probably should've taken some sort of pin in that last fall. I wonder if it'll happen here. Volador tries to make the corner comeback after a backdrop to the apron, but Pierroth just sidesteps his springboard dropkick. That looks odd. Metal tries, and just ducks a double clothesline, which Pierroth takes instead. Brawling comeback is on. It settles down (quickly) to Metal and Universo, with Universo getting his tope in. The other four all in, and the rudos end up whipped into each other. The tecnicos try bulldogs, they're shoved off, they spin each other around, and they still get pinned. Mascara gets a very slow crucifix cradle on Volador, but Pierroth breaks the world record for slowest recorded pumphandle slam. So so bad. He couldn't even really get La Mascara up to his shoulders like he wanted, so he just dropped him. Rudos beat up Metal for good measure.

That's it.