CMLL GDR - 08/05/06 (#37)
Recapped: 08/07/06

getting dressing: Dos Caras Jr. His t-shirt has the international symbol for a person, except with no head. Logically, it reads below: "International symbol for man in need of head."

Match 1: La Nazi, Medusa, Princesa Sujei (c) vs Dark Angel (c), India Sioux, Sahori
Arena Coliseo, 07/30/06

Winner: Rudas (Sujei small package India)
Match Time: 11:33
Approx Rating: Okay, pushed the story
Other Match Notes: The rowdy tecnico (tecnica here, I guess) fans are very upset with Medusa, or at least it seems that way. Sujei does the captains interview with Magadan and seems more intense than Hiroka did. She's taking the "they talk too much, we're better" viewpoint. Dark Angel does the same for her team, all in Spanish. She seems good at it this point, though there's moments where she's searching for a word she just can't find. One fall, as always. Referees are Terror Chino and Rafel el Maya.

Captains in the ring to start. 2:30 back and forth chain sequence; not perfect, but good. They reach a standoff, and India gets tagged in - she wants Medusa, but gets La Nazi. Medusa eventually comes in to pose - the crowd prefers India to pose. Medusa tells her to bring it, and India's shoulderblocks don't exactly work; getting Medusa to run and ducking the clotheslines does work a little better. An okay big/small sequence, though both (still) look a bit tentative. India drops down to cause Medusa to charge here way out of the ring, and teases a cartwheel dive (!) - or maybe she was just doing a cartwheel, who can say. Marcela and La Nazi in - Nazi drops Marcela once with a hard chest slap, and twice with a clothesline. Marcela rallies back with a springboard back elbow. There two are especially fired up for this match, even though they're the least feuding. Marcela ends up headscissors Nazi out, and that's where they take the break. (5:55)

We return to see Dark Angel screwing around with Sujei, who responds by kicking her a couple times. Headlock, shot off, back under, over, Sujei whips Dark, Dark blocks a hiptoss and 'ranas free. Sujei's up while Dark is celebrating, and Princesa dropkicks her in the back. Kick to the backside. Corner whip - no, Dark Angel has the ropes, so Sujei kicks her again. Corner whip, reversed, Dark charges in, no one's home, Sujei points to her head while Dark Angel heads to the middle rope. Backflip off to an armdrag, another armdrag taking Sujei out, and pose. Rudas are getting nothing. Nazi and Sioux, this time for real - no, Medusa attacks India down form behind immediately. Dark Angel tries to come into help while the rudas assault India, and La Nazi slaps her down. Marcela's given kneelift as she tries to help. Meanwhile, Medusa is untying India's mask - this is a reoccurring theme between the two. Marcela and Dark Angel are ran into each other, sending Marcela out. Dark angel is giving a takedown/clothesline combo (Innovation or error? you be the judge!) and a double elbow drop from Nazi and Sujei. India and Dark Angel get sent out so they can work over Marcela - corner clothesline, corner clothesline (Medusa running too soon), corner clothesline.  India back in, and blocking Medusa's kick, but Sujei kicks her hard when he's vulnerable. How mean. India is is whipped into La Nazi's boots. Dark Angel gets the same. Rudas don't have any one to beat a the moment. Marcela and Dark Angel talk over a plan, and I guess it involves Marcela going in 1 on 3. That doesn't seem to work. She's whipped into La Nazi, who didn't get her feet up, so she just smashed her down. La Nazi tells them to bring both the others in - and they're whipped into a La Nazi double clothesline. La Nazi is pretty proud of herself at the moment. I guess she has some right, of course, while she's posing, Marcela sneaks back in, ducks a double clothesline from the rudas, and slaps La Nazi form behind. Dark Angel and India Sioux clear out the other rudas with dropkicks, and Marcela slips underneath La Nazi - huge powerbomb! India and Dark Angel take a break from their fights to dropkick La Nazi out. India goes back to Medusa, and they have a sequence in the middle of the ring while Marcela drops on La Nazi with a top rope plancha. Dark Angel's turn to dive - apron silla for Medusa. Sujei back into to face India, India sunset flip, Sujei rolls thru, Sujei kicks her right in the face. Ow. Whip, reversed, why does Sujei always put her hand back when she hits the ropes (so she doesn't actually hit the ropes, I guess), and back into a India Sioux tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, which is seriously as good as any one in the group who isn't Atlantis. India goes to the ropes - to add a dropkick to the head? - but gets grabbed by Medusa. India turns around to face her - uh oh, Medusa's pulled the mask! Sujei wraps her in the small package to cover the face, one two three. (11:33) A horrible travesty of justice. Medusa's hiding the mask behind her back, and I Think she's going to get away with it. India's partners check on her, then go to argue with the refs again - leaving India free for Medusa to beat up. The tecnicas try to help out, but Sujei runs them off, and India's left laying. Replays; you couldn't see India's face, because of all the hair.  

Match 2: Atlantis, Olímpico, Último Guerrero (c) vs Dr. Wagner Jr., Mistico (c), Negro Casas
Arena Coliseo, 07/30/06

  1. rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: Rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 8:11
Approx Rating: Fun for an 8 minute match, set up the title match fine
Other Match Notes: Último actually gives his credit to his opponents in his prematch interview. He must be ill. There's one valet enjoying Negro Casas' music to an unreal degree. Wagner has the BELT. Crowd goes nuts the moment Mistico's music plays. I think they like him. Also going nuts is Olímpico, who beats him - straight into his prematch interview. (well, not really.) Mistico challenges everyone to a mask vs hair or match vs hair match. So they really have nothing to talk about here.

Olímpico brings Mistico in the ring the hard way. Fights' on long before they get around to blowing the whistle. Will they get around to blowing the whistle? Yes.

1: Rudos go looking for masks, Olímpico ripping Mistico's and Guerrero nearly pulling Wagner's off. Things settle down into three on ones form there. Corner charges for Wagner. Boot to the head for Ke Monito (wearing a half Wagner, half Mistico mask.) Olímpico goes outside to press slam Mistico on the guardrail, and they're still chanting loudly for him. Wagner gets picked up into the Atlántida, and that's it for him. Mistico is brought into be tossed around a bunch, and Olímpico gives him his Nudo Olimpica for the win. Rudos decide to toss Monito around till Mistico runs in and covers him up. Atlantis rolls Mistico over, Monito ends up on top, and Atlantis elbow drops him. Mistico prevents more work, so they kick him instead. Replay of the finish.

2: Rudos firmly in control at the start of this fall. Mistico takes a press slam onto Atlantis' knee. Wagner gives him a pep speech on the outside while the rudos have their way with Negro. Crowd chants for him as the rudos set up for the catapult sit - and Mistico springboard dropkick them! Comeback is on quick - catapult sit immediately for Olímpico, and Último taxes a big bump on a Wagner kick. The other fights are upstaged by Mistico giving Olímpico a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and tearing up his mask. Negro might have sneaked in a low blow on Atlantis in the chaos. Olímpico takes a Mistico dropkick to the head. Mistico whip, reversed, Mistico back with a twisting headscissors. Mistico teases the dive, and then pulls off the slingshot tornillo. Always fun. Tecnicos back in, and it's alternate finish time - Negro with the dropkick to the knee and Crossface on Atlantis, Wagner with forward roll hammerlock headscissors on Último. Both done at the same time. Wagner celebrates with small children. Wagner goes for some revenge on Último as Negro checks on Mistico. Replays.   

3: Atlantis and Mistico start the third, with Atlantis chest slapping Mistico, and Mistico refusing to go down - till he does, oh. Mistico's back to the blond hair again. Atlantis poses and goofs around till Mistico surprises him with a not quite superkick. Mistico's flipping run off the ropes, and a twisting headscissors too. Run up the ropes, twisting armdrag sends Atlantis out, and Negro ducks out of the way as Mistico runs up the ropes and chases down on Atlantis with a plancha. Olímpico and Negro in. Olímpico poses - Olímpico is a scary man. Chop battle breaks out, and of course Negro cheats by kicking. Clothesline almost gets Negro over, but he's just up - Olímpico tries again, Negro back bends under and dropkicks him in the knee. Olímpico rolls out before he can the La Majistral happens. Último and Wagner, well, just as soon as Wagner can get people to chant for him. Wagner's pumped - Wagner's dropped by a chop. Último tells the people to cheer for HIM. Oddly, they don't. Wagner over the ropes, over, under, tossing Último. Chops. Is Magadan speculating on Wagner vs Último in a mask match? Focus! Último reverses a whip, Wagner slides out, Último slides out, Wagner slides back in and struts. Último back in, Wagner charges into a drop toe hold which sends him in to the corner, Último charges in to a drop toe hold that ends him in the corner. Wagner with a kick, and a slow Tornado DT. Punch for Olímpico to get him out of the way, and posing on the apron - apron tope con giro. Atlantis takes a look, is he going to dive? No, Mistico cuts him off with a dropkick. Mistico waves to the fans, but they're chanting before he even does. Shoulderblock to Atlantis, superkick to Olímpico, Negro in with a dropkick to the knee, Mistico off the ropes for La Mistica - NO! Atlántida! And Olímpico's reversed Casas' cradle into one of his own, one two three That was CLUTCH. Magadan is reveling in the rudos snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. 

Olímpico has something to yell - GdA are the bestest. So they want a tag team title match next week, him and Atlantis vs Negro and Mistico. Atlantis wants the belt! Mistico angrily accepts. Atlantis promises to bring it to a new level when they win the titles next week. And then Olímpico decides to go for Mistico's mask. Negro makes the save, so Atlantis fights him - and off to replays.

That's it.