CMLL Mini Line - 04/22/06 (#219)
Recapped: 07/05/06

We go from the normal dance open into Diana dancing to the ring, which isn't that big of a switch.

Match 1: Princesa Sujei, La Nazi vs Diana La Cazadora, India Sioux
Arena Mexico, 11/18/05

Winner: Tecnicas
Match Time: 14:45
Approx Rating: Seen better out of the women.
Other Match Notes: Diana's another female wrestler based in Monterrey; this is her debut. La Nazi has her Nazi helmet and armband here. Refs are Baby Richard and Roberto Rangel. One fall match. Seems like a clip early on.

La Nazi & India Sioux work the big/small dynamic to start. Diana works with Sujei, which is for the best - she doesn't lockup right. Even in Mexico, the women's matches do the same rollup sequences. La Nazi keeps breaking up submission attempts by Diana, so she eventually gets her with a weak forearm. Diana gets distracted on the outside, and they go to a beatdown, starting with those matches up but moving onto some basic teamwork. Big spot is a double powerbomb on Diana, but they can't pin, and Diana doesn't do a particular good job of selling it. Sujei lands a top rope silla on India with Nazi's help, but gets Nazi when trying for Diana on the second one. Comeback. Sujei quickly slides out, so it's 2 on La Nazi. They have a nice double dropkick to her sides spot, but nothing much after that - it's the point where'd you get a dive or a tease but it just gets reset. Sujei and India sequence - India looks talented (springboard moonsault escape) but raw (bad landing). La Nazi drops her with a clothesline and Sujei is sent out with a spinning headscissors. Nazi teases a tombstone, but India escapes with a spinning headscissors, armdrags, and two dropkicks (one better connected than the other.) Sujei comes back in, takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, and India celebrates. Diana and Sujei now. Diana looks really not good to start, doing a drop down way early and Sujei elbow dropping her for it. She at least takes a beating, but her moves look just a little off. Her big spot is either her handspring back elbow, or her increasingly exposed thong. La Nazi comes in to help out, but a corner charge backfires, and the tecnicas rally for near falls on rollups. Diana fixes her pants, as India sends Sujei out. Double backdrop, double elbow drop, and double legdrop for La Nazi. Double crab on her as Sujei finally comes back to break it up. Rudas slap the tecnicos in the face, and actually pull off the whip into each other. That seems to catch the rudas by surprise - I know I am. They set up to do it a second time, and this time the tecnicos turn it around and dropkick the rudas. La Nazi is whipped into Sujei, sending Princesa out. La Nazi clotheslines clotheslines India, and Diana knees Nazi - Nazi sells it like a low blow. She's not quite going to get the DQ here. India and Diana cover one two three. Sujei tries to make the save and India cradles her for the other pin.

Match 2: Apolo Dantes (c), Sangre Azteca, Hombre Sin Nombre vs La Mascara, Satanico, Brazo de Plata (c)
Arena Mexico, 11/18/05

  1. rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 11:32
Approx Rating: Some interesting ideas, but nothing special here.
Other Match Notes:
No entrances. Weird lineup.

1: Sangre and Mascara start with chain wrestling, except Apolo kicks Mascara as he starts to get a hammerlock. Satanico walks cross ring to yell at him - maybe he was enjoying the attempt. I know I was. Porky ends up running over and corner smashing Apolo. Sangre kicks him in the behind, and Porky belly bumps him in the rope. Hombre Sin Nombre slingshots in with a cross body - and gets belly bumped down in mid air by Porky. Back to the chain wrestling! Well, no, because we've got a giant graphic in the way, but I'm sure they're doing it just behind there. Again, Mascara gets a slight advantage, and Apolo breaks it up. And then they decided they just might as well do the beatdown. Sangre has a nice low blow dropkick on Porky during this, but it's more Hombre Sin Nombre yanking Satanico's face than anything. Mascara's held upside down on the outside so Sangre can dropkick him to the floor - it's tough position to take a bump from. HSN scoops into take Apolo's pin, but Apolo seems unconcerned. The camera shakes when Porky takes a spinebuster. Apolo adds his top rope splash for the win. Break. Replays. Break.

2: Rudos voluntary go back to one on one. La Mascara gets in his move sequence on Sangre and HSN., including a 619 on Sangre (which I believe is getting boos now.) Apolo steps into put an end to it, but that only lasts so long, and he ends up taking a tope. Satanico and HSN. HSN keeps clotheslining Satanico as he turning, which looks weird. Satanico looks better here. HSN has a spot where he tries to walk the top rope and fails, which is just so HSN. Satanico tags in Porky so he can flatten HSN. HSN rolls out, and won't go back in, so Sangre takes his place. Crowd behind Porky. Porky manages to outsmart the rudos, with Sangre getting his partners when he means to hit Porky and everyone running into hiptosses and arranged in the corner so all the tecnicos can take turns doing the bronco buster sit on the rudos.  Apolo is yanked out by Satanico into a La Mascara superkick, and 'ran ends things. That's it, though Satanico has Sangre in a rocking horse, and Porky gives HSN a middle rope splash. We get the camera shaking on the replay of that one.  

3: Apolo has La Mascara in an armbar when the third fall starts, but Satanico is quickly in and punching him. Announcers are hyping an 11/27 show in Torreon. Satanico gets Apolo in a submission, Sangre breaks it up. Sangre gets Satanico in a submission, Porky breaks it up. Porky gets Sangre in a chinlock, and HSN breaks it up. HSN tries a drop down and dies. No submission for you. Actually, HSN is back up and trying a sunset flip moments later. Someone really likes shaking the camera. HSN rolls out out to the floor to escape, and Satanico gives him the apron senton form there. La Mascara and Sangre in, and Mascara quickly gets the bodyscissors roll into the rocking horse. Sangre holds on for a while, but he's done. Apolo is dumb - he does do the sunset flip and that's the end of this one. Speedy final fall. 

Lo Que No Vio: Atlantis introduces Charlyn Correa to the crowd. In a girls U-17 charity split squad game, she scored a goal - and put on an Atlantis mask. So Atlantis, Ultimo and her do the Guerreros huddle bit and she got front row seats. In other Famous People Come To These Shows (we swear), Dr. Morales talks to Claudia Quijas (who's apparently a TV sportscaster) and Ignacio Garibay (bullfighter.) I guess they're a couple? This was all during the main event, which aired on some other show.

Stellar Moments
Bam Bam with an awesome running slingshot tornillo. Separately, Ultimo Dragoncito gives Mini Halloween a dragon suplex. Not much of a combo as two guys doing good moves around the same time.
Llave: Averno pins Heavy Metal with a La Majistral to retain the tag titles @ 11/08 Arena Coliseo show.
Sensational: Mr. Niebla with a suicide moonsault onto Tarzan Boy
Treacherous: Universo, Black Hammer, Damian 666
Spectacular: La Mascara and Mistico beating Averno and Mephisto with their trademark holds.

Match 3: Canek, Hijo del Perro Aguayo (c), Mephisto vs Ultimo Dragon, Mr. Niebla (c), Negro Casas
Arena Mexico, 11/18/05

  1. tecnicos
  2. rudos
  3. rudos

Winner: Rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 11:18
Approx Rating: Canek and Ultimo were awake for this one, making it better than usual.
Other Match Notes:
It sounds like Ultimo has his WWE theme here (complete with fire boom) mixed with his classic theme. Mephisto is here (and the last match was goofy) because of a last minute card shuffle. God knows why Niebla is the captain. Refs are Bestia Negro and Roberto Rongel. 

1: While this match actually gets started, we get highlights of the goal scoring bit I mentioned before. Canek's mask looks cool today. That's all I got for a Niebla/Canek exchange. It could be worse, but then I'd have something to say. Niebla's one foot dropkick is pretty eh. Perro and Negro is a bit high energy if nothing else. Perro does manage to snap during the first 15 seconds, but Negro eventually sends him out with a clothesline, allowing Perro to wander the wilderness of the ramp. Mephisto and Dragon do a sequence, but I'm distracted by Morales bringing up Eddie Guerrero's death, which would've been five days prior. They waited another week to actually acknowledge it in the arena and never seemed to do something on the website, and it annoyed me at the time. It's nice to know they did say a few words on the broadcast this week. It breaks down into dives and end game from there. Canek presses Negro, but Dragon dropkicks him and Casas lands on top for that pin, and Dragon gets his own pin Perro, much to the displeasure of a vocal minority.

2: Canek/Negro sequence to start. Canek actually takes a Negro monkey flip! He's feeling spry. Quickly to Niebla/Perro. Perro goes only slightly crazy on him. Niebla ends up getting the big slap on him, and handspring elbow send shim out. Mephisto in, but he ends up being slid out. Switch to Dragon and Canek. Dragon backflips from a backdrop, and all of the sudden, there's the least hidden clip ever. It's just minutes later in the middle of a beatdown with no explanation. It's like they meant to do a crowd shot and completely forgot to edit in. Didn't get a good look at Mephisto's hold. Perro worked over Negro in the crowd, which left Niebla with Canek. As Canek finished off the fall, Perro ran all the way up the ramp and posed on the stage for no reason. He wasn't even back to get his arm raised. 

3: During the break, Perro was mocking Dragon with the crane pose, and Dragon decided to murder him with kicks. Dragon seemed far more fired up than usual and Perro was running for his life a bit more than normal too - crowd got into it as Dragon chased Perro around ringside (might have been a clip here) and up to the ramp with kicks. Perro eventually got in a slam and the other rudos held the ring. Negro almost gets a comeback ducking a chop from Mep, but Perro comes over to help. Niebla gets in some shots on Perro before Canek reacts to help. They don't get to the replays until after the next fall has actually started. Tecnicos keep making monetary comebacks. Mephisto uses a torture rack neckbreaker for a near fall, as the match turns back into one on one. Dragon and Perro face off, with Dragon getting in the kick combo, including some extras and one right to the head. That cues the tecnicos to make a make up comeback, a bit late but whatever. It doesn't last long, and we're too Dragon and Mephisto. Dragon monkey flips Mep out, but gets pulled off trying for the Asia moonsault, and Mephisto gives him a running Tornado DDT on the floor. Canek and Niebla in the ring, Niebla misses on a moonsault, and Perro immediately gives him a German suplex. Perro goes up while Mep holds him in position, and while Canek presses Negro. Top rope double stomp, and pins to end it at the same time.   

Match 4: Halloween vs Universo 2000
Arena Mexico, 11/18/05

  1. DQ Halloween (3:08)
  2. DQ Halloween (4:15)

Winner: Universo (2-0)
Match Time: 7:23
Approx Rating: Just a heat up for further matches.
Other Match Notes:
As we join, there's already a brawl in the aisle. Damian is present, in a neckbrace. Halloween's getting the better of it as they take it in the ring.

1: Looks like Apolo is here to be Universo's back up - he gives Damian a glance and Damian backs up a bit. Apolo has no problems beating up cripples. We flash back to last week to see once again why we're here. In the ring, Halloween gives Universe a bunch of corner clotheslines and appears to follow with a Stunner, but we go far away from the action at that point. Pine for two. Knife edge chops. Whip, reversed, Universo misses a clothesline, Halloween connects on a standing wheel kick. Halloween covers after a delay, one two no - Halloweens was already getting up before the two. Halloween off the ropes - or not, Apolo pulls down the middle rope, and out tumbles Halloween. Both men put the boots to Halloween, with no regard from hiding it form the ref. Looks like Commissioner Scorpio is over to do something about. Universo chokes Halloween out with his own chain (why wear a chain?), but Apolo is being ejected from ringside. Apolo takes his time leaving, but he's out of here.  Universo is in control in the ring. Whip, reversed, Universo takes a backdrop. Perhaps I spoke too soon.  Halloween off the ropes, dropkick misses. Universo off the ropes, and Damián trips him up. CANE TO THE HEAD. Well, that ain't going to fly. (DQ 3:08) Scorpio throws Damian out, but he's already leaving. Wait, no, he's coming back. Well, this isn't going to be much of a match. Rafael Maya repossess the cane just in time to stop another shot, and now Damian really is going. Maya yells at both guys and we take a look at the DQ. Damian just starts walking as on as he hits Universo with the cane. Halloween argues with Scorpio, and we take a break.

2: Halloween's working over Universo as this fall starts. Double leg takedown, double low blow legdrop (ref waves it off.) Punches to the head. Looking at the crowd. Universo up, Universo punched down. Questionably low dropkick is also fine. Universo tires to leave, but Halloween brings him back, and stretches his arms around the ropes. Whip, clothesline. One two no. Whip, clothesline, but Universo isn't going down this time. Halloween off the ropes, into a boot, into a chest slap, but Halloween isn't going down. Halloween wants a break to take off his shirt, but Universo kicks him in the back and slides him out by his chest. Time for a dive? TOPE! Both men down while they plug SKY. Universo in first, Halloween gets hiptossed in after, one two no.  Slam, and Universo heads up. Middle rope senton works! One two th-no. Took a while to make that count. CLIP. Halloween's suddenly in control., but he immediately spears the corner post. Universo lets him out before charging - and finding nothing in the corner. Halloween gabs Universo - Tombstone? No, the ref breaks it up. Halloween has a problem with the ref breaking it up, but Universo's getting up behind him. Universo is going to Black Hammer Halloween - but Perro Aguayo Jr. breaks that up with a cane shot. This one's over. (4:15) but Perro's going nuts on Universo with the cane, breaking it over Universo. Stomp down. Anyone going to help? Guess not.

Damian does come out, but it's mostly Perro working over Universo sat ringside. Perros del Mal pose in the ring.

Next Week: Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Hector Garza, Hijo del Santo, Atlantis, Ultimo Guerrero, Mr. Niebla, Olimpico, Tarzan Boy, LA Mascara, Halloween, Negro Casas, Averno, Universo 2000 and much more.

Replays. Perro promises a surprise for Universo on 12/02.

That's it.