CMLL Mini Line - 01/21/05 (#201)
Recapped: 02/14/06


Match 1: Averno & Mephisto vs Mistico & Blue Panther
Arena Coliseo, 07/12/05

  1. rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: Tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 6:42
Approx Rating: Too short to be anything much, but good for the time it had.
Other Match Notes: I've seen this listed as just the last two falls airing, but it's the full match - they join right before the whistle, with Averno & Mephisto having previously sent Mistico to the floor. There's a big 1ra Caida graphic 30 seconds into the match. I had this mistakenly listed as a tag team title match; checking my notes, there was a challenge for one but the belts were not on the line here. 

Champs are working over Blue Panther, who hasn't taken off his vest yet. He's taken outside, and run into Mistico, who at least managed to get his clothes off. Panther brought back in, and they hold him on the ropes some. Doing whatever they do when they hold a guy on the ropes. Kaientai drop toe hold -> camel clutch -> dropkick to the face sequence. Panther out, Mistico in, as the fans cheer loudly for him. Double back elbow, double boot, taken to the floor, and a double press slam, dropping him head first on the apron! He's dead for sure. Here's a replay - Mistico sure does get his foot in on the last second. Panther's being worked over again as we return to live action, and they manage double team powerbomb to end him. (2:14) Mistico tries to come in, and Mephisto kicks the middle rope to crotch him. He gets away with it, even. Double back elbow, rolled up to his feet, double whip and a bouncing double hiptoss face first bomb. Double reverse step over armbar, sure. (2:49) Tecnicos got nothing. Quick to the break.

We missed more work on the tecnicos during the break, and seemingly the opening whistle. Oh well. Mistico looks to be crotched on the post, and Panther is worked over outside a bit before Mephisto breakings him in. Drop toe hold, elbow to the back, running kick to the face by Averno. Mistico brought in. Mephisto is distracted by the chants for Mistico, but manages a second rope axhandle to the back. Panther in, and again he gets nothing. Holding him down near the ropes. Double whip, Panther ducks the clothesline, backs up, steps, steps back (awkward) and there's Mistico with the springboard dropkick to the champs. Champs flee the ring, but the tecnicos are out getting their measures of revenge. Panther smashes Mephisto into the post, as Mistico beats up Averno on the ramp. Referees urge someone to get in the ring and fight like you're supposed to, but not until Panther's whipped Averno into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on the floor. Tecnicos come in, Champions regroup on the floor. Averno's in to face Panther, whip, Averno reveres, Panther runs into a Mephisto swinging kick. Averno chest slaps Panther, whips him towards the tecnico's corner, Mistico backdrops his panther up, helping him into a kip up headscissors on Averno. Mep tries to sneak in a senton, but Panther's rolling out of the way. Mep up quick, and waving Mistico by towards the ropes. It's a hard route, with Panther having to side step out of the way, and Mistico actually colliding with a ref, who doesn't take a bump. It throws off the timing - Mistico tried an up and over sunset flip, realized he wasn't going to make it over, tried to switch to a 'rana, really doesn't have that but Mep gallantly takes the move anyway. (2:57) Meanwhile, Panther's wacky rollup gets overlooked mostly because I have no idea what he just did. (3:00) A crowd shot masks a clip (though you can hear the sound jump), as we go straight into 

Third fall, where Panther gives Averno a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on the floor. There's another clip, and Panther is being worked over in the ring by Averno, with Mephisto close bye. Mistico is down on the floor, slightly checking a knee. Panther is tossed from the top rope, and Averno and Mephisto go up to opposite corners - top rope headbutts - but Panther moves! Mistico in, and La Mistica on Averno with Panther getting a Fujiwara on Mephisto at the same time. That's IT. (:53) They're pumped, but we head to break quick because it's that kinda of show.

Match 2: Dark Angel, Amapola vs Lady Apache, Marcela
Arena Mexico, 07/15/05

Winner: Rudas (Amapola powerbombs Marcela, leverage from Dark Angel)
Match Time: 6:26
Approx Rating: Okay, but a bit odd. They laid the match out like they wanted the rudas to be the bigger stars, which is unexpected.
Other Match Notes: Again, no introduction. One fall, which will become the pattern with these matches. Dark Angel is a rudo here because she's from outside Mexico, of course. Note, as always, Marcela and Amapola are the filler partners to the main feud - you can go back to the rare match in 2002 and they're there as well.

Marcela nails Amapola with a dropkick as the whistle blows. Kick. Whip, Amapola tries a springboard, but Marcela ducks under it. Kick. Whip, reveres, Dark Angel gets in a kick from the outside. Apache tries to come in, and Amapola bulldog clothesline her. All four are in - well not for long, Marcela is sent out. Double whip, double flapjack for Amapola and Dark Angel. Off the ropes, double dropkick to Lady Apache. Dark Angel taunts the crowd. Double whip for Marcela, Dark Angel with a spinning side slam, and Amapola adds a running dropkick to the face. Lady Apache back in, and immediately met by a kick. Amapola goes up as Dark Angel hands her over the top rope - guillotine dropkick to the head. Rudas are killing in this match. Apache sent out, Dark Angel grabs Marcela - overhead pumphandle slam Amapola adds a legdrop. Hey, want to cover? No, they want more of Lady Apache. Lady Apache completely randomly fires back, slapping Dark Angel hard in the chest and the face. Amapola grabs her in a full nelson, but that never works, and Lady Apache dropkicks and armdrags her way out of that. Marcela back in, rudas reverse whips and tecnicas get whipped into each other and thrown to the floor. Rudas talk it over in the ring - stereo topes! They tried split screen on that and it didn't quite work. Some how, it's the tecnicas in control as we turn. Dark Angle is taking a double whip, double drop toe hold, an a dropkick to the face from Lady Apache. The crowd LOUDLY boos this. There's a crowd clip right after. As we return, Lady Apache gets Dark Angel in a torture rack, but Dark Angel slips free into an inside cradle. One two NO. Lady waves Dark Angel by, Dark Angel grabs Lady Apache's arm on the next pass and gets her on the mat with a front trip cradle, one two no. Dark Angel immediately gets kicked by Lady Apache. Apache signals to the crowd - boos again, lifts Angel to her shoulders, and spins her around, dropping her on the mat. Senton one two three. (3:44) There's a LOUD cheer here and now I have no idea what to make of this. Director doesn't understand elimination rules and almost has us miss the Tapatia on Amapola, but Amapola doesn't go along with it at first so they've got time. Lady Apache rolls them both back on their shoulders for dual two counts - a three would've won there, but Amapola slipped free anyway. Marcela's standing on the apron, still in this match, if you wonder why she's not helping. Lady Apache rudely powerbombs Amapola to the mat, and says something to the ref before picking her back up. There's a segment of the crow booing, and another part that cheers when fireman carry slams Amapola and heads up. Amapola climbs to meet her, and superplexes her off! One two three (4:50) Amapola is thrilled! Until she realizes she has one more. The crowd is unquestionable behind Marcela here, doing the MAR CEL A chant as she comes in.  We mss her first pin attempt looking at the crowd, even. Amapola runs into a tough looking backdrop, and Marcela is quick to the top - top rope splash meets FEET! Amapola with Devil Wings, and she'll count along - one two NO! Crowd is in to this - the reaction this near fall guaranteed a lot of things. Amapola tries a back suplex, Marcela lands on her feet, Marcela gets a waistlock, Amapola tries to back elbow her way free, Amapola turns around, Marcela Northern Lights suplexes her, one two NO. Marcela runs to the ropes, hops up on Amapola's shoulders for the bodyscissors cradle, Amapola spins her around and powerbombs her. Dark Angel holds down her legs - one two three! (6:26) Magadan is thrilled for the rudas! The focus is on Dark Angel for illegally interfering. Marcela protests, but no dice. Replays - the crowd boos something loudly as we watch, and it had to be Lady Apache again since the rudas are long gone by this time. There's a replay of a Lady Apache dive we didn't see - she got boosted into a pescado and didn't look especially good doing it (which is why they're replaying it, of course.) Marcela got in a silla on Amapola. Marcela totally had her shoulder up during the three count, oops.  

Stellar Moments
Leono lands a top rope Asai Moonsault on La Flecha, and Stuka Jr. gets his hammerlock reverse Russian legsweep on Ramstein, which really wasn't a combination at all. Stuka's move needs a name if he's going to be using it all the time.
Tecnico: Maximo German suplexes Taguchi  
Sensational: Bronco with a sorta corkscrew plancha on Universo
Admirable: Park superkicks Tarzan Boy into a German Suplex on Tarzan Boy
Dolorso: Dr. Wagner and Misterioso double suplex Atlantis on the ramp

Quick Vignettes: Ultimo Guerrero, Bronco and Pierroth tell us why they're going to win the Leyenda de Azul Tournament and participate in the G-1 Climax. Pierroth representing CMLL? OH NO! Blue Demon's here for his dad, you know, but the international tournament think sounds sweell too.

So, everyone's in the ring, with the belt, and the ring announcer hyping up the tournament which never quite happens as it should. RUdos are on one side, tecnicos are on the other - oh, we ARE seeing the battle royal. Well, maybe after this break. 

Well, maybe not - they instead take to the list of first round matches. Trying a different format for the tournament, because most of these matches will be short and worthless as individual matches.

Leyenda de Azul Single Elimination Tournament on Arena Mexico, 07/15/05

Match 3 (1st Round): Rey Bucanero beat Heavy Metal via Pirata Bomb in 3:09
Notes: Metal's time ins off at one point. He does show off a nice looking no hands tope con giro, but gets almost no distance and nearly takes a header on the apron (that's why you tuck!) Handspring elbow by Metal, to the apron for a slingshot spinning armdrags which his blown and the fans boo. Harsh crowd. Rey takes a backdrop to the floor, and Heavy tries a pescado this time, only to get dropkicked on the way down. They battle on the floor as we look at replays - fans boo as Metal goes in, and comes off the top with a tope con giro. Dudes, you're the first match - three highspots in two minutes is a bit much. We take a look at the crowd, and miss Rey going for a pin. Metal goes for a La Majistral, Rey blocks and Metal is dead weight on a Bucanero La Majistral - they got into the ropes anyway. Metal tries a bodyscissors but whiffs (first item I've seen that), and Rey gets him with the Pirate Bomb. It's soft and they're in the ropes, so Rey scoots up two centimeters and gets the pin. (3:09)

Match 4 (1st Round): Dos Caras Jr. beat Tarzan Boy via German Suplex in 2:49
Notes: Do you really have time to pose like that, guys? They cheer Dos over Tarzan - maybe they were worried they had the crowd turning on them at this point. Evasive sequence off the ropes. Tarzan has an earning hole taped up for some reason. Really jarring clip in here - Tarzan's about to suplex Dos in one second, and then both guys are getting back up from the mat without anything having been done. Dos clotheslines Tarzan out, does a 619 fake out, and drops onto Tarzan with a corkscrew pescado. Dos suplexes Tarzan back in, and heads up to the middle rope - middle rope moonsault, no one home (and he overshot him anyway). Tarzan gives him a jumping legdrop as Dos stands up, and at least for once, they're booing the guy they're supposed to be booing. Tarzan gets Devil Wings (a popular move today) but does not try to cover. Off the ropes, Tarzan clothesline caught and turned into a German Suplex. (2:49) They almost treat this as an upset, which is surprising.

Match 5 (1st Round): Ultimo Guerrero beat Bronco via small package in 2:58
Notes: Crowd is loud about something as they join. Some try a Bronco chant, some boo in response, and Ultimo and Bronco haven't actually done anything at this point. Bronco gets a teardown and covers in what looked like a zero count spot, expect Ultimo didn't kick out and the referee wasn't going to count. The referee blinked first, but it was a good four seconds before he got to one. Both back up and doing test of strengths. Ultimo trips Bronco down to the mat and ties his legs. Bronco kip up from the mat and armdrags up. There's a part of the crowd cheering for Ultimo here, which confuses both of them but I think Ultimo is happy to hear it. Crowd boos when Bronco gets control after a big boot. Dropkick, and out goes Ultimo. Bronco slides out and gives him a swinging DDT while laying on the apron. Both are getting counted out. Bronco off the ropes, except he stops because Ultimo is talking to the camera. Bronco waits for him to get up, one series of counters later, Ultimo's laying on top for two. They're trying a Bronco chant again. Bronco gets a takedown, fumbles with Ultimo's legs, and Ultimo gets him with a small package one two three. (2:58) Count was slow there too, but what are you going to do. 

Match 6 (1st Round): Rayo de Jalisco Jr. beat Canek via legdrop in 3:02
Notes: This time, they're cheering for Rayo - and we take a break ten seconds in. (:10) After the break, they do flash the graphic - they had skipped it originally. Canek's in firm control of the ring, having kicked Rayo out to stomp, and now stomping him on his return. Usually Rayo and Canek match, complete with mask ripping and horrible clotheslines. Canek gets a plancha for two, which astounds me. He probably shouldn't have counted along - that never works. Canek goes for a second rope move, but Rayo restores out of nowhere and throws him to the mat. Rayo adds his legdrop, and makes the slow "this ain't going to get the win" cover - it doesn't get the win, weird enough. Slow motion crucifix rollup - actual awesome camera work here to protect the move - by Rayo gets two. Rayo tries a suplex and another legdrop and since he appears to be completely out of moves, that'll get three. (3:02 total) This got cut down at least in half compared to what happened, if you're wondering how we missed a reverse tope.

Match 7 (1st Round): Pierroth beat Blue Demon Jr. via hanging elbowlock in 2:50
Notes: Demon's technically a rudo, but in this tournament, that may not be the case. These two are semi-partners, but Demon's in it to win it and taking it to Pierroth to start. Clotheslines and such, and then a running somersault senton which somehow only gets two. Demon tries a sharpshooter, but gets kicked off. He proceeds to dropkick Pierroth in the face, which is all kinda of fun, Ah, it's an armbar/sharpshooter move, except he can't get the armbar to work, she's pulling Pierroth by his belt. Pierroth's a little short of the ropes - so La Nazi helpfully pushes it out to him.  La Nazi's looking smaller - smaller than when she started, I think. Demon's still in complete  of Pierroth, using a reverse mule kick to knock him out to the floor, and toping him in the back when he's there.  Demon brings Pierroth back in as we watch replays. Pierroth's set up on the top rope, and Demon gives him a loose 'rana to take him to the mat. One two no. Demon calls to end it, and then we get a crowd shot, so who knows. Chest slaps wouldn't see be the way to finish one, but who am I to argue. Pierroth catches Demon on a corner charge, powerbombing him down and taking time to pull of hi pants, which have been falling down throughout. Pierroth lifts Demon upside down on his shoulders and gets an elbowlock, and that's an anti-climatic way to end it. (2:50) He got nothing, and then he got the win. No replay for a better angle

Match 8 (1st Round): Hector Garza beat Brazo de Plata via moonsault in 4:23
Notes: Or, actually, before this one gets started, we have time for no entrances this week, except the very special debut of Princesa Sujei. She's her because Hector Garza is her trainer. Garza pantomimes to Plata what looking like Hector Garza can get you. And then she leaves. The silver outfit Porky is does not have a sliming affect, as Garza notes. They shoves, they slap. Garza kicks and forearms, and that works. PORK E PORK E. Garza's annoyed. Clothesline, but Porky isn't going down. Garza kicks him. Garza mocks him. Off the ropes, and Porky tosses him up in the air. Corner whip, Garza squashes him in the corner. Garza out, Porky on the apron after him - dive? No, Garza hides, which is a wise idea. Porky waits for Garza to come back in, and he slowly does. Garza steps in, and Porky clotheslines him. Mocking Garza! Shots to the midsection. Garza retaliates with a kick to the butt. Kick to chest. Garza is annoyed with all these Porky people. Whip, clothesline, Porky won't go down, dropkick will do it. Garza with a casual cover, one Garza picks him up AND complains about the slow count. Corner whip, Garza charges in, Porky moves out of the way. Garza gets caught in the corner, and turns into a clothesline from Porky. Porky splash one two NO! Porky with a whip, head down too soon, Garza tries a sunset flip, Porky signals this is it (a bad idea this week!) but Garza moves out of the way of the sit. Garza knocks him over with a dropkick, and looks at the crowd. Garza slams Porky! His back hurts, but he did it. Going up. Moonsault lands. One two three. (4:23) Magadan goes bonkers for this win.

Match 9 (1st Round): Black Warrior beat Mascara Sagrada via grounded octopus in 3:30
Notes: The ring girls are really earning their money with outfit changes this week. Warrior just doing moves to Sagrada. Slingshot elbow drop, slingshot legdrop one two NO. Warrior would appear to lose control on a missed control charge, but boots Sagrado down anyway - better to set him up for a Warrior monkey flip to the floor. Sagrada topes Warrior and just barely gets there - looks he hit his legs on the way thru. After replays, Sagrada's waiting for Warrior to get back to the apron - suplex in, two count. Sagrada lands a jumping kick to both sides of the head for a two count. Crowd is quiet but a few are unhappy. Sagrada powerslam, one two no. Sagrada with the jumping kicks to both sides of the head again, and still two. Warrior takes the hamstring bump off the ropes, and then pulls Sagrada into a grounded octopus. That's it. (3:30)

Match 10 (1st Round): Hijo de Lizmark beat Olimpico via spinning sidewalk slam in 1:59
Notes: Again the crowd boos something we can't see. Olimpico takes early control and gets a sit down powerbomb on Lizmark for two. He's very angry at the count. Backslide, one two NO. Again Olimpico is ticked. Slam. Olimpico taking the slow road to the corner, which seems unwise. Waiting for Lizmark to get up, and the missile dropkick actually connects. Running splash to add on one two NO. Olimpico is angry again and grabs the referee, basking off only on tease of a DQ. Whip, reversed, there's Lizmark's spinning side slam one two three (1:59) - what? that was something else.

Match 11 (Quarterfinal): Dos Caras Jr. beat Rey Bucanero via German Suplex in 2:10
Notes: We miss the first ten seconds starting longingly into the graphic. Rey's firmly in control, and clothesline Dos out as we watch. Running slingshot tope con giro! Rey's calmly walking around the ring celebrating after throwing himself out of the ring. Dos gets up to the apron, fights Rey away, and nails him with a springboard dropkick for two. Crowd chanting for Dos, and he's calling for his finisher. Press, drop, Rey spins around and DDTs him one two NO. Faster count please! Rey yells at the crowd, and heads up - plancha is caught! German Suplex one two three. (2:10) Replays of the finish - now they have time? 

Match 12 (Quarterfinal): Ultimo Guerrero beat Rayo de Jalisco Jr. via missed reversed tope in 2:36
Notes: Ultimo is going after Rayo's mask as we start - it's gone 1/4th of the way. Rayo fights back, and Ultimo can't get him down with clotheslines. Rayo can with his own clotheslines. Legdrop, delayed cover, eon two no. Rayo rips up Ultimo's mask for no good reason, There's goes the top. Big splash. Corner whip, reversed, Ultimo charges in, and takes the knee bump to the floor. Uh oh. Rayo all the way up - top rope Rayo plancha! Somehow, Ultimo is not flat as a pancake here. If you ever wanted to see the inside of a mask, this is your time. Ultimo's not moving, and some fans boo (more cheer) as Rayo gets in the ring. Ultimo appears to be getting into the ring as we go to replay, but we return right in time to see Ultimo charge into a back suplex for two. Did Ultimo rip Rayo's mask real quick at the start, or is he wearing the same mask as last round? Rayo tries the reverse tope, but Ultimo moves out of the way and covers one two THREE (2:36) Ultimo is PUMPED! Even if we can see like 70% of his face.

Match 13 (Quarterfinal): Hector Garza beat Pierroth via Garza powerbomb with feet on the rope in :28
Notes: These two are supposed to be teammates too, but they've had a falling out. As we join, Pierroth is corner whipping Hector, and trying a dropkick. The dropkick is HORRIBLE and the fans let him know. Pierroth tries a 'rana (!), Garza powerbombs him and puts his feet on the ropes, Pierroth points this out instead of getting a shoulder up, and that's one two three. (:28) Thanks for coming. La Nazi gets in Garza's face, so Garza shoves her down hard, and then dares Pierroth do anything about it. Prayer! Laugh! Garza congratulates himself on that hard fought win. Replays.

Match 14 (Quarterfinal): Hijo de Lizmark beat Black Warrior via spinning side slam in 1:53
Notes: Warrior attacks Lizmark to start. Whip, reveres Warrior misses a clothesline and Lizmark does not miss his superkick. Lizmark is unsure about what to do next and he too is confused by some reaction in the crowd.  Waiting for Warrior to get up, corner splash, but Warrior moves out of the way and does his dance. Warrior charges Lizmark, and Lizmark tosses him into the corner. Lizmark charges Warrior, and Warrior backdrops him to apron to end this cycle. Lizmark gets in a forearm and goes up, but Warrior's waiting for him and meets the plancha with a dropkick one two NO. Warrior small package one two NO. Warrior ducks a clothesline and lands a wheel kick, one two NO. Warrior goes for a hammerlock rollup, but Lizmark reveres into the spinning side slam one two three. (1:53) Replays. Break.

Match 15 (Semifinal): Ultimo Guerrero beat Dos Caras Jr. via Guerrero Special in 3:42
Notes: This is the third straight GdI member Dos has fought - and the guy who he's 1-1 against in recent months. Ultimo's got a new mask. DOS CAR AS. Ultimo's beating up the guy who's getting chants as we start. Corner whip, clothesline, corner whip, Dos reveres and lands his corner enziguri. One two NO. Both slow up. Ultimo misses a clothesline, but runs into an overhead belly to belly. Are there boos again? I dunno. Dos gets the Rocky Romero armscissors into a cross armbreaker, but Ultimo's not giving up. He turns his body, and gets a toe in the bottom rope. Dos lets go and points the crowd, who restarts the cant. Whip, reversed, Ultimo with a kick, sit down powerbomb. one two NO. Both slow up, Dos a little quicker. We take a look at the tecnico and rudo fans. Dos gets the arm scissors into a cross armbreaker again, and Ultimo again turns his body into getting his foot on the ropes.  Dos works Ultimo over with kicks, but Ultimo catches one - and OD turns it into a 'rana, one two NO. Crowd that might be three. Dos up first, and press Ultimo. German suplex one two NO! Dos points at the crowd again. What's he going to do? He slams Ultimo down and heads up. Moonsault - no, Ultimo crotches him! Ultimo waste no time - Guerrero Special one two THREE! (3:42) He's one match away from winning it all. Fans boo something as we look at replays - who knows. 

Match 16 (Semifinal): Hijo de Lizmark beat Hector Garza via half crab in 2:36
Notes: Garza's on Lizmark as we join, but not for run - corner whip goes bad, and Garza goes to the floor. Lizmark gets him with a thru the ropes tope, and Garza decides he rather take a break in the crowd. Lizmark brings him back in. Chests laps. Corner whip, reversed, Garza charges in, Lizmark backdrops him to the apron and Garza forearms him away. Garza heads up - Lizmark charges, Garza leaps and rolls him over, and then grabs him in an armdrag, setting up a grounded crucifix rollup one two no. Pierroth is out and Garza and the referee are distracted. He's not doing anything, but Garza walks into a superkick before Pierroth is escorted out. We miss a transition and Garza is back in control as we look back - powerbomb, feet on the rope, one two no the ref spots it and won't count it. That's what you get for using the middle ropes this time. Garza with a slam, and he's heading up - but Pierroth is now coming thru the crowd. He gets on the apron, the ref goes over, and La Nazi has appeared from the crowd, pushing Garza off the top rope. Garza's down on the apron and grabbing his knee. Lizmark yanks him in by the bad leg, and puts on a half crab - Garza immediately taps. (2:36) Pierroth and La Nazi are in the ring to do more, but we look at the updated standings first. Princesa Sujei (already being miscalled Lady Sujei) charges the ring and attacks La Nazi. Stomping a mudhole, picking her up and dropkicking down. Lizmark is just trying to stay out of the way, but Pierroth is going for his belt. Sujei throws Nazi out of the ring, and Garza attacks Pierroth before he can do anything to Sujei. They liberate the belt, and Sujei gets to use it on him. Lizmark's bored by this and leaving. Sujei gets in many stomps on Pierroth, none of which he has any intention of selling, until they start to hurt enough that he's forced to duck down further and then cover up. That's awesome. Garza holds him so Sujei can keep putting the boots to him.

Match 17 (Final): Hijo de Lizmark beat Ultimo Guerrero via spinning sidewalk slam in 2:22
Notes: I hope Lizmark didn't go all the way to the back and came back. Ultimo tries the opening dropkick misses, Lizmark shoulderblocks him ,and gets him with a moonsault bodyblock one two NO. Both pull themselves up. Lizmark works Ultimo over with side kicks, but Ultimo grabs one, spins Lizmark around, and clotheslines him down. Ultimo waits for Lizmark to get up, which his a mistake, because he's got a spinaroonie in him. Ultimo misses a clothesline, Lizmark lands the superkick one two NO. Dr. Morales is talking about part of the G1World tournament taking place in Madison Square Garden in New York - uh huh. Ultimo scoop slams Lizmark, and heads up, moonsault misses. Lizmark covers one two NO. Lizmark up first, sit down powerbomb one two NO. Ultimo off the ropes, clothesline missed, he tries a cross body instead, and that's just going to lead to the spinning side slam one two three. (2:22) Lizmark celebrates it like it's biggest achievement in his life - so do some of the ringside fans. Break comes way too fast for this.

Match 18: Dr. Wagner vs Atlantis
Arena Mexico, 07/15/05

  1. Atlantis 'rana (:50)
  2. Wagner powerbomb (1:06)
  3. Atlántida (3:05)

Winner: Atlantis (2-1)
Match Time: 5:01
Approx Rating: Not much. Way too short to be anything but moves and crowd reactions
Other Match Notes:
Again, no introductions, and again, we're looking at something else while the fans are booing. 

This time, it's easy to figure - Atlantis standing over a fallen Wagner, and the fans are chanting for the Doctor. Wagner can't get up, so Atlantis drags him to the ring and throws him in. BOOOOO. Whip, reveres, Wagner misses a clothesline, but Atlantis hits a plancha one two no. Way to to take the long way to the pin, dude. Ke Monito is here in Atlantis gear. We miss the next move looking at him, but Atlantis gets a 'rana for three right after. (:50) Crowd reaction is similar to John Cena's post-SummerSlam '05 - initial loud (and higher pitched) cheers followed by boos. It certainly does not help that this crowd must be dead tired at this point. I don't care how short the matches are, 17 of tem in one night can be a bit much. 

Second fall. BOOOO. Atlantis and Wagner are taking turns leveling each other with mighty forearms. When they get to clotheslines, no one's going down. On the second try, Atlantis witches and uses a backdrop. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. BOOOO. Another. BOOOOO. Man. Atlantis tries a 'rana, but Wagner turns into a powerbomb one two three. (1:06) YAAAAY. Wagner boot chokes Monito in order to get people angry with him, but there's too many rudo fans with Wagner masks to quite mask it work. WAG NER WAG NER - when the rowdy tecnico fans are against you, you're in trouble. Wagner's pulling apart the ramp between falls because what else is going to do. Atlantis is out on the ramp, and also out in general

After all that, Wagner gives into warnings and brings Atlantis back in. Running dropkick to the head. Wagner poses. The chant starts back up for him again and he leads it on. Atlantis ain't moving. They're putting the ramp back together while Wagner is away. He sets up Atlantis on the top rope - to pull at his mask? Yes. Shredding it, with it only staying on because Atlantis held it there. Wagner pulls him down into the Tree of Woe. Wagner leaves him there a while, setting up, and Atlantis pulls up on the charge. BOOOO. Atlantis sets Wagner up on the top rope, and he's getting his mask revenge. YEABOOYEABOO. Atlantis yanks so hard, he slips and falls of the top rope, taking Wagner's head with him. Wagner's mask is destroyed, and he can't even fix it to cover himself up like Atlantis did, because Atlantis just tore a section off. Both standing, Atlantis charges Wagner, Wagner tosses him up and tries for the mule kick, but Atlantis moves out of the way. Wagner charges, and Atlantis scoops him up into the Atlántida. Atlantis goes to his knees, and Wagner taps out. (3:05) Lots of cheers here, and it takes a while for the boos to be heard. Dr. Morales is noting the divided public as we go to break.

Replay of the finish. That's it.