Lucha Times

AAA on Galavision: Show airs at 3 PM Eastern, 11 PM on the west coast feed. Should be the 1st half of Triplemania, including half of the Atomicos tournament.

CAN52: normal times, and should get the top two matches becuase

FSE: off due to MLB playoffs.

10/11: Psicosis, Guadalajara, Negro Casas

Psicosis/Nicho was arrested Monday for carjacking. (El Mexicano’s article is here) He’s accused of stealing a car at gunpoint (the gun in this case turned out to be a water pistol hidden under a towel, though no one knew it at the time.) Assuming this is accurate, if he’s not already fired from WWE by the time you read this, he probably will be soon, and that seems to be the least of his problems.

CMLL (SUN) 10/08 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara Results
1) Rey Trueno b Milenio
2) Exterminador, Metal Blanco b Fraile de la Muerte, Mr. Trueno
3) Carlo Roggi, Ebola b Guero Loco, Infierno
4) Conflictus, Super Maquina b Gallo, Leon Blanco
5) Kenzo Suzuki, Tarzan Boy b Metro II, Satanico [torneo, qf, corona]
Angel Blanco low blowed both tecnicos to help the rudos win.
6) Blue Panther, Dr. Wagner Jr. b Hijo de Pierroth, Pierroth [torneo, qf, corona]
7) Blue Panther, Dr. Wagner Jr. b Kenzo Suzuki, Tarzan Boy [torneo, sf, corona]
Kenzo yanked Wagner’s mask, and Tarzan pinned him for the decisive victory. Tournament continues this Sunday.

Negro Casas will be out at least three weeks with a torn muscle in his middle abductor. ( He’s booked in a lot of bigger/known arena matches over the weekend, so there’s going to be some reshuffling.

– Arena Mexico: Heavy Metal is inserted into the main event, Maximo takes Metal’s spot in the tercera, Mascara Purpura takes Maximo’s place in the segunda
– Sunday Arena Coliseo: La Mascara moves to the main event, Metro II replaces him in the cibernetico.
– not sure on IWRG changes yet.

AAA’s been kicked out of Arena Coliseo Monterrey. The arena management said they had a deal with Pena, not the local promoter, and the deal’s off now that Pena’s passed. They’ll run a local show in AAA’s usual Sunday slot (that’s the local show with Konnan Big vs Local TV Stars, and they’ve been drawing good despite some bad wrestling), and CMLL is expected to eventually take AAA’s place in the building. AAA will likely try to run shows in Arena Solidardad instead.

El Pancracio #23 is up, and you really ought to read their article on Pena‘s funeral. They got interviews with a lot of wrestlers there, and the common sentiment seemed they would refuse to let AAA (and Antonio Pena’s memory) die. On a different note, I wish El Pancracio would do a better job of identifying what’s the new content is each edition. It’s tough to tell what’s been added, and I’m sure I’m missing new stuff each time.

Lots of familiar names on an Ultimo Dragon show tommorow in Japan.

Ultimo Dragon (THU) 10/12 Korakuen Hall [dgusa]
1) Hisamaru Tajima, Yoshitsune, Takeshi Minaminno vs Fujita Jr Hayato, Hiromi Horiguchi, Rasal Matsuzaki
2) Banana Senga vs Guillermo Chango Akiba vs Kanjyuuro Matsuyama
3) Negro Navarro vs. Solar
4) Brazo de Oro, Brazo de Platino, Passion Hasegawa vs Nosawa, Masada, Katsushi Takemura
The later trio probably as the rudo Japanese Legion, as they were in CMLL
5) Hajime Ohara vs Hijo del Fantasma [NWA Welter]
rematch of the last show in Mexico
6) Ultimo Dragon, Kazuchika Okada, Jinsei Shinzaki vs Tajiri, Masao Orihara, Ultimo Guerrero
please do the mask match already, thanks. I think it’s possible to get from Tokyo to Mexico City in time for the Arena Mexico show, but I don’t suppose it’ll be fun.

Imperio Azul, a Nuevo Leon area legend, passed away Tuesday at the age of 56. Mario Llanes, brother of Enrique Llanes, passed away Sunday.

Champ Car driver Mario Dominguez was at last night’s Arena Coliseo show. He got a Dos Caras Jr. mask.

There’s an exhibit of lucha libre engravings and films at the National Musuem of Anthropology in El Salvador. In case you’re in the neighborhood.

Guerreros del Ring #56 has a cover of – Martha Villalobos? This is what happens when you do your cover shots in advance.

10/10: Puebla, lineups

CMLL (MON) 10/09 Arena Puebla Results [hugo999]
1) Kirvan, Zigma b La Mafia, Muercielago
2) Asturiano, Centella de Oro, Fabian el Gitano b Fuerza Chicana, Maniacop, Skandalo
3) Dark Angel, India Sioux, Marcela b Amapola, Hiroka, Rosa Negra
4) Averno, Mephisto, Misterioso II b Blue Panther, La Mascara, Mascara Purpura
5) Alex Koslov, Atlantis, Black Warrior b Heavy Metal, Rey Bucanero, Volador Jr.

AAA’s updated it’s preview for the 10/14 show, saying it’ll be a tribute to Antonio Pena. (Which means the 10/12 taping is ?) Card’s the same, except Antifaz is officially taking Electroshock’s spot in the Vipers. The main event is a cage match, if it wasn’t before.

Yahoo Travelerdoes like a minute (I’m told) on lucha libre.

Box Y Lucha is doing a chat with Lady Apache on Wednesday.

Lineups are below. IWRG has a cage of death match in Arena Neza this week, and apparently the tag team tournament last weekend in Guadalajara is part of a Corona Tag Team tournament.

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10/09: Coliseo, Halcon

CMLL (SUN) 10/08 Arena Coliseo Results [Alvin]
1) Caligula, Messala b Rayo Tapatio I, Rayo Tapatio II
2) Hooligan, Mr. Mexico, Ramstein b Fabian el Gitano, Starman, Texano Jr.
3) Brazo de Oro, Felino, Virus b Dr. X, Hombre sin Nombre, Sangre Azteca
The third fall become a wacky stall fest, with Brazo de Oro walking off, the match sort of continuing without him, and Brazo de Oro returning, explaining he had to take a break because he was tired. More shenanigans led the match to go about 30 minutes, and even after, Sangre Azteca and Felino challenged each other to a Congress Theatre Show Ender (‘mask match’ which ends in under 10 seconds with a sunset flip only for the rudos to declare it wasn’t a legitimate three count and flee) – the oddity here is Sangre put up Dr. X’s mask and Felino put up Virus and Brazo de Oro’s hair, and of course none of this counts.
And then there was a special valet dance session
and then Tony Salazar announced there was a special bonus match
4) Mascara Purpura b Hooligan
Three falls, not sure how long.
5) La Mascara, Lizmark, Maximo b Averno, Emilio Charles Jr., Mephisto
Lizmark filled in for Negro. Maximo faked Emilio fouling him and got the win. Maximo challenged for a hair match post match, and that seems possible.
6) Hijo de Lizmark, Mistico, Rey Bucanero b Atlantis, Shocker, Ultimo Guerrero
After the show, the speculation was Rey and Mistico were way late coming from another show, and that’s what the stalling (and Brazo de Oro disappearing) was all about. In the match, it seemed very evident Shocker was turning tecnico – he’s friends with Monito again, so it’s a matter of time. Mistico and Shocker should feud to the rights for Monito.

I can’t imagine any of the stalling airing. According to Alexis’ report on, the fans were chanting for Mistico from the dancing on, so I don’t think they could’ve subbed him off without a slight riot.

This Sunday, by the way, features a random cibernetico:

CMLL (SUN) 10/15 Arena Coliseo Lineup
1) Shockercito & Fantasy vs Pierrothito & Mini Violencia
2) Valiente, Leono, Tigre Blanco vs Soberno, Apocalipsis, Hooligan
3) Dark Angel, Lady Apache, Princesa Blanca vs Princesa Sujei, Hiroka, Rosa Negra
4) La Mascara vs Sagrado vs Maximo vs Virus vs Mascara Purpura vs Hombre Sin Nombre vs Emilio Charles Jr. vs Alex Koslov vs Hirooki Goto vs Sangre Azteca
5) Mistico, Negro Casas, Heavy Metal vs Ultimo Guerrero, Black Warrior, Olimpico

CMLL (TUE) 10/03 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara Results
1) Flama b Neon
2) Metal Blanco b Rey Trueno
3) Evola b Infierno
4) Conflictus b Gallo
5) Hijo de Pierroth, Mascara Magica, Pierroth b Lider, Stuka Jr., Tony Rivera
6) Olimpico, Tarzan Boy b Dr. Wagner Jr., Metro II

AULL (FRI) 10/06 Arena Lopez Mateos Results
1) Karina Duval, Luna Magica ?? Lady Maldad, Rosa Negra
2) La Mistica, Sahora DQ La Nazi, Medusa
3) Tsunami b India Sioux [LLF Juvenil]
4) Amapola b Marcela [IWRG Women]
I keep seeing this refered to as the IWGP title, which – yea, no way.
5) American Angel, Lady Apache b Hiroka, Simply Lucious

This partial recap of last Thursday’s IWRG show says Nitro has an IWRG title. I’m sure that’s possible, since he seems to be a regular for the promotion, but I’m not sure which title.

The Archbishop of Mexico City was at Antonio Pena’s funeral. (Last paragraph.) There’s another obit for Pena in El Manana.

I was thinking about this yesterday – the idea behind CMLL (and AAA)’s TV shows is that it’s Televisa covering lucha libre, not the promotions putting on TV shows themselves. If it’s Televisa’s show, there’s no way they could’ve ignored the death of Antonio Pena and kept the impression of network independence. (It’s CMLL’s ring, so they didn’t have to do anything as part of the live event, and it doesn’t sound like they did.)

El Halcon #72 is up. As always, you should go to the site to read the whole thing.
– Perro Aguayo biography. It’s a sign of when I started watching lucha libre that the picture of a Young Perro Aguayo looks impossible to me.
– Hype for the AULL card, which will see starts team with unknowns all over the card.
– Valiente interview. He’s been most compared to Super Astro and, in fact, it was watching Super Astro which got him into lucha libre. He’s been training and wrestling for 7 years – trained first by Fuerza Aerea, then Hijo del Gladiador, Guerrero del Futuro and Franco Colombo. His first match was Arena Los Angeles 86, in Nueva Aragon, on 05/30/96 – he teamed with Piloto Asesinoi to take on Charly Cardenas & Mr. Tawa. The name (Brave in English) was a nickname from a teacher, who noted not-yet-Valiente early wrestling pay was a water bottle and two pesos to take the train out to the show, and figured he’d has to be pretty brave to be competing for that little.
– Q&A with Danger. At the wiki, we’ve got him from the Dominican Republica – here, he says he’s from Mexico City. He was originally taught by LA Park. His favorite tag partner is Sensei.
– Interview with CMLL’s Flash. Again, I think someone said he changed his name to Gotico, but here Flash says he’s Flash and always has been. (This one, I’m more sure is a wiki error.) He also looks to weight roughly 90 pounds; he says 165. In between high flying, Flash is also a dentist (I think.) Flash is from Oaxaca and his family is still living there, so he’s all on his own Mexico City.
– Monthly Rankings are back! #1s at each
Heavy: Silver King
Light Heavy: Ultimo Guerrero (and Rey Bucanero doesn’t make the top 11? INJUSTICE!)
Middle: Mistico
Welter: Volador Jr.
Lightweight: Loco Max
Mini: Fantasy
Women: India Sioux (Hiroka doesn’t make the top 11 here either; title holders made it on some rankings, so I don’t think that’s it)

El Hijo del Santo opened a exhibition of Santo pictures, audio, video, photos, and some of his own paintings.

IGN has a review of the Nacho Libre DVD, out 10/24.

Steve Sims is on F4Daily today, to talk about Antonio Pena’s death. It’s a pay show, so go pay for it. It may already be up by the time I get this up.