10/22: Accion, Perros?

Accion highlights

CMLL: Arena Mexico main event, with the mask yanking fun. Lots of dives shown, same mask pull as the last few weeks, and Warrior’s surprised by the mask underneath. Mistico gets La Mistica, Averno & Mephisto come into break it up (though Mistico loses the hold too soon – what happened there?) and promptly rip off Mistico’s second mask. So really, no advancement and they book the match to point out; even Mistico thinking ahead doesn’t change things. It’s also telling to see how no one reacts to the mask yank, and they only politely clap for Mistico’s arm being raised – maybe the rest of the crowd we don’t see is more into it, but the sections we do see seem numb.

AAA: La Parka Jr., Super Porky, Intocable vs Alan Stone, Scorpio Jr., Zumbido in a cage. This is the match where Intocable takes a piledriver and goes out for a month of TV tapings. Looks like a lot of Intocable/Alan and Scorpio/Porky stuff. Alan’s martiente is not a tombstone but a more regular piledriver. Guapos seem to all end up leaving at the same time – that’s planning!

Ovaciones has a throwaway paragraph about how La Familia de Tijauna (listed as Damian, Halloween, and Mr. Aguila) have split from Perros del Mal. Huh? I have trouble believing this, but it wouldn’t completely shock me for them to announce something like this not on TV, but in the a lucha notes column. This is CMLL.

Most of the article is hyping up Maximo vs Emilio Charles Jr. for a hair match. They’ve only announced 4 matches so far for next Sunday’s show, so they’re probably announcing that match tonight.

Lance Hoyt was the latest TNA surprise wrestler in AAA.

10/21 (2) notes

To clear up plot points we’ve long since forgetten, CMLL.com reports that Mistico did get the Leyenda de Plata trophy back from Black Warrior and Atlantis, and Atlantis has been suspended two weeks for his actions in this fiendish plot. (I suspect the suspension neatly fits in with a two week period he already had off.)

Of more note, Black Warrior and Mistico are no where to be seen on next week’s Arena Mexico show. That’s a week too late. They meet up again next Sunday in Coliseo.

CMLL.com also says Kenzo Suzuki and Universo 2000 are feuding. I smell MOTY. From that, we get an Arena Mexico main of Shocker, Rey Bucanero, Universo 2000 vs Hijo de Lizmark, Marco Corelone, and Kenzo Suzuki. Good luck to Mr. Soria and Mr. Ortiz. Lucha 2000 teases the Leyenda de Azul tournament on it’s cover, so it must be coming up in a couple weeks, and I suspect it’ll be set up by this main event.

To follow up Chui – I still don’t think the Ladies match was a draw, I think Mistico/Warrior just stopped being a draw when they did the same finish two weeks in a row (and seemingly at every other show they worked since the anniversary) and indicated they were going to do nothing new. If anyone else listened to Figure Four Daily yesterday, this exactly seems like what was described there – CMLL went with a pat hand too long.

The results from last week’s show are here; never did hear attendance.

10/21: AULL, Mexico, GdR

AULL (WED) 10/18 Arena Lopez Mateos Results
1) Pequno Porro I, Pequno Porro II b Hormiga Atomica, Spder Boy
2) Juan el Ranchero, Nick La Muerte b Misterio, Violento
3) Batman, Hombre Arana, Robin Maravilla b Mascara Ano 2000 Jr., Rey Krymen, Sepulturero
4) Hiroka b Lady Apache [CMLL WOMEN]
5) Black Terry, Halloween, Sadico b Rocky Santana, Terry 2000, Villano III
This is where Halloween got bloody, at the hands of Villano III.

CMLL (FRI) 10/20 Arena Mexico Results [ova]
1) Danger, Valiente b Artillero, Super Comando
Probably the best one of the night.
2) Hombre Sin Nombre, Loco Max, Sangre Azteca b Mascara Purpura, Maximo, Virus
3) Felino, Sagrado, Satanico DQ Alex Koslov, Hirooki Goto, Okumura
Goto low blowed Felino.
4) Dos Caras Jr., Hijo de Lizmark, Rey Bucanero DQ Kenzo Suzuki, Marco Corelone, Universo 2000
Kenzo low blowed Rey.
5) Blue Panther, Mistico, Volador Jr. DQ Averno, Black Warrior, Mephisto
Warrior yanked Mistico’s mask yet again – but Mistico had another mask underneath. So the rudos stil beat him up and got the third straight DQ finish. According to Ovaciones, Mistico challenged Warrior to a CMLL Middleweight match – maybe Ovaciones still doesn’t know what belt Warrior has or maybe Mistico doesn’t? – and Averno to a mask match. Neither were accepted

Ovaciones says the attendance was around 7,000 people, which is a huge dropoff. I’m thinking the missing people were Mistico fans who’d gotten enough of him this month, because those who did show up booed him on this night. I wasn’t interested in this lineup because it was the same basic card they’d been running since the Anniversary show (and before), with nothing new going on and the promise of a lot of cheap finishes, and I guess I wasn’t the only one thinking that.

GdR is airing
10/15 Arena Coliseo: Dark Angel, Lady Apache, Princesa Blanca b Hiroka, Princesa Sujei, Rosa Negra
10/13 Arena Mexico: 3) Damian 666, Halloween, Mr. Aguila b Felino, La Mascara, Maximo

and an interview with ‘Brazo de Platino Jr.’ – a masked man who wasn’t Maximo. Maybe I’m just tired, but I’m very confused.

Edit: It was Maximo, and I’d know that if I watched the whole thing.

AAA has the scheduled episode:
Cinthia Moreno, El Elegido, Mascara Sagrada, Pimpinela DQ La Diabolica, Mini Abismo Negro, Pirata Morgan, Polvo de Estrellas
Estrellita, Tiffany b Tiana Ringer, Traci Brooks
AJ Styles, Low-Ki, Samoa Joe b Crazy Boy, Joe Lider, Juventued Guerrera [final]
Gronda II, La Parka Jr., Octagon DQ Abyss, Jeff Jarrett, Konnan

AAA 07/22, AAA 07/29, GdR #47

* AAA 07/22 – Rey de Reyes part 2. I hate major AAA shows. Fundamental difference between liking CMLL vs liking AAA: I prefer finished which are insanely repetitive to those which make no sense. (Actually, I prefer NEITHER of those things, but you should’ve figured that to start with.)
* AAA 07/29 (taped 03/19) Oaxaca. The atomicos title match was worthwhile, but then I really want to talk about Muerte Cibernetica. Because of the way out of order way I’m watching things, I’ve seen him with the mask and without the mask nearly back to back (without ever actually seeing him lose the mask yet), and I have to say – I’m not sure it’s the same guy. Well, we know it’s the same guy, he took off the mask and revealed his (fake) name and all, but it’s Not The Same Guy.

masked: no offense to his family, but he looks like a guy not nearly in shape enough to wear small trunks, and displays no emotion or presence. He seems like a random hired gringo, here for the paycheck, ready to leave the moment he can, and not caring much in between

unmasked: a believable leader with some genuine presence. MUCH better gear. Seeming like a completely different person.

I think the Parka/Cibernetico mask was just a bad choice (and so were the trunks) for Banderas, because he shows a lot of emotion thru his face now he’s unmasked, and that’s mask doesn’t work well that way. Both Parka pull it off because they know to overact everything to a cartoon character level (and that’s part of their character) and they show their emotion with their whole body. I guess maybe that’s why they changed Muerte mask? Or maybe he just got better over time? He totally wouldn’t be able to pull off his current lead rudo role if he was masked, that’s for sure – his new look is critical in doing it.

* GdR 10/14 – 14:10 of wrestling. Yep.

These were actually done like Saturday, but I never got to posting ’em. I probably should do that a bit quicker

10/20: IWRG, Guadalajara, SLP, notes

(another picture I thought was a little too much for people wandering by here, but is still great, is after the link)

William Boo, rudo referee of Argentina’s “Titanes en el ring” group in the 60s and 70s, died this morning. Seems like a lot of spanish language papers picked up the short obit, which surprised me a bit but certainly speaks to how well it’s still remembered among those who watched it.

IWRG (SUN) 10/15 Arena Neza Results [thegladiatores]
1) Shuriken b Volcan Negro
2) Bacteria, Comando Mega b Gran Cuchillo, Kid Camaleon
Cuchillo was stretchered out.
3) Intrepid, Red Bull b Hormiga, Sasaki
And Sasaki was carried out here.
4) Black Jaguar, Camorra, Fantasma de la Opera b Astro Boy, Kid Tiger, Robot Man
5) Coco Blanco, Coco Rojo, Coco Verde DQ Hijo del Diablo, Pierroth Jr., Xibalva
Hijo de Pierroth made the premature save for his brother, causing the DQ.
6) Black Pentagon b Nitro and Sagrado and Hijo de Pierroth and Pantera and Misterioso II and Mistico and Black Warrior [cage of death, IWRG IC MIDDLE]
Order of exit: Black Warrior, Pantera, Misterioso II, Sagrado, Hijo de Pierroth and Mistico was once again the last guy out before the final pair started wrestling. Pentagon used a back cracker for the win, and to take the title. Pentagon is now the IWRG and WAR Middleweight champion – combine the belts!

There’s a lot of good pictures of IWRG undercard guys in that report.

CMLL (TUE) 10/17 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara Results
1) Imposter b Virgo
2) Evola b Depredador
3) Destroyer b Nube Roja
4) Egipcio b Infierno
5) Gallo b Conflictus
6) Texano Jr., Tony Rivera b Mascara Magica, Toxico
7) Black Warrior, Tarzan Boy, Terrible b Felino, Lizmark, Satanico
Lizmark filled in for his son, who’s either hurt or missing quite a few bookings for other reasons; he worked Wednesday in Xalapa so I’m thinking it’s not an injury. Tarzan low blowed Satanico, and Warrior got the pin. I can only figure Warrior pulled off Felino or Lizmark’s mask post match to keep the streak going.

One day after I say “I’m pretty sure CMLL’s doing Dos vs Corelone at the big December summer show”, Ovaciones says “yea, they’re setting up Dos vs Corelone at the big December show.” Glad I can figure out the obvious. They preview tonight’s card and, when theorizing about yet another Warrior/Mistico singles match, don’t recall which middleweight belt Warrior has (it’s the NWA – the CMLL is Averno’s. Though I guess Mistico could win that one anytime too.) Kids get in for 1 peso, which means tickets aren’t moving. Doesn’t seem like a noteworthy show tonight – the AAA taping is more interesting, actually.

Mistico is also working tonight in Salon Zapotitlan, teaming with Fantastik to take on Hector Garza and Terrible. It’s the 10th anniversary of promoting for the arena’s promoter.

Ovaciones also announces a contest to unmask Atlantis. All you have to do is send a letter into the Ovaciones office, explaining why you admire Atlantis. Atlantis being a rudo makes this great. If I could figure out postage to Mexico, I’d be all over this. Not that I’d be able to get the prize – four runner ups will be invited to Arena Mexico, and the winner will get Atlantis’ mask in the ring. Deadline is “three weeks” – 11/10? Sounds right.

Notimex’s preview has nothing of value.

AAA (SUN) 10/22 Arena Coliseo Monterrey Lineup
1) Burro & Mini Burro vs Borrico & Mini Hator
2) Mistica vs Dulce Poly
3) Humberto Garza Jr., Black Dragon, La Kalaka vs Vudu, Toro Blanco, Pancho Tequila
4) Pimpinela Escarlta, May Flowers, Polvo de Estrellas vs Ozz, Cuervo, Kaoma Jr.
5) Latin Lover, Konnan Big vs Chessman, Muerte Cibernetica

Yep, AAA’s already back in the building, after a grand total of 0 shows without them. They must’ve worked out a new deal (probably one better for the arena), but I guess the official reasoning is the arena felt there was too many CMLL events in the area to start promoting another one. Latin Lover is there because he’s friends with someone involved in promoting the show (at least that’s the theory – he probably can pull of the Santo ‘work wherever I want to, when I want to” Santo thing right now anyway), and they might be building to a Latin Lover/Konnan Big hair match.

Tomorrow is the 18th Anniversary of Villano I, IV, V beating el Brazo, Brazo de Oro, and Brazo de Platino for their masks.

Diario.com.mx has a preivew of a MMA event in Mexico tonight; this is the show with Villano IV and Hijo de Pierroth (listed here as Pierroth Jr., but I believe that’s a mistake) fighting. I dearly hope this makes YouTube somehow. Both men have been wrestling what seems like a normal schedule leading up to this match, so I wonder what their training is like.

Apparently there’s a war going on in San Luis Potosi? Look at these lineups:

indy (SUN) 10/22 Arena Coliseo San Luis Potosi Lineup [sol de SLP
1) Los Gemelos del Averno I, Los Gemelos del Averno II vs Ying Yang, Sombra Roja
2) Bogar, Coyouta Azul, Gavilan Jr. vs Principe del Futuro, Furia Azul, Tigre Drago
3) Black Shaow, Apolo Star vs Kukulkan, Malingo
4) Bat Boy vs Apache Blanco [hair]

indy (SUN) 10/22 Arena Mexico San Luis Potosi Lineup [sol de SLP
1) Black Fantasy & Tiger Boy vs Caballero de Oro, Pantera Silva [Centro SLP TAG]
2) Rayo de Plata Jr. vs Lover Boy vs Buitre vs Danys Boy vs Anticristo vs Mascara Infernal vs Fuerza Maligna vs Tigre Extremo [hair, mask, cage]

I don’t know a single person on these shows, but I’m thinking they’d both be better off running different days than running a cage of death match against hair match. Eh.

You know those action figure they’re now selling on CMLL’s rinky dink shopping site? (Has anyone actually bought things from there?) There’s a post on lomejordeluchalibre saying they’ll still be selling them in stores (Wal Mart, Sam’s – I presume only in Mexico), and included with the action figure will be a DVD (!) with some kind footage on the wrestler.

Blue Demon Jr. at the Latin America VMAs last night. I was confused as to what day the awards were, I think.

Gotta like any band with el hijo de Octagon on guitar. (He’s just doing the gimmick, I know.)

If you still want to see this week’s lineups, I’ve finally got them below.

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10/19: CMLL vs AAA, IWRG, Oro II

There’s a “CMLL vs AAA” show scheduled for Mexico City in December. It’s a charity show, for the children’s telethon both promotions (and Televisa) support. (RFC @ lomejordelucha) If I remember correctly from the last (only?) show with both promotions, they mostly did intra-promotional matches, so don’t neccesarily get your hopes up for Groon vs Groon yet.

IWRG (SUN) 10/15 Arena Naucalpan Results
1) Red Bull b Sangre Africana
2) Hormiga, Sasaki b Golem, Intrepid
3) Cyborg, Gigolo, Xibalba b Blach Shadow Jr., Divino, Super Yens
4) Black Terry, Black Thunder, Macho II b Freelance, Suicida, Turbo
Terry used the ropes and the help of a rudo referee to win.
5) Fabian el Gitano, Rayo de Jalisco, Villano III b Alex Koslov, Head Hunter II, Pierroth
Head Hunter II replaced Hijo de Pierroth, Fabian el Gitano replaced Mr. Niebla

IWRG’s Castillo del Terror annual show – 10 masks on the line (and some gimmick you’ve barely heard of losing) – is scheduled for 11/02

Quite odd interview in Ovaciones today. It’s with Oro II, who says he’ll be changing him name and look soon to create his own history. He also suggest he’ll be flipping to the rudo side soon, and challenges La Mascara to give him a title match, or at least defend the Mexican Welterweight championship in bigger places.

Am.com.mx: Konnan complains that the wrestlers of today aren’t as good, and certiantly not his level.

Guerreros del Ring #57 has a big Santo cover; it’s his 24th year of wrestling. Box Y Lucha #2788 has Lady Apache being shaved.

Blue Demon Jr. is/was a presenter at this year’s MTV Latin America VMAs.

There are photos from the TNA autograph signing to kick off ticket sales here. Do not ask AJ Styles if he’s going to WWE.