10/26: Monterrey

I want that shirt. It looks cool to people who don’t follow lucha, and people who do get it – it’s not a cloth billboard like so many wrestling shirts.

Ontario based UWA is going to be opening up a Dragon Gym in Toronto. These are the Canadians who appeared on the last Toryumon (or Whateverumon) Mexico show.

indy (SUN) 10/29 Arena Coliseo Monterrey Lineup
1) Hollywood & Mini Burro vs Borrico & Mini Hator
2) Lady Maldad & La Kalaka & American Angel & Huracan Ramirez Jr.
3) Huracan Ramirez, Sky, Black Dragon vs Potro Jr., Ejecutor, Alakpo
4) Humberto Garza Jr., Sicodelico Jr., Casanova vs Mr. Texas, Pancho Tequila, Vudu
5) Latin Lover & Konan Big vs Hector Garza, Hijo del Perro Aguayo

Yea, so the main event changes from AAA rudos to CMLL rudos in the course of one week. It’d be funny (and probably quite possible) if Mr. Texas is working this show without TNA knowing.

I saw this lineup posted yesterday and skipped posting it, because I thought it had been changed or wouldbe changed or I just wasn’t getting something. BUt apparently I’m wrong and it’s good. I dunno the deal.

indy (SUN) 10/29 Gimnasio Municipal San Luis Potosi Lineup
1) Anarquia Punk & Penumbra vs Estrella Solitaria & Halcon Potosino
2) Aguila Azteca & Jungla Negra vs Black Dragon & Halcon Potosino
3) Miss Cristal, Relampago Mortal, Sombra Roja vs Corsario Negro, La Diabla, Coyote Azul Jr.
4) Mensajero, Creazy Star, Tigre del Ring vs Captian Furia, Furia Azul, Furia Salvaje

I’m pointing out this show, because not only is it a free show, but it’s a double header with a motocross event, which anyone can enter.

Haven’t found AULL results yet.

Lucha Times

AAA on GALA: Same split feed as last week. This is the taping which was taped before Pena died, but aired after, so there’ll be some mention of his passing during the show. Main event is a turning point in the Chessman/Muerte feud. Rudopolis has a recap up.

Next week’s show is the one dedicated to Pena.

GdR: They’ve been doing most of the Maximo/Emilio stuff here, I’d hope that means the hair match is coming here as well, which means the penultimate match ought to be shown this week. Taking an unaired tercera from Arena Mexico seems to be about right.

FSE: Right now, the schedule says 4 AM Eastern, 10/30, but that’s expecting a Game 7 (or at least A Game) in the World Series on Sunday night, and we won’t know if there’s a Game 7 until Saturday night. If there’s not a MLB game on Sunday, you’ll have to check for changes. Since the other show is getting the feud, this one will get the parajes incredible main event, I figure, and I’m just blind guessing on the women’s trios.

The good news is this is not only the end of MLB affected wackiness, but perhaps the end of Sunday airings and fubtol related editing. Next week’s schedule sees the show moved to Friday (and earlier time), following a UFC one hour show (Ultimate Fighter, I’d presume.) I think this should end the clipping.

10/25: Coliseo, Guadalajara, AAA

CMLL (TUE) 10/24 Arena Coliseo Results
1) Polvora, Vaquero b Espiritu, Karisma
2) Sombra de Plata, Trueno, Valiente b Caligula, Messala, Zayco
3) Luna Magica, Marcela, Sahori b Amapola, Hiroka, Rosa Negra
4) Maximo, Sagrado, Virus DQ Emilio Charles Jr., Hijo de Pierroth, Pierroth
Set up for Sunday’s match.
5) Dos Caras Jr., Heavy Metal, Volador Jr. b Damain 666, Halloween, Mr. Aguila

CMLL (SUN) 10/22 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara Results
1) Imposter, Neon b Milenio, Virgo
2) Idolo, Metatron b Depredador, Destroyer
3) Tony Rivera NC Conflictus
This broke down at the end, with Super Maquina helping out fellow rudo Conflictus, Gallo coming up out to help Tony and challenge the rudos to mask vs hair matches, and Tony getting stretchered out. I’m not sure if there’s a finish.
4) La Mascara, Satanico, Texano Jr. b Angel Blanco Jr., Mr. Power, Olimpico
Satanico challenged Angel Blanco Jr. to a WWA Middleweight Title match, and that’s on for next week. Angel Blanco just won that title two days before from Rayman in Tijuana. Satanico must pay close attention.
5) Dos Caras Jr., Rey Bucanero b Kenzo Suzuki, Tarzan Boy [sf, torneo, corona]
Dos and Rey move on to face Atlantis and Ultimo follow.

IWRG (SUN) 10/22 Arena Naucalpan Results
1) Red Bull b Sasaki
2) Comando Gama, Paramedico b Intrepid, Red Bull
3) Kung Fu Jr., Rayo Tapatio I, Rayo Tapatio II b Camorra, Macho II, Xibalva
4) Astro Boy, Freelance, Turbo b Black Terry, Black Thunder, Fantasma de la Opera
5) Marco Corleone, Mascara Ano 2000 Jr., Okumura DQ Cerebro Negro, Lizmark Jr., Suicida
Lizmark Jr. filled in for someone (Solitario, probably), which may be a first. He probably owes a few dozen more. Rudos won in straight falls, Corleone faking a low blow from Lizmark to win it.

Guerreros del Ring #58‘s cover has Marco Corelone and Kenzo Suzuki, attempting to look serious.

Box Y Lucha posted articles from last week’s magazine – so maybe we’ll get the Latin Lover story next week? Those posted include
Hiroka and Lady Apache giving their sides of the main event finish. They saw it a bit different. Lady Apache does that annoying thing where you claim you’re not going to whine or complain, and then you whines and complain.
– Speaking of women’s wrestling box y lucha takes a look back at previous women stars. Jaguar Yokota and the Monster (Rhonda Singh) are brought up among others. The best bio is the first one, on Vicky Williams, where we learned she’s disappeared since her hey day and may in fact have joined a convent, though no one knows for sure.
– The Pena funeral issue was the previous week, but there are a couple one related articles. There’s a bio of his uncle, El Espectro – Pena was Espectro Jr. for a while before they had a failing out. There’s also an open letter to Pena (addressed to The Beyond) from The Referee – it’s part of a memorial and part a thank you letter.

If you don’t get the Wrestling Observer, you ought to see if you can get your hands on this week’s Pena obituary. It’s long, and well worth reading. I’ve got some minor quibbles, and there’s a couple minor errors (Cibernetico’s girlfriend being listed as Tiffany instead of Estrellita stuck out as really wrong, even though it’s the most minor thing.) Over on the DVDMB, Bob Barnett’s posted Ron Skoler’s side of the AAA/LA problems.

Included in the obit is a list of who’s doing what in AAA. As expected, it’s his family who will be running the business side. Dorian Roldan, Pena’s nephew (listed here as 25), Copetes (the referee) and Konnan will be doing the creative and writing TV. Octagon is mention as running the locker room – I suppose he would’ve been doing this for some time, and I’d guess it’d make him unlikely to defect.

We’re now 19 days out from Pena’s death, and I think AAA deserves some credit for operating like normal so far. I don’t know how much work Pena already had done, and how much stuff started to fall apart once he passed, but they’ve seemed to do a fine job of keeping it together. The many TV tapings scheduled all came off as planned, there’s been no defections (Electro was jumping before Pena’s death, and I’m assuing Abismo was just hurt), and things have basically gone on just as I would’ve expected had Pena still been around. I don’t there’s anything the new company could’ve done yet to demonstrate the company would be around for a long time (the first test of that level will be the next major show, I think), but certiantly many things could’ve happened to doom the company, and none of those did happen. They’re keeping it afloat.

The intersting thing, looking towards the future of the company, I took from the obiturary is how angry the AAA guys were about CMLL not acknowledging Pena’s death. Besides no mention at Arena Mexico that night, there were no officals or condolences sent to the funeral home (which was in Mexico City, so it would’ve been no trouble at all.) CMLL’s arrogance, besides being classless and petty, will probably cost them in the pocketbook. The AAA guys seemed galavnized by CMLL’s actions to stick together and honor the memory of Antonio Pena by keeping the promotion going and succesful. Had CMLL just made a mention of Pena’s dath, maybe getting people to come over would simply business, but CMLL’s actions made any jump a far more personal move, and a less likely for the moment.

Those emotions will probably die down in a lot of the wrestlers over time, but they didn’t have to be there if CMLL had behaved a bit more decently.

10/24: AAA TV, IWRG, Tijuana

AAA (SUN) 10/22 Arena Coliseo Monterrey Results [rfc]
1) Chico de Barrio b La Mancha
2) Burrito, Mini Burro b Burrico, Mini Hator
3) Dulce Poly b Mistica
4) Black Dragon, Humberto Garza Jr., La Kalaka b Pancho Tequila, Toro Blanco, Vudu
5) Cuervo, Kaoma Jr., Ozz b May Flowers, Pimpinela Escarlta, Polvo de Estrellas
6) Konnan Big, Latin Lover b Chessman, Muerte Cibernetica

CMLL (MON) 10/23 Arena Puebla Results [hugo999]
1) Mafia, Mr. Rafaga b Forajido, Super Star
2) Blue Center, Centella de Oro, Tigre Rojo b Espiritu Maligno, Siki Ozama Jr., Toro Bill Jr.
3) Fabian el Gitano, Mascara Purpura, Stuka Jr. b Dr. X, Nitro, Sangre Azteca
4) Alex Koslov, Kenzo Suzuki, Olimpico b Blue Panther, Felino, Silver King
5) Heavy Metal, Mistico, Volador Jr. DQ Atlantis, Black Warrior, Ultimo Guerrero
Black Warrior Atlantis yanked Mistico’s mask.

IWRG (THU) 10/19 Arena Naucalpan Results [KrisZ]
1) Sasaki b Turako
2) Princesa Blanca, Sahori b Luna Magica, Rosa Negra
3) Bacteria, Freelance, Turbo b Black Jaguar, Black Thunder, Fantasma de la Opera
4) Astro Boy, Fabian el Gitano, Tony Rivera b Camorra, Hijo del Diablo, Nitro
5) Cerebro Negro, Dos Caras, Felino b Misterioso II, Pierroth, Veneno

MORA (FRI) 10/20 Auditorio de Tijuana Results [KrisZ]
1) Morfosis Jr. b Felino Salvaje
2) Angel Negro & Silver Star b Thunder Mask & Transformer
3) Ninja, Spyder Black, Tornado Negro DQ Depredador, Fobia, Infierno
4) Angel Blanco Jr. b Rayman [WWA LH]
5) Tarzan Boy & Ultimo Guerrero DQ Damian 666 & Hector Garza
6) Perro Aguayo Jr., Blue Demon Jr. b Hijo del Santo, Rayo de Jalisco Jr.

AAA’s updated their site. They’ve got the results from the last two TV tapings of the set.

AAA TV (FRI) 10/20 Auditorio Jose Maria Arteaga, Queretaro Results
1) Jerrito Estrada, Mini Abismo Negro, Mini Charly Manson b Mascarita Divina, Mascarita Sagrada, Octagoncito
2) Alebrije, Angel, Mascara Divina DQ Barba Roja, Drake, Pirata Morgan Jr.
Pirata Morgan, originally scheduled for this match but moved elsewhere, interfered for the DQ.
3) Cuervo, Ozz b Alan, Decnis [AAA MIDDLE TAG, qf, torneo]
No Homicide or Low-Ki, so Alan and Decnis were back in. The recap says Cuervo beat Alan with a BEARHUG. I wonder if Homicide would’ve gone down that way.
4) Charly Manson, Pirata Morgan b Juventud Guerrera, Psicosis II [AAA MIDDLE TAG, qf, torneo]
Pirata Morgan replaced Abismo on this taping and the next. No hint of what’s up there.
5) Brazo de Plata Jr., Elegido, Intocable, Oriental vs Alan Stone, Chris Stone, Scorpio Jr., Zumbido
Elegido got bumped up from the second match to replace Porky. Porky was still there and got into a fight with Scorpio Jr., so I’m not sure why he didn’t wrestle. (Probably better off.)
6) La Parka Jr., Octagon, Zorro b Konnan, Lance Hoyt, Muerte Cibernetica

AAA TV (SUN) 10/22 Plaza de Toros Pepeillo Martinez, Salamanca Results
1) Rossy Moreno, Tiffany DQ Estrellita, Fabi Apache
Fabi acciedntly bumped the ref for the DQ. Tiffany hurt her shoulder.
2) Barba Roja, Drake, Pirata Morgan Jr. b Alan, Billy Boy, Decnnis
Pirata Morgan helped his boys win.
3) Mascara Divina, Oriental b Chris Stone, Hator [AAA MIDDLE TAG, qf, torneo]
Why not team up the Stone brothers here?
4) Crazy Boy, Joe Lider b Espiritu, Scoria [AAA MIDDLE TAG, qf, torneo]
Cibernetico reappeared to cost the Sect the match. He vowed to return in a month – not sure if that’s a month from the taping or a month from the airing (which would be two months.)
5) Angel, Elegido, Laredo Kid, Zorro DQ Antifaz, Charly Manson, Histeria, Pirata Morgan
Pirata Morgan won the match with a low blow, but the ref was convinced to flip the decision.
6) Alan Stone, Scorpio Jr., Zumbido b Intocable, La Parka Jr., Super Porky
More Scorpio/Porky stuff, but it was Alan pinning Intocable for the win.

No future TV tapings are announced, but they’ve got enough to last till late November.

Maybe I’m misreading something, but the way AAA describes the AAA Middleweight Middlecard Tag Team Tournament, it sounds as if this is a League format, not a single elimination tournament. A league round robin style tournament seems much to complex for AAA to try – and we’d only be 4 matches into a 12 (or 28) match first round. I guess we’ll find out when they post lineups.

AAA also put up a notes section
– Triple A workers held build a house on the 13th. Sounds like a Habitait for Humanity type things.
– Did I mention the El Brazo interview last time? There’s not much to mention. He’s headed to Japan to work for Fujinama’s new promotion, and the name of it is slipping my mind. Not the El Brazo knows either. It’s the one with Fujinama and Takemura.
– Long interview with the Barrio Boys, who apparently were booed at the 10/04 TV taping when they showed off their new look (pointed out in this interview.) We’re told the Barrio Boys are innovative both with their clothes and their wrestling, and in fact are awesome. They’re new friends with Cripta – I think it’s this Cripta, but before I thought it was this Cripta. I think I need pictures. Anyway, my favorite part of this is when they reveal Antonio Pena came up with the original idea for the Barrio Boys during a sleepless night. I’ll bet it was sleepless.

Nacho Libre comes out on DVD today.

10/23: Coliseo, LdA, magazines, halcon

CMLL (SUN) 10/22 Arena Coliseo Results
1) Shockercito, Tzuki b Mini Violencia, Pierrothito
There’s a picture of Pierrothito on one knee, and it got me thinking – why isn’t there a Mini Dr. Wagner Jr.? If someome could pull it off, that’d be so great.
2) Amapola, Hiroka, La Nazi b India Sioux, Marcela, Sahori
3) Mascara Purpura, Maximo, Sagrado b Emilio Charles Jr., Mascara Ano 2000, Sangre Azteca
Emilio was faking a low blow, and Maximo figured if he was going to lose this way, he might as well get to do the low blow. He did, and the ref didn’t see any of it, so Maximo got the pin. They signed Maximo/Emilio for next Sunday.
4) Alex Koslov, Hirooki Goto, Pierroth DQ Damian 666, Halloween, Mr. Aguila
FdT were wearing Perros gear, so I don’t know what Ovaciones was talking about, though Halloween did grab the microphone to point ouf they were Familia de Tijuana. This was a rudo vs rudo battle, and either Pierroth or Damian got DQed for using a cookie sheet – both used it, but I’ve read differing results about who got caught.
5) Atlantis, Groon XXX, Shocker b Heavy Metal, Marco Corleone, Universo 2000 [pi]
Metal made peace with his team before the match, the other team failed to get along – so of course Groon pins Metal to win it. Univeros and Metal had a post match issue.

CMLL has announced the particpants for the Leyenda de Azul tournament, scheduled for 11/03 (next friday)
* Atlantis
* Hector Garza
* Rey Bucanero
* Ultimo Guerrero
* Dr. Wagner Jr.
* Damian 666
* Halloween
* Mr. Aguila
* Heavy Metal
* Olimpico
* Black Warrior
* Okumura
* Ultimo Dragon
* Alex Koslov
* (Hirooki) Goto
* Lizmark Jr.

Two important notes
– it’s listed as a normal tournament, which means they’ll have 15 completely worthless matches, with the longest at 7 minutes and many sub 3 minutes. I hate one night quick lucha tournaments more than anything
– Neither Kenzo or Universo is included – I think that’s going to be the main event. (There’s also no Shocker and other people, so maybe it’ll be a trios and not a singles match. But it’s possible.)

Worst show of the year? Maybe the undercard will save it, but the worst top half Arena Mexico will put out there. And that’s even with a much better list of guys than they’ve done in the Azul tournament previously. It was more about ‘names’ in past years, and this is a nice collection of passable->great wrestlers. If this was a cibernetico, it’d be a bit intriguing, but I expect nothing out of a tournament.

Fomer Leyenda de Azul winners:
2000: Blue Panther
2003: Tarzan Boy
2004: Universo 2000
2005: Lizmark Jr.

The Notimex Arena Mexico summary says “more than 10,000” people showed up. It’s awful strange to have that big of a gap.

Lizmark is telling people he’ll retire soon. It’s believed he’s only been around recently to stay visible before losing his mask, but they haven’t set up a program for him in sometime (since they hinted at Averno/Mephisto vs Lizmark/Lizmark Jr.) They could still do something, but I’m betting on a mask match being made out of the blue.

According to 10/23 WON, WWE has decided to release Psicosis, but they haven’t offically done it yet. Meltzer guesses he may end up back in AAA, and back feuding with Psicosis II.

Box Y Lucha #2789 has Mistico, Cibernetico on a motorcycle, and Latin Lover having harsh words for AAA.
Super Luchas #184 features bloody Halloween. The Konnan/TNA split tease is apparently a contract issue which may have already been resolved; Konnan wanted a pay raise (and got it), and he also wants to completely control his own bookings TNA books their guys out to outside shows, quite like the lucha system, but since it’s Konnan the wrestler working for Konnan the promotion (or whatever his role is in AAA), you could see why he doesn’t feel TNA should get a cut. Since Konnan the promoter is also bringing in other TNA people to AAA (and thus, a source of good outside bookings they probably don’t want to annoy), I’m guessing they’ll give in here too.
LUCHAS 2000 #340 focuses with Rey Misterio losing loser leaves town I quit match on Smackdown (he’ll be back, but not for 6-8 months.)
Guerreros del Ring Special #2 is another tattoo issue.

The newest El Halcon (# 74) is up!
– interview with El Elegido
– AULL recap from last Wednesday
– Q & A with Sensei, who admits no identity other than that one. He feels his worst match was his debut in Arena Colisoe, and his best match was his debut in Arena Mexico. He promises to soon unveal his finisher, called the Senseyina. Sensei’s other job is teaching karate. He got into wrestling when lived in Kyoto, Japan.
– Q & A with Soberano. He wrestled as Soberano Jr. before coming to Mexico City, but his dad isn’t wrestling any more, so he dropped to Jr. when joining CMLL. Not that this still can’t be confusing – his younger brother is Hijo de Soberano. (The CMLL one is the one who had all those LH matches with Ultimo Guerrero.) He made his debut as a late fill in for someone who no-showed, and still found time to be very nervous.
– Mascara Sagrada bio. They do 1/3rd of it on the name issue, which seems about right.
– Interview with Perro del Ring. He’s indy guy from Queretaro.

According to this post, Villano IV won his MMA fight (by KO punch!), but Hijo de Pierroth lost (by decision.) Both were facing bigger men (though details are scarce.) The promoter wants to do more luchadores in MMA matches.

Blue Demon Jr. and Tornado Negro were awarded plaques at last Friday’s Tijuana show, by the Tijuana lucha comission.

El Hijo del Santo was honored for his 24th Anniversary in wrestling at last week’s Arena Queretaro show.

Blue Demon Jr. sent Paul Tracy an updated Blue Demon mask, so he can better conceal his identity when complaining about the lack of toughness in the French. They plan to hang out when CART comes to Mexico next month.

My guess is, the Brazo de Platino Jr. which was interviewed on both GdR and FSE (what, they couldn’t bother to tape two interviews this week?), is another son of Porky that we’re just now meeting. This would be Brazo de Platino Jr. II, as Maximo did that gimmick previously.

This has nothing to do with anything, but it was a blurb I ran across on the Tijuana US Consulate site.

Over 100,000 American teenagers and young adults travel to resort areas throughout Mexico over Spring Break each year. While the vast majority enjoy their vacations without incident, several may die, hundreds will be arrested and still more will make mistakes that could affect them for the rest of their lives

Sounds great!

Lineups are below. YAY BOX Y LUCHA.

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