10/22: Accion, Perros?

Accion highlights

CMLL: Arena Mexico main event, with the mask yanking fun. Lots of dives shown, same mask pull as the last few weeks, and Warrior’s surprised by the mask underneath. Mistico gets La Mistica, Averno & Mephisto come into break it up (though Mistico loses the hold too soon – what happened there?) and promptly rip off Mistico’s second mask. So really, no advancement and they book the match to point out; even Mistico thinking ahead doesn’t change things. It’s also telling to see how no one reacts to the mask yank, and they only politely clap for Mistico’s arm being raised – maybe the rest of the crowd we don’t see is more into it, but the sections we do see seem numb.

AAA: La Parka Jr., Super Porky, Intocable vs Alan Stone, Scorpio Jr., Zumbido in a cage. This is the match where Intocable takes a piledriver and goes out for a month of TV tapings. Looks like a lot of Intocable/Alan and Scorpio/Porky stuff. Alan’s martiente is not a tombstone but a more regular piledriver. Guapos seem to all end up leaving at the same time – that’s planning!

Ovaciones has a throwaway paragraph about how La Familia de Tijauna (listed as Damian, Halloween, and Mr. Aguila) have split from Perros del Mal. Huh? I have trouble believing this, but it wouldn’t completely shock me for them to announce something like this not on TV, but in the a lucha notes column. This is CMLL.

Most of the article is hyping up Maximo vs Emilio Charles Jr. for a hair match. They’ve only announced 4 matches so far for next Sunday’s show, so they’re probably announcing that match tonight.

Lance Hoyt was the latest TNA surprise wrestler in AAA.

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10 thoughts to “10/22: Accion, Perros?”

  1. i was thinking about Nicho being apart of Los Perros but it wouldnt make sense since Nicho is apart La Familia too.but then there are rumors of Nicho going back to AAA to feud with Psicosis again

  2. CMLL might try to get Nicho in if only because they might think they will damage AAA, OK, maybe Nicho would be a draw with the WWEesque crowd… the only problem would be that if this indeed happen, we’ll be in for a Perros vs Familia feud…

  3. Is Nicho not in jail or on his way there? If this is the case, how? Regardless, a Familia vs. Perros feud would be kind of fun. My prediction is lots of brawling, low-blows, and Halloween and/or Damian losing their hair. Probably both. Probably Nicho, too, if this even happens.

  4. According to Lonche on the Univision board, who is supposedly a promoter and friend of Nicho, the whole carjacking story is a bunch of bs. It was this guy who was first attacked by some other guy and Nicho only defended his friend. He was indeed arrested but soon released.

    This guy also posted, if my Spanish serves me right, that Nicho would be back “as Psicosis” to ECW next week with his mask on, but it would be much more exciting to see him go back to Mexico and join los perros or reunite with his tj family :)

  5. That doesn’t mean anything. The Rock is still on the Raw roster page and he hasn’t been back in years.

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