10/21: AULL, Mexico, GdR

AULL (WED) 10/18 Arena Lopez Mateos Results
1) Pequno Porro I, Pequno Porro II b Hormiga Atomica, Spder Boy
2) Juan el Ranchero, Nick La Muerte b Misterio, Violento
3) Batman, Hombre Arana, Robin Maravilla b Mascara Ano 2000 Jr., Rey Krymen, Sepulturero
4) Hiroka b Lady Apache [CMLL WOMEN]
5) Black Terry, Halloween, Sadico b Rocky Santana, Terry 2000, Villano III
This is where Halloween got bloody, at the hands of Villano III.

CMLL (FRI) 10/20 Arena Mexico Results [ova]
1) Danger, Valiente b Artillero, Super Comando
Probably the best one of the night.
2) Hombre Sin Nombre, Loco Max, Sangre Azteca b Mascara Purpura, Maximo, Virus
3) Felino, Sagrado, Satanico DQ Alex Koslov, Hirooki Goto, Okumura
Goto low blowed Felino.
4) Dos Caras Jr., Hijo de Lizmark, Rey Bucanero DQ Kenzo Suzuki, Marco Corelone, Universo 2000
Kenzo low blowed Rey.
5) Blue Panther, Mistico, Volador Jr. DQ Averno, Black Warrior, Mephisto
Warrior yanked Mistico’s mask yet again – but Mistico had another mask underneath. So the rudos stil beat him up and got the third straight DQ finish. According to Ovaciones, Mistico challenged Warrior to a CMLL Middleweight match – maybe Ovaciones still doesn’t know what belt Warrior has or maybe Mistico doesn’t? – and Averno to a mask match. Neither were accepted

Ovaciones says the attendance was around 7,000 people, which is a huge dropoff. I’m thinking the missing people were Mistico fans who’d gotten enough of him this month, because those who did show up booed him on this night. I wasn’t interested in this lineup because it was the same basic card they’d been running since the Anniversary show (and before), with nothing new going on and the promise of a lot of cheap finishes, and I guess I wasn’t the only one thinking that.

GdR is airing
10/15 Arena Coliseo: Dark Angel, Lady Apache, Princesa Blanca b Hiroka, Princesa Sujei, Rosa Negra
10/13 Arena Mexico: 3) Damian 666, Halloween, Mr. Aguila b Felino, La Mascara, Maximo

and an interview with ‘Brazo de Platino Jr.’ – a masked man who wasn’t Maximo. Maybe I’m just tired, but I’m very confused.

Edit: It was Maximo, and I’d know that if I watched the whole thing.

AAA has the scheduled episode:
Cinthia Moreno, El Elegido, Mascara Sagrada, Pimpinela DQ La Diabolica, Mini Abismo Negro, Pirata Morgan, Polvo de Estrellas
Estrellita, Tiffany b Tiana Ringer, Traci Brooks
AJ Styles, Low-Ki, Samoa Joe b Crazy Boy, Joe Lider, Juventued Guerrera [final]
Gronda II, La Parka Jr., Octagon DQ Abyss, Jeff Jarrett, Konnan

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13 thoughts to “10/21: AULL, Mexico, GdR”

  1. “Ovaciones says the attendance was around 7,000 people…”

    Guess this confirms my theory that the ladies hair match was, in fact, the draw. The Anniversary show should have been the year end show, providing that CMLL would be on Coliseo for a couple of months. Guys who DID attend the anniversary show might have spent the money for their whole Oct/Nov lucha budget.

    Is there any info about the post-Anniverasry show? It might have drawn(sp?) because of the Black Warrior unmasked first appearence (in that place), but that show seems to be like a big blank into continuity… Someone said that Zumbido had joined Perros, but that seems to be a false report. I never knew if CMLL said something about Pe

  2. Damn, with that Arena mex match thrown in, we’ll be very lucky to see Valiente/Tigre Blanco now.

    Hopefully FSE goes for that and the Cibernetico, but it will probably be the Cibernetico and the main….

  3. Maybe the Valiente match opened up CMLL TV today? I don’t know.

    If anyone wants a big ass laugh – check out next week’s Arena Mexico show. I predict half the 7,000 crowd for that lineup! Dare I say they are hoping to draw with an Universo vs Kenzo main event down the road?

    Atlantis just got suspended for two weeks on TV by the commision full of marks.

  4. Atlantis got suspended for two weeks for something that happened a MONTH ago, correct?

    At least Mistico got his Leyenda de Plata trophy… er… plaque as a result.

  5. Not to mention BLACK WARRIOR is the actual person who helped steal the trophy and he is currently wrestling in the main event.

    The commision just loves being on TV. Old guys who are huge marks for themselves always leads to bad things.

  6. Oh yeah, and Arena Mex main event wasn’t a match as much as it was a third fall only. Volador did some nice dives but he also blew two spots badly. Still looked better than Mistico though. One really good had spot Mistico doing his usual routine until he finally got bitchslapped by Black Warrior which was neat.

    The most telling part for me was the crowd groaning at the finish. I guess it’s time to give Mistico/Warrior a break since they’ve overdone it but I’m not sold on Universo vs Kenzo being what will bring back the huge crowds.

  7. Just saw the m/e from yesterday’s Arena Mexico. I noticed the Mistico booing was quite prominent and that was before I’d even read the stuff from Ovaciones. The third fall looked really good before the DQ but the first two ending quickly is getting very annoying. Anyone know what other matches aired?

  8. With only 7,000 in attendance, it was likely a combo of the old school fans(quiet old people) and newer rudo fans(loud obnoxious smarks) which is why the boo’ing was so prominent. At least in my opinion…

    The semi-main with Dos Jr. vs Coreleone’s team aired before that. Not sure what was up first.

  9. You mean they only showed the 3rd fall, or the first two only went a couple of minutes?

    Either way, that sucks because with Blue panther in the match, you need a decent length opening fall to showcase him in any way at all. And Averno’s no slouch on the mat either, nor is Black warrior for that matter. Not that we ever get the chance to see it nowadays but Warrior used to be awesome on the mat in the late 90s

    I feel like going into a nostalgic rant now about how amazing Los Laguneros were but i’ll restrain myself :)

    Next weeks cards suck btw. I can also pretty much guarantee we’ll have Maximo/Charles hair V hair next Sunday with the current lineup only having 4 matches.

  10. “Maybe the Valiente match opened up CMLL TV today? I don’t know.”

    Do you mean Hooligan’s match? Well, it did. I don’t know if Valiente knew this was his National Network TV debut because he was a bit off, nearly had a Volador Jr-esque spot at the end.

    First fall of the main event was over before the 1ra caida graphics were up!! The problem with the Warrior/Mistico feud is that nothing changed after the mask match, actually, it got better, but it sucks to pay 10x the usual price tag and then having that match being meaningless.

    Volador Jr was also booed, I think even Mephisto and Averno… hard to tell, it seems that the hardcore guys were the ones attending, and the forum guys who happen to be huge Dinamitas fans… yuck!!

  11. It proves how good Styles/Joe/Ki are that they can carry Mexican powers to a good match. When are we going to see Angle down in AAA? Lance Hoyt is down there with konnan this weekend.

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