10/21 (2) notes

To clear up plot points we’ve long since forgetten, CMLL.com reports that Mistico did get the Leyenda de Plata trophy back from Black Warrior and Atlantis, and Atlantis has been suspended two weeks for his actions in this fiendish plot. (I suspect the suspension neatly fits in with a two week period he already had off.)

Of more note, Black Warrior and Mistico are no where to be seen on next week’s Arena Mexico show. That’s a week too late. They meet up again next Sunday in Coliseo.

CMLL.com also says Kenzo Suzuki and Universo 2000 are feuding. I smell MOTY. From that, we get an Arena Mexico main of Shocker, Rey Bucanero, Universo 2000 vs Hijo de Lizmark, Marco Corelone, and Kenzo Suzuki. Good luck to Mr. Soria and Mr. Ortiz. Lucha 2000 teases the Leyenda de Azul tournament on it’s cover, so it must be coming up in a couple weeks, and I suspect it’ll be set up by this main event.

To follow up Chui – I still don’t think the Ladies match was a draw, I think Mistico/Warrior just stopped being a draw when they did the same finish two weeks in a row (and seemingly at every other show they worked since the anniversary) and indicated they were going to do nothing new. If anyone else listened to Figure Four Daily yesterday, this exactly seems like what was described there – CMLL went with a pat hand too long.

The results from last week’s show are here; never did hear attendance.

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7 thoughts to “10/21 (2) notes”

  1. I was thinking more about Oct/6


    That show was not aired on Televisa and Super Luchas had CMLL ‘Banned’, so I never knew what went on there. I think it could have been a good draw, because of Warrior being without mask, even if he worked lesser shows the week before, and maybe also because of Volador Jr returning to action.

    I would have expected the Oct/13 show to have a big drop in attendance, but it didn’t happen, I thin because of the hair match. But there’s no way we can know that.

  2. New Observer claims attendance was at 8,500 which would mean the women’s hair match did not draw. Seeing as how CMLL never learns from their mistakes, I fully expect Dark Angel vs Hiroka to headline the year end show.

  3. Do they have info on how much the Anniversary show itself draw? I don’t think CMLL would had let guys in for free when they say the arena was half-empty… but you can bet that some guys got in with highly discounts from the scalpers or mabye the office…

    This might mean that raising the price that much for the anniversary made more damage than at first thought. People might have realized that there’s no point in following one one if then you are not going to be able to attend the ‘big match’.

    Sadly, this will give the office a reason to keep Volador Jr and even Averno & Mephisto in the midcard, they would claim that they main eventing “did not work”. Expect to see plenty of Capos Jr fighting with Perros.

  4. The show the week after the Anniversary supposedly drew 11,000. As for the Anniversary show itself – Meltzer reports 17,000 tickets were sold but people estimated only 11,000 – 15,000 fans were in the building for the Mistico/Warrior match and the # was closer to 10-11,000 for the rest of the show.

  5. Hiroka/Apache hair match got lots of coverage, I think that besides Accion covering it, there were also another sportsnewsshows with something on it and several papers… besides that ‘Tercera Caida’, AULL’s TVC show also had report from it, ignoring the rest of Arena Mexico’s card…

    But even so, I guess now I’m convinced it was not a draw, the AULL show from last Wednesday was not aired and it is said that the low attendance should be the reason.

    Seeing Apache bald was not a draw, besides that, the main event was weak, it was set up the previous show and had ended with most of the crowd booing them, so it made sense if the show didn’t draw as good as they might had hoped.

  6. You must ignore the attendance reports. The japanese press and Meltzer invented it, because the CMLL never says that. In the mexican magazines, numbers are never published cause those don’t exist.
    I was in the Apache-Hiroka show, and the Arena Mexico looks almost full. I think there was 16,000 fans, with only the blue section empty.

    The last friday in the other hand the arena looks disolated. I was here, and the attendeance was less than a half of the arena. Maybe 5000-6000 people.

    The ladies hair match was a total success. The response to that matches is impressive. I remember 5 years ago, nobody cared about women wrestling in Arena Mexico, but now the ladies are top players.
    In the Amapola-Dark Angel mask vs. hair match, the arena was full, and you can’t say was cause the Mistico-Casas vs. Averno-Mephisto title bout, because that was the third Mistico and some guy vs. Averno and Mephisto title shot in the year, and in the two matches prior that, the arena wasn’t sold out.

    The luchadoras aren’t “Divas”

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