Lucha Times

GALA: split feed. Second half of VdE – if you’ve been waiting a month for Estrellita/Tiffany vs Tiana Ringer/Traci Brooks, your day is coming. Also, watch to see people walking out of the building after the semimain event.

GdR: They’ve been foucsing on Maximo/Emilio a lot here, so I think the cibernetico makes this show

FSE: On a 3 AM. No text preview, so I’m guessing the Coliseo main event ends up here.

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6 thoughts to “Lucha Times”

  1. “if you’ve been waiting a month for Estrellita/Tiffany vs Tiana Ringer/Traci Brooks, your day is coming.”

    I think many people fit into that category.:/ There a ton of creepy guys with a fetish for seeing women wrestle out there. I can understand enjoying women’s wrestling… I guess… but it’s creepy how every day I get a YouTube message, always from different people, who act like AAA fans, then after I respond, they write back just wanted to know about the women… i.e. what they wear on a regular basis, do they have known “partners”, could I take screencaps… As I said… creepy guys who need g/f’s badly… or at least a real doll.

    I’m gonna try and get this right this week…

    Galavision Mexico: Women’s tercera from Sunday Coliseo + top two Arena Mexico matches.

    GdR: Torneo + Felino/Mascara/Maximo vs Damian/Halloween/Aguila from Arena Mex.


    I don’t care if I’m wrong about everything as long as the Valiente contra Hooligan match airs SOMEWHERE.

  2. “I can understand enjoying women’s wrestling… I guess”

    SHIMMER WRESTLING! THIS SUNDAY! BERWYN! I can tell you’re excited.

  3. “Also, watch to see people walking out of the building after the semimain event.”

    Nah, that was hardly noticeable, probably more the guy who made the report leaving and assuming everyone else did the same… AULL show was much worse during the Halloween vs Villano and others match which had lots of people gone by then.

    What is FSE show called? And, I guess Lucha Libre… just like CMLL is called Lucha Libre and AAA is Lucha Libre AAA… right?

  4. I have heard them call the FSE show “Guerreros Del Ring” before, but it was never an official title for the show. I am guessing it is just Lucha Libre on FSE for now

  5. FSE’s show is either “Lucha Libre” or “Lucha Libre on Fox Sports Espanol” occasionally.

    On Galavision US, the AAA show is called “Lucha Libre”, mostly because it aired CMLL instead before, and split AAA/CMLL shows before that.

    How can think of wacky gimmicks but not come up with show names? TV people““`

  6. Probably has to do with the ‘real sports’ approach, soccer or football will just be called that and then the name of the teams, and before PPV took over, boxing would be called, Box Sabatino for the local fights, and Box Internacional, for the (mainly) US stuff.

    It is cool that some shows got named, GdR, Zona de Combate, and in the old Gala USA, it was called Lucha Lunes… one would expect Fox SE to give a name to their show…

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