10/14: Mexico, GdR

CMLL (FRI) 10/13 Arena Mexico Results [ocampo, ova]
1) Tzuki, Ultimo Dragoncito b Mini Violencia, Pierrothito
2) Hombre sin Nombre, Misterioso II, Sangre Azteca b Mascara Purpura, Texano Jr., Virus
3) Damian 666, Halloween, Mr. Aguila b Felino, La Mascara, Maximo
Mascara got carried out after a bad dive.
4) Dos Caras Jr., Groon XXX, Rey Bucanero DQ Kenzo Suzuki, Shocker, Universo 2000
Differing reports if Kenzo or Shocker caused the DQ in the final fall. Shocker wants a title match versus Rey.
5) Hiroka b Lady Apache [hair]
holy carp! It was a total screwy finish, for sure – after changing the referees mid match, the one in at the end missed La Nazi reversing a pinfall to put Hiroka on top, and that got the win – but any loss is a loss when it means you lose your hair. Post match, Marcela challenged Hiroka to her own hair match, but Hiroka only wants title matches at the moment.
6) Black Warrior, Olimpico, Ultimo Guerrero DQ Heavy Metal, Mistico, Volador Jr.
Warrior pulls Mistico’s mask, of course.

This proves I know nothing, as if there were any doubts. Lady Apache is great.

Guerreros del Ring is airing
10/08 Coliseo: La Mascara, Lizmark, Maximo b Averno, Emilio Charles Jr., Mephisto
10/06 Mexico : Dr. Wagner Jr., Mistico, Volador Jr. DQ Atlantis, Black Warrior, Ultimo Guerrero

GALA is airing the first half of VdE

Laredo Kid b Kaoma Jr. and El Apache [dream, toreno, final]
Crazy Boy, Joe Lider, Juventued Guerrera, Psicosis II b Chessman, Cuervo, Escoria, Ozz [sf]
AJ Styles, Homicide, Low-Ki, Samoa Joe DQ Abismo Negro, Charly Manson, Electroshock, Histeria [sf]
Alan Stone, Hator, Scorpio Jr., Zumbido b Intocable, Oriental, Super Porky, Zorro

Seems like someone paid for production.