Allies/Enemies (more) complete

An expansion of what I was doing earlier this week, but for everyone is here in very raw form.

* if a wrestler hasn’t had 24 matches in the last two years (one a month), they’re skipped (though they could still be someone else’s Ally or Enemy)
* only indexed wrestlers (the ones with their own profile) are considered for allies/enemies; the Caifans fought the Orientales in Monterry roughly five billion times, but the Orientales aren’t in the system, so they can’t be enemies.
* I’m surely going to figure someway to add these onto the profile cards, though the actual info might not be updated more than once every two weeks or once a month (because they don’t really change that quickly.)

I think the closest set of allies is Javi and Jesse, but that depends on me knowing which Kumbia Kid was in which match, back when they were just listed as Kumbia Kid I thru V.

10/13: Guadalajara, AULL,

CMLL (TUE) 10/10 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara Results
1) Neon b Virgo
2) Estrella de Jalisco CO Impostor
3) Nube Roja b Valentin Mayo
4) Mr. Trueno b Idolo
5) Conflictus b Oro II
6) Hijo de Pierroth, Kenzo Suzuki, Pierroth b Metro II, Rayman, Satanico
Kenzo filled in for Eclipse, who’s I’m guessing is hurt.
7) Dr. Wagner Jr., Mistico b Olimpico, Tarzan Boy

AULL (WED) 10/11 Arena Lopez Mateos Results
1) Arkanos, Yakuza b Okawa, Rey Lobo
2) Tortuguillo Ninja II, Tortuguillo Ninja III b Conde Bartok, Militar
3) Halloween, Psicopata, Tortuga Mutante DQ Nick La Muerte, Ultimo Vampiro, Villano III
4) Astro Boy, Mascara Sagrada, Rocky Santana b Dr. Karonte Jr., Heavy Boy, Misterioso II
5) Dos Caras Jr., Robin Maravilla, Ultimo Gladiador DQ Olimpico, Sepulturero, Skandalo
Olimpico pulled Dos’ mask.
6) Mistico, Super Nova, Terry 2000 b Atlantis, Rey Krimen, Sadico
Said to be quite good.

Ovaciones has interview with both participants in the hair match. Lady Apache is looking at this as revenge for the title match, promising to get La Nazi next for her help in cheating. She also emphasizes the need to have a good match, to prove the level they fight at.

Here’s tonight’s full card:

CMLL (FRI) 10/13 Arena Mexico
1) Tzuki, Ultimo Dragoncito vs Mini Violencia, Pierrothito
2) Mascara Purpura, Texano Jr., Virus vs Hombre sin Nombre, Misterioso II, Sangre Azteca
3) Felino, La Mascara, Maximo vs Damian 666, Halloween, Mr. Aguila
4) Dos Caras Jr., Groon XXX, Rey Bucanero vs Kenzo Suzuki, Shocker, Universo 2000
5) Lady Apache vs Hiroka [hair]
6) Heavy Metal, Mistico, Volador Jr. vs Black Warrior, Olimpico, Ultimo Guerrero

While the main event, and to a lesser effect (and getting lesser by the moment), Groon are probably expected to draw the house, it’s that 5th match which is the most interesting to me. The Dark Angel/Amapola match was also 5th on the card and the previous two title matches in Arena Mexico have been 4th on the card.

The division is still too new and too unproved to expect it to have any notable impact on attendance; by making it the semimain here, they’re accepting a lesser reaction than they might normally get in the hopes this will help improve the standing. You’ve got to be willing to do stuff like that if you want to ultimately make it meaningful.

The most meaningful women’s match CMLL could do, with things are they are, is Hiroka defending (and losing) the title to Dark Angel, because she’s clearly the most over female in the division. None of this is a secret, and it’s not particularly hard thing to do – CMLL’s actually done a far better job building up Hiroka and her title reign into something important than I expected; she’s had some notable title defenses, she’s been a focal point in trios matches, and even if other women are more talented than her (and some probably are), she’s been fairly pushed as the top person in the group, not just the person who happens to have the belt. If things just stayed as is, it’d mean something for Dark Angel to beat her.

Tonight’s a fork in the road in that plan. This hair match looks like a classic example of a company choosing to reward a respected and politically connected veteran instead of going with the option which would be better for business. If Lady Apache simply gets to even the score, getting a win back to even the score from the title match, they might as well hand her the CMLL Title at the same time, or just dump it; clearly beating the champion in a singles match means they’re not longer a champion, belt or not, and they’re just wasting time.

OTOH, if Hiroka actually takes Lady Apache’s hair, than that’s a credit to Apache, and a sign that they’re going all the way with a championship (which would make 1 championship they’re going all the way with, so I don’t know why I bothered to write this.)

(I always wonder in these situations, if there’s some inside info I’ll never know, but will makes what happens make complete sense and in the absence of it, I’m completely missing the point. It’s tough to make judgments on info I don’t have, that I know for sure.)

One of the reasons I like CMLL’s Women’s Division is it’s booking, believe it or not. There’s a finite number of meaningful wrestlers, there’s usually one ongoing program in the division, and they seem to be progressing in a logical manner. Because it’s “Women” and not more nebulous concepts like “Welterweight”, it seems like they can focus on what they’re doing far better than they do on anything but the top program.

La Mascara defends the National Middleweight title this Monday in Puebla, versus Misterioso. That’s the show’s main event (though they’ve got 2 matches of CMLL talent underneath.)

Mistico told the press on Tuesday that people are working on a film of his life.

I’d be remiss to go thru the week without linking to Rob’s CMLL PPV Music Video.