AAA: 09/23, 09/30, 10/07

Yea, they’re back. And they’re short. I did these in reverse, from newest to oldest, if you wonder why comments may not make sense.

* 10/07 (09/03 taping): it was strongly suggested that I pick these recaps back up, if only to watch the Dream tournament. I’ve got to say it was wroth it for the Gran Apache/Rey Cometa match, the best match I saw in this bunch (and far better than most of the Dream tournament stuff, I thought.) Main event was pretty good for AAA main events, even with the Chessman/Cibernetico stuff nearly overpowering the match.
* 09/30 (08/20): this show, I wasn’t so high on. Though if the Aliens promo isn’t already on YouTube, someone needs to put it up there already.
* 09/23 (08/17): I was kinda disappointed with Condor/Laredo, but I think it’s on Laredo for it not working. He was really not hitting his moves in ways that wouldn’t kill Condor. Though he wasn’t nearly as bad as the Mexican Powers.

I’m going go backwards and start from where I left off. If I can keep it down to being this short, I’m fine with catching up in bunches.

I also updated the AAA and CMLL roster pages. Let me know the things I missed.

Guess I was kinda of industrious today.

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One thought to “AAA: 09/23, 09/30, 10/07”

  1. Congrats. You are now ahead of me in AAA viewing and I’m ahead of you in CMLL viewing. What a messed up world!

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