Ocampo on the anniversary show

I usually throw it in with the other links, but I wanted to make a special mention of Ernesto Ocampo’s usual review of the Arena Mexico show (here.) As a member of the press, he was as critical of the press restrictions as you might imagining it, crediting it to CMLL learning the wrong lessons from the WWE tour.

I was very unhappy to read they once again did two falls of very short length in the Mistico/Warrior match, and in the trios title match. If they can’t manage to do three falls of decent lenght in their biggest match of the year, then the concept of 3 falls matches needs to be eliminated immediately. That’s a joke, and so is the longest match of the evening being the tercera (with Kenzo, Marco and Olimpico!) is another joke.

If you’re going to charge much higher than usual prices, you ought to be providing that much higher quality wrestling in return. I didn’t have a problem with the show costing more to see when it was presented to be a Super Show, but it instead looks like a slightly above average show, and a gouging on the part of CMLL. It doesn’t seem like people got their money’s worth out of this show.

I have yet to see the show, so maybe I’ll feel differently when I do.

(On a totally different note, this reminds me that we can increase ‘number of people who really care about CMLL’s Women Division’ to 3.)

10/02: Coliseo, IWRG, Accion

CMLL (SUN) 10/01 Arena Coliseo Results [alvin, ponchomilk]
1) Molotov, Valiente b Super Comando, Zayco
Zayco got carried out.
2) Arkangel, Hooligan, Mr. Mexico b Oro II, Tigre Blanco, Tigre Metalico
3) Hombre sin Nombre, Misterioso Jr., Sangre Azteca b La Mascara, Pantera, Virus
4) Averno, Emilio Charles Jr., Mephisto b Lizmark, Maximo, Volador Jr.
Emilio snuck in a low blow on Maximo.
5) Blue Panther, Mistico, Negro Casas DQ Atlantis, Black Warrior, Universo 2000
Warrior blocked La Mistica and pulled off his mask.

IWRG (THU) 09/28 Arena Naucalpan Results [space demon]
1) Gran Cuchillo b Shuriken
2) Ave Fenix, Kid Tiger b Bacteria, Comando Mega
3) Coco Rojo, Coco Rojo Jr., Coco Verde b Avisman, Macho II, Ultra Mega
4) Alex Koslov, Fantasma de la Opera, Pierroth Jr. b Astro Boy, Cerebro Negro, Super Astro
5) Black Pentagon, Head Hunter I, Head Hunter II, Veneno b Pantera, Sagrado, Silver King, Solar I

Black Warrior retained the NWA Middlweight Championship over Mistico on Sunday in Arena Neza. No full results there yet.

Accion highlights –

CMLL: Highlights from last week’s semimain (not the PPV), highlighting Volador’s dive gone wrong, and the Perros getting the win.

AAA: Finals of the Atomicos tournament; they’ve listed it as Mexican Power, Juventud Guerrera, Joe Lider, Crazy Boy vs Homicide, Low-Ki, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles. Homicide’s not out there, and Samoa Joe’s highlight is a blink – lots of the other two TNA guys, though. Styles picks up the win after a ref bump.

CMLL.com did confirm Friday’s show would only be on PPV – but not until sometime Friday afternoon, a few hours before the show happened. That’s good work. Off the Arena Mexico show, they’re teasing the Hiroka vs Lady Apache hair match; I can’t imagine Lady Apache losing, but I can’t see the sense of the title holder losing a big non-title match, so I don’t know what sense this makes. (They’re pushing it as Apache wanting Hiroka’s hair, so I guess a title vs hair match doesn’t make sense.)

Super Luchas #181 has Black Warrior unmasked. Inside, they have an interview with Electroshock which sounds promising.
Luchas 2000 #337 has Black Warrior unmasked
Super Luchas Grafico #18 has lots of pictures from the RAW Mexico tour.

I haven’t seen it, but apparently there was an article in the Laredo Times claming Sexy Francis attempted suicide (but police got there in time.) I don’t think someone’s making it up, but the link they gave isn’t working.

According to this thread, Caifan II announced his retirement at a show this weekend.

It sounds like RXLL’s biweekly event did happen Saturday (no full report found), but they may have changed the name and Vampiro may or may not be involved.

As seem to be the new norm, full lineups aren’t out, but we do know the AAA TV tapings from last week, and CMLL did post this week’s major lineups. Quick notes on Friday’s lineup
– Shocker’s still teaming with the Perros, so it’s the normal slow turn.
– Bucanero is still in the third match. If it was possible for AAA to assure him (and themselves) of some level of stability, I’d expect Bucanero to jump by the end of the year. Not only will Shocker soon be ahead of him, but La Mascara and Volador Jr. are both scheduled higher than him.
– Hirooki Goto debuts in the third match.
– Main event is a near repeat from the pre-Anniversary show’s main event, with Volador taking Bucanero’s place.

Sunday’s Coliseo main event rudos are Shocker, Atlantis, and Ultimo Guerrero. How weird.

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