results of a wasted Friday Night

well, I stayed up to 2 AM that night for no good reason, but I finished it up today. If you want to know what wacky poking of the database I’ve added to the profile cards, click the link.

Be forewarned; everything I do here is some split between “covering lucha” and “thinking up a web programming/database idea”, and this is no more than 10% lucha.

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10/31: Puebla, Guadalajra, Chicago

CMLL (MON) 10/30 Arena Puebla Results
1) Iron, King Jaguar, SWAT b La Mafia, Fuerza Tiger, Ares el Guerrero
2) Tigre Rojo, el Asturiano, Lestat b Bobby Jack, Fuerza Chicana, Murcielago
3) Negro Navarro, Cerebro Negro, Okumura b Maximo, Fabian el Gitano, Siki Osama Jr.
4) Dos Caras Jr., Blue Panther, Rey Bucanero DQ Olimpico, Kenzo Suzuki, Eclipse
5) Mistico & Heavy Metal b Ultimo Guerrero & Atlantis mentions a special show they’re doing in Arena Mexico in 11/20, a Monday. They’re promising
– Villano III
– Villano IV
– Villano V
– Canek
– Silver King
– Blue Demon Jr.
– Mascara Sagrada
– El Signo
– Negro Navarro
– Super Pinocho
– Super Muneco
– Super Raton
– Groon XXX
– Electroshock
– LA Park

I presume this is CMLL’s charity show, and they decided to bring in every old indy star they could to make up for no AAA. I can’t imagine this being any good. Interesting that Electroshock is grouped in with the indy guys – maybe he won’t be coming into CMLL full time?

CMLL (SUN) 10/29 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara Results
1) Estrella de Jalisco, Nube Roja b Imposter, Valentin Mayo
2) Carlo Roggi, Evola, Metal Blanco b Danger (Guadalajara), Depredador, Imposter
3) Conflictus, Super Maquina b Gallo, Tony Rivera
rematch in a hair match next week
4) Satanico b Angel Blanco Jr. [WWA LH]
5) Dos Caras Jr., Rey Bucanero b Atlantis, Ultimo Guerrero [corona, torneo, final]

The GdR on FSE schedule is going to change every week, it seems. There’s a press release saying FSE will air a Friday night three hour block of UFC (the Unleashed show), Lucha, and boxing. The problem is, they’re only doing this block once a month; the other three weeks, lucha goes back to the Sunday night ghetto, and you’ve got to hope futbol doesn’t go over.

Guerrero Negro I passed away Sunday.

ELLMEX (SUN) 10/29 Chitown, Chicago IL [marvel]
1) Black Thunder b Wizdoom
2) Pisto Leco, Justiciero b Quinton Sol, Principle Azteca
3) Piratita Morgan, Golden Star b Mascarita Sagrada (AAA), Rey Fuego
4) Alebrije, Principe Franky b Histiera, Malefico

I didn’t make it out to the show, but there are photos here, here, and here. They’re running again in 2 weeks with an all local crew.

10/30: Maximo vs Emilio, Monterrey, Guadalajara, Mistico mask match, LLX, Halcon

Triple A’s posted images from their 10/04 (SLP), 10/12 (Hidalgo) and 10/14 (Orizaba) tapings on their results page.

CMLL (SUN) 10/29 Arena Coliseo Results
1) Bam Bam, Bracito de Oro, Mini Olimpico b Fire, Mini Violencia, Sombrita
2) Fabian el Gitano, Leono, Stuka Jr. b Arkangel, Hooligan, Loco Max
3) Alex Koslov, Hombre sin Nombre, Misterioso II b Mascara Purpura, Negro Casas, Trueno
Negro’s slumming it in the tercera – and losing! Trueno’s filling in for Heavy here…
4) Heavy Metal, Mistico, Volador Jr. b Black Warrior, Marco Corleone, Olimpico
…because Heavy is filling in for Lizmark Jr. We really should start counting those.
5) Maximo b Emilio Charles Jr. [hair]
Emilio took the first, Maximo took the second. In the third, playing off previous finishes, Maximo faked a foul, and the ref teased a DQ on Emilio. Emilio argued – and Maximo rolled him up for the pin!

indy (SUN) 10/29 Arena Coliseo Monterrey Results
1) La Pulga, Ricochet b Angel Negro, Corazon Adicto
2) Hollywood, Mini Burro b Black Panther, Mini Hator
3) La Calaca, Simply Luscious b American Angel, Sky
4) Black Dragon, Black Father b Ejecutor, Potro Jr.
5) Angel del Amor, Humberto Garza Jr., Sicodelico Jr. b Mr. Texas, Pancho Tequila, Vudu
6) Hector Garza, Hijo del Perro Aguayo b Konan Big, Latin Lover

CMLL (TUE) 10/24 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara Results
1) Fraile de la Muerte b Estrella de Jalisco
2) Infierno b Exterminador
3) Conflictus b Carlo Roggi
4) Tony Rivera b Malefico
5) La Mascara, Satanico, Texano Jr. b Angel Blanco, Magnum, Tarzan Boy
6) Dr. Wagner Jr., Hijo de Lizmark b Mascara Ano 2000, Universo 2000

indy (FRI) 12/01 Auditioro de Tijuana Lineup
5) Mistico vs el Hijo del Diablo [mask]

Mistico’s not losing his mask in Tijuana. El Hijo del Diablo has the same shot as beating Mistico for his mask as Bryan Alvarez. But at least he’s finally getting paid – if he couldn’t get that mask match with Santo, this isn’t a bad substitute.

LLX (SUN) 11/05 Coliseo Olimpico de Universidad Guadalajara
1) Flama Solar vs Montecristo
2) Fuego Negro, Asesino Negro Jr. vs Pablo Romero, Poder Negro
3) Flash I, Flash II vs Rostro Oculto I, Rostro Oculto II
4) Pierroth vs Mortiz vs Turbo vs Gotico
5) Extreme Tiger vs Makabre
6) Hijo de Anibal & Hijo del Solitaro vs Jasson & Engendro
7) Kafu vs Akuma
8) Canek & Centurion Azteca vs Pentagon & Silver King
9) Rey Misterio Sr. & Hijo de Rey Misterio vs Nathan Rulez & Derek Sanders

Kinda odd that the semi-main isn’t the main event, but I guess that’s the way this promotion goes.

LLF (SAT) 10/28 Unidad Deportiva Ejido, Tamaulipas [dynamo_vip]
1) American Angel & Tsunami b La Mistica and La Chacala and Lady Maldad and Chan Kin [sf, trofeo femenil tamaulipas]
2) La Maldad b Chan Kin
3) La Mistica b La Chacala
4) American Angel b Tsuammi [final, trofeo femenil tamaulipas]

I think six wrestlers is the I’ve ever seen on a wrestling show. Actually, it was 7 – Xochitl Hamada was at the show as a special guest, and helped run off the rudas when they intefered in the main event.

AAA (SUN) 10/29 Poliforo Juan Gabri, Juarez Results
1) La Parkita, Super Munequito ?? Mini Abismo Negro, Mini Chessman
2) Maquina 45 Jr., Super Angel, Takeda b Crazy Boy, Joe Lider, Psicosis and Cuervo, Escoria, Ozz
Locals got the win.
3) Elegido, Gronda, La Parka b Chessman, Cibernetico, Espiritu
Yep, the authentic Cibernetico. They had a moment of silence for Antonio Pena and Cibernetico’s mom. Sect turned on the rudos to cost them the match.

Guerreros del Ring #59 has Black Warrior on the cover.

Box Y Lucha posted some articles from last week’s edition
Interview with El Hijo del Santo, on his 24th anniversary of wrestling. Cake! The lead in says Santo’s name is synonymous with perfomance, charisma, and “the ticket office”. Santo takes the opportunity to revisit old grudges with (the old) Halcon and Combate magazines, who ripped him when he debuted. His father pointed out that it was important they were speaking of him at all.
– Cibernetico got a custom motorcycle, which costs 300,000 pesos ($28,000 US). Not wrestling pays well!
– Obituary of Oro, who died 10/26/93. They talk little of his death, and much about his life.
– Oro Jr. – now Mikey “Suicida” Segura, talks about losing his mask.

El Halcon #75 is up. Yay diamonds.
– Interview with the current Los Misioneros de la Muerte (Signo, Negro Navarro, Texano Jr.) It’s three separate interviews – Signo talking about the group’s place in the lucha boom, Negro talking about today’s wrestlers, and everyone talking about Texano taking his father’s place.
– Results from the 10/17 Arena Queretaro show, which was a tribute to Santo’s 24th Anniversary.

CMLL (TUE) 10/17 Arena Queretaro Results
1) Furia Dorada Jr. b Estrella Dorada
2) Fuego Latino, Zain b Drabek I, Drabek II
Fuego and Zain asked for a tag title shot, but were ignored
3) Principe Valinete Jr., Ursus b Dr. X, Nitro
Home arena guys beat the national wrestlers in a bit of an upset.
4) Alex Koslov, Misterioso II b Sagrado, Virus
Virus filled in for Purpura.
5) Hijo del Santo, Mascara Purpura, Silver King DQ Averno, Blue Demon Jr., Mephisto
And Purpura was here for Ultimo Dragon. Demon fouled Santo to end the match. That’s why they give out the awards before the match!
– Results from an AAA house show.
AAA (SUN) 10/15 La Plza de Toroes Oriente, San Miguel de Allende Results
1) Cometa de Fuego & Dark Boy b El Pony & Anuvis
2) Atomico, Dance Boy, Red Star DQ Dragon de Oriente I, Dragon de Oriente II, Money Pack
3) Mascarita Sagrada, Mascarita Divina b Mini Abismo Negro, Mini Charly Manson
4) Billy Boy, Alan, Decnnis b Juventud Guerrera, Crazy Boy, Psicosis II
Billy Boy pinned Juvi after a low blow
5) La Parka Jr., Gronda II b Muerte Cibernetica, Chessman
Rudos didn’t get along.
– Oro bio. Hey, luchawiki got credited on this one!

Konnan was on Wrestling Observer Live last night for most of the second hour. Some scattered notes I had from listening to him

Guys he sees at the top of the promotion
– Cibernetico – will appear on the TNA in Monterrey show
– La Parka Jr.
– Muerte Cibernetica
– Konnan

Guys he’s looking as new stars
– Laredo Kid
– Extreme Tiger (so I guess he’s back?)
– “kids from monterrey” – think the Tito Santana IIs and other lighter weight wrestlers
– Mexician Powers; well, Juvi/Lider/Crazy – Psicosis II wasn’t mentioned – sucks to be him!

It sounds like he’s looking for cutting edge highspots. What I found more telling the names he was picking was Konnan relating a story about encouraging Hernandez (Mr. Texas’ civilian ID) to do a dive off the top of the cage, over TNA’s requests. Konnan’s theory is you should do whatever you can to get noticed on big stages, and that’s seems to be what he’s going to be looking for in AAA. It’s going to be a stunt show, which is going to be very inconsistent.

Konnan’s hoping to get surgery early in 2007, figuring the company will be stable enough that he’ll be able to stay out of the ring with Cibernetico around.

If you’re around Arena Mexico at 2:30 today, and wearing white, you can be in a La Quinta Estación video with Mistico. If you’re around Arena Mexico and reading this, I’m amazed. Also, I’m posting this way too late to help you, sorry.

Lineups are below. Except Puebla, I guess.

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10/29: Accion, too many Groons, Latin Lover

Accion highlights

CMLL: Main event relevos increidble. Jindrak dive, check. Lots of highspots, and Jindrak giving Universo the Black Hammer. Universo gets taken off with a neck brace.

AAA: Elegido, Divina, Laredo Kid, Angel vs Abismo Negro, Antifaz, Histera, Charly Manson from Orizaba (10/14) – Laredo’s springboard tonrillo on Histeria got the skeleton replay, but it was Elegido giving up to Abismo’s camel clutch variant.

Ovaciones today is mostly a recap of Friday’s Arena Mexico show. Universo is listed as ‘outside of danger’, but also will be out of action a few days and will be re-evaluted on Monday. CMLL’s news update doesn’t mention any of this; they hype Friday’s match with the idea that Shocker/Universo vs Kenzo/Marco is a prelude for a double hair match to come.

Ovaciones says Hijo de Lizmark was working complete rudo and are under the impression that Shocker and Rey Bucanero are forming a permanent team. sees Corelone’s Black Hammer on Universo as karmic justice for the ones Universo’s given out (Halloween, Rayo and Blue Demon Jr. are cited – not Perro Sr.?), so I guess we’re not supposed to be sympathetic to Universo here. I think I’ll manage.

Debuting this week
– Ogun, who’s been wrestling in the indies as “the brother of Groon”
– Mictlan, who compares to Ogun and Groon.
– Carrona, who I know nothing about, but he’s in the opener so I’m not supposed to

I’m actually not opposed to the idea of a new Gronda – as a replacement Groon, one who’s either cheaper (Ogun? That’s how we got Gronda II) or a better working Groon (an impossible thought.) The idea of needing to employ three of them (and not even as a team) for one Sunday card boggles the mind. As seen on the PPV, CMLL has Groon selling (or at least trying to sell), so now he’s just a guy in wacky but unique outfit, and now he won’t even be that? That makes no sense. My blind guess is they’re trying out both these guys this week, only one of them is sticking around and that one’s going to get more bookings than Groon.

OTOH, it’d be hilarious if Mictlan was Oro II’s new gimmick. I’m thinking no.

AAA posted a note that they’ll Plaza de Toros La Esperanza in Escobedo, Nuevo Leon, I guess in place of Arena Coliseo Monterry and every other arena in that area. First show is next Sunday, and they specifically mention Arturo Rivera will be there – so what’s with that?

Ernesto Ocampo reports the AAA/CMLL show is off. CMLL wanted nothing to do with AAA. When they tried this with the Padrisimo show, Televisa forced CMLL into it by threatening to stop producing CMLL’s TV shows. CMLL produces the shows themselves now (or maybe MVS does), so Televisa didn’t have the leverage, though I figure they can’t be too pleased with CMLL over it. (If you really want to project it out, you gotta think Televisa’s not going to be hard with AAA during it’s time of transition, to keep CMLL from getting more leverage.) Both promotions will likely run their own charity shows.

The Latin Lover article is up on box y lucha! I’m too distracted by the picture of Latin reaching inside his trunks (to grab something?) to read closely, but I think Latin’s annoyed that he worked so hard to get male dancing over, and now guys like Intocable and Elegido are stealing his gimmick. He’d go back if AAA got rid of those copying him, and I really hope he gets his way! There’s more articles from the magazine that I’ll tackle that tomorrow and the new halcon magazine.

10/28: Mexico, GdR

CMLL (FRI) 10/27 Arena Mexico Results [El Alburero]
1) Mini Damian 666, Mini Halloween b Mini Fantasy, Shockercito
2) Hombre sin Nombre, Okumura, Sangre Azteca b Fabian el Gitano, Leono, Texano Jr.
3) Blue Panther, Dr. Wagner Jr., La Mascara b Damian 666, Halloween, Misterioso II
Misterioso replaced an injured Mr. Aguila.
4) Felino, Heavy Metal, Negro Casas b Averno, Hirooki Goto, Mephisto
5) Rey Bucanero, Shocker, Universo 2000 DQ Hijo de Lizmark, Kenzo Suzuki, Marco Corelone [ri]
Rey’s team won fall 1 with Shocker and him pinning Corelone. Corelone gave Universo a martinete in the second fall to end the match.

I think Marco vs Universo > Kenzo vs Universo, but only if Marco actually beats Universo on the road to losing to Dos. Not sure that’s where they’re going here (or if they’re going at all.) They at least fufilled the idea of the match by having an intriguing ending.

Guerreros del Ring is airing:
10/20 Mexico: Hombre Sin Nombre, Loco Max, Sangre Azteca b Mascara Purpura, Maximo, Virus
10/22 Coliseo: Alex Koslov, Hirooki Goto, Pierroth DQ Damian 666, Halloween, Mr. Aguila
Interview is with a guy in a Halloween mask, wearing Halloween’s shirt. I wonder who it could be?

Your Sunday hair match preview: The match will take place at Arena Coliseo, which is good, because Emilio Charles Jr. hasn’t won in Arena Mexico since 2003. (He’s on a 14 match losing streak in the building, if I’ve counted right.) Maximo’s taking this one for sure.

AAA’s airing the scheduled episode
Mascarita Divina, Mascartia Sagrada, Octagoncito b Mini Abismo Negro, Mini Charly Manson, Mini Psicosis
Crazy Boy, Joe Lider, Psicosis II b Alan, Billy Boy, Decnnis
Abismo Negro, Antifaz del Norte, Charly Manson, Histeria b Cuervo, Espiritu, Ozz, Scoria
Elegido, Intocable, Oriental, Zorro b Alan Stone, Hator, Scorpio Jr., Zumbido
Brazo de Plata, La Parka Jr., Octagon b Chessman, Konnan, Muerte Cibernetica

10/27: Mexico preview, SLP

Televisa Deportes news reported last night that AAA rudo announcer Arturo Rivera will be returning to CMLL, starting tonight. AAA’s commentary appears to be taped live at the event, so he’ll be on both television for a month. Not sure how this will end up effecting everyone else.

This tonight’s Arena Mexico card, in case you forgot.

CMLL (FRI) 10/27 Arena Mexico
1) Mini Fantasy, Shockercito vs Mini Damian 666, Mini Halloween
2) Fabian el Gitano, Leono, Texano Jr. vs Hombre sin Nombre, Okumura, Sangre Azteca
3) Blue Panther, Dr. Wagner Jr., La Mascara vs Damian 666, Halloween, Mr. Aguila
4) Felino, Heavy Metal, Negro Casas vs Averno, Hirooki Goto, Mephisto
5) Rey Bucanero, Shocker, Universo 2000 vs Hijo de Lizmark, Kenzo Suzuki, Marco Corelone [ri]

Ovaciones’s preview suggests a double turn – Shocker going tecnico (which they started towards but seemed to put the brakes on) and Lizmark Jr. going rudo (which is completely random.)

The Notimex preview focuses on Bucanero & Shocker teaming up, seeing as how Shocker took Rey’s mask. Looking at the match, those are the two guys I’d look forward to fighting above others – too bad they can’t.

Cibernetico is listed as working a show in Zocalo today, but I believe that’s a typo and it’s Muerte.

indy (FRI) 10/27 Arena Mexico San Luis Potosi Lineup
2) Sombra del Misterio vs Leopardo [bull terrier]
3) Super Light, Goblin, Brujo Cosmico Jr. vs Sabu Jr., Black Fantasy, Fuerza Maligna [lumberjack strap]
4) Rayo de Plata Jr., Muerte Sagrada, Lover Boy, Cabllero de Oro vs El Mesnajero, Tiger del Ring, Cazador, Cholo Mayor

After running agianst each other, now the two SLP shows are doing an invasion angle.

MBLW (FRI) 10/27 Arena Coliseo San Luis Potosi Lineup
1) Principe del Misterio, Nino Sin Amor vs Galeon, Sepulturero
2) Bogar, Sanguinario, Gavilan Jr. vs Principe del Futuro, Furia Azul Jr., Tigre Dragon
3) Apolo Star vs Malingo [AMERICAS WELTER]
4) Tigre Metalico, Coascao, Astro Boy vs Nitro, Gigante Warrior, Apache Blanco

And now Arenna Coliseo SLP has CMLL guys, so I’m thinking there was some backstage drama last week? I dunno. Anyway, that’s a match for a new title, I believe.

Hijo del Santo crashed a fashion show. (thanks to mikeinformer)

Ex-IWRG wrestler the Hornet is back in Canada.

An article in El Universal talks about Santo movies as cutting edge (for the time.)