09/25: Coliseo, IWRG, Halcon

(I’ll write more about the show later tonight.)

CMLL (SUN) 09/24 Arena Coliseo Results
1) Danger, Sensei b Artillero, Zayco
2) Stuka Jr., Tony Rivera, Virus b Apocalipsis, Mr. Mexico, Ramstein
3) Maximo, Metro II, Texano Jr. b Emilio Charles Jr., Nitro, Okumura
4) Felino, Heavy Metal, Negro Casas b Damian 666, Hombre Sin Nombre, Mr. Aguila
5) Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., Dr. Wagner Jr. b Hector Garza, Perro Aguayo Jr., Terrible
Garza kept goofing up in the third fall, and the tecnicos got the win. Tecnicos swept the night.

IWRG (THU) 09/21 Arena Naucalpan Results
1) Antaris b Bacteria
2) Ave Fenix, Kid Tiger b Comando Mega, Shuriken
3) Coco Blanco, Coco Rojo, Coco Verde b Black Jaguar, Fantasma de la Opera, Xibalva
Coco Rojo, tecnico, got away with a foul in the final fall.
4) Cerebro Negro, Dr. Cerebro, Suicida DQ Kraneo, Pierroth Jr., Veneno
Pierroth Jr. socked Mikey Segura with a chain, leaving him disoriented. After the match, Cerebro Negro told Veneno to give up his share of the trios titles, since they’re feuding now. I don’t think Veneno was down with that idea.
5) Dos Caras Jr., Negro Casas, Silver King DQ Alex Koslov, Damian 666, Mr. Aguila
Halloween showed up and pulled Dos’ mask.

Mistico Jr. says, a post down from here, that the mystery man at AAA’s show was Chris Stone. That seems about right.

Ovaciones talks about a 10/20 show featuring luchadors versus other types of fighters. Vilano IV will be taking on Ociel “Triple X” Saldana” (listed as a “real fighter”), and Hijo de Pierroth will face David “Muneco” Medrano (greco-roman wrestling.) I have no idea if this is MMA or wackiness. I mean, it sounds like some PRIDE-like dealio, but I can not imagine Hijo de Pierroth “shoot fighting”.

Frontera says 300 people came to see Rey Misterio Jr. be put into Tijuana HOF. (It’s not technically a HOF, but that’s easier to say. The only other wrestler in is Rey Misterio Sr.) WWE.com has a similar story. In Mexico City, John Cena told the media that he’s a big fan of Mil Mascaras. Figures.

A column in El Manana rips a AAA show in Matamoros, call in the La Parka Jr. & Zorro vs Chessman & Charly Manson match one of the worst ones he’s ever seen. Sounds like a complete crowd brawl match – the writer (who’s always old school) counted 14 broken chairs, a table and two plastic trash cans broken, and I’m sure he actually counted. To his credit, he also asked the rudos about the match (though mocking them in the same breath) – Chessman said that’s the style they’re doing on TV now, and people will feel ripped off they don’t do it the same live. Manson explained the floor was actually better to work on the ring. The local commission says they’re fining (someone? all?) 700 pesos ($63 US) for their actions.

That does remind me; Friday’s Anniversary Arena Mexico show is the more expensive than usual. The first three rows (if they’re not reserved) are 1000 pesos, $90 US. Cheapest seats are 200/$18 US and those don’t go on sale till Thursday. In my mind, I compare that to WrestleMania prices, and that looks awful cheap. In most Arena Mexico fan’s minds, I’m sure they’re comparing it to a run of the mill show, where first 3 row tickets are 130 pesos/$11.70 and feeling gouged. It’s all relative, and it’s all about what you’re competing with.

Alex Marvez has a really good interview with Shawn Hernandez of TNA, who’s wrestled in Monterrey as Mr. Texas and talks about his experiences there.

Has anyone heard official word the Anniversary show will be on PPV? I don’t think there’s been a CMLL source or a newspaper source to confirm it, and I’d think that should’ve happened by now. Unless they’re waiting for more tickets to be sold. Arena Puebla is selling tickets to a simulcast on Friday, so it’s definitely going to viewable for those not at the event. I think I’m just looking for some sort of official confirmation.

Super Luchas #180 has a Mil Mascaras & Rey Misterio Jr. cover. Buy one for Cena!
LUCHAS 2000 #336 has a cover of Rey Misterio Jr., and probably some Edge and Lita Coliseo pictures inside.

El Halcon #70 is up. Inside:
– interview with Fabian el Gitano, who states he’s never been anyone but Fabian el Gitano. He does not explain where he was when the Metro guy looked exactly like him, but maybe he got really engrossed in a good book for 9 months. Fabian does have a story about being carjacked – someone else needs to read this story, because Google’s translation make it sound like he got shot in the head, but he took some medicine and is all good now; I mean, I guess that could’ve happened, but it’s far more likely I’m not understadning the story here – and was freaked out by the experience, ending up traveling to South America to work for a year. So maybe that’s the cover story? I’m not sure at all here.

Anyhow, his gimmick comes from being gyspy like growing up – he lived in Spain, the US, and Mexico all by the time he was 12 or 13. He was a stripper who did wrestling as a hobby, and CMLL gave him a chance. Fabian says he’s neither rudo nor tecnico, he’s just a wrestler. (That’s debatable.)

– Black Warrior vs Mistico preview.
– Interview with Karisma. He started as Fantasma Chino, but ran into issues with that name, and switched to Karisma, after a local band. His look is inspired by the Vipers in AAA; seems like Abismo most. He trained with Raul Gabriel Osorio and Benjamin Bismark in Puebla, and Jose Felicano in Mexico City. He’s been wrestling for about 8 years, and debuted against Hechicero Maldito. He prefers to be a rudo, though occasionally he works as a tecnico. Karisma wishes magazines and the internet would focus more on undercard guys and less on stars – good luck on that one.
– Q&A with Jeque. Jeque has two brothers wrestling, Bandido and Puno Rojo. When he was preparing for a wreslter, he’d work at it five hours at a day. Jeque’s day job? He’s a lawyer.
– A short history of lucha libre. Well, not short, it’s 5 pages (and a lot of pictures), but you get the idea.

Box Y Lucha hasn’t posted lineups yet, but just from what CMLL and IWRG have up, Mistico and Black Warrior are working three times on Sunday so far, including a NWA Middleweight title match in Neza. Also, Pantera is losing his IWRG title on Sunday.

09/24 news

CMLL: main event trios from Arena Mexico. Lots of spots, Ultimo getting the Guerrero special, and the rudos ripping Mistico’s mask to shreds.

AAA: Guapos vs Tecnicos Atomico match from VdE. Galavision still thinks Hator’s name is “Athor”, and I don’t get it. Porky and Scorpio are bleeding as we join, and then we get to see a lot of dives including a porky tope (with a ref keeping the ropes spread to give him room.) You know, THIS masked man who ran in did look a lot like Poncho de Nigris; I don’t think it’d be him, because those matches would be quite awful, but that’s the body type (and fashion sense.)

There’s video of Volador’s tornillo gone wrong on YouTube. I think the lesson is “if you’re going to corkscrew, do it towards the center of the ring at all times.” Volador was scheduled to be in the hospital all weekend, and hopefully we’ll know more on Monday. I would be shocked if he made any of his schedule this week.

TNA’s announced they’d running Arena Monterrey on 11/25. I’d expect AAA names to be involved. (billboard, via box y lucha. )

Congress Results, 09/24

1) Sileuta Azul b Tiger de Nunchucks (not an actual name) via “ankelock?”
2) Guerrito del Futuro & Angel del Muerte b Pato Loco & Acero Dorado
3) Mascara de Jade & Gringo Loco (w/Joey Eastman) b SWAT Kat & Lancer 2000
4) Hijo del Diablo, Coco Verde, Coco Negro (w/Coco Anaranjado) DQ Rayo Laser, El Dorado, Aguila del America
5) El Hijo del Santo & Mistico b Averno & Mephisto

I could write more, but Dr. Keith put it best during the semimain:

The main event has to be 18 stars, or I’m never coming back

This was approximentaly 15 seconds before he was informed he was getting shut out of interviews too.

Main event was, what, 3 to 3.5 stars an 85, and nothing else on the card was higher than a 70.

Show was listed as “5:00”. Doors didn’t open till 5:30ish, show didn’t start till 6:30ish, and wrapped up around 9:40. Opener was the only single fall match, and the only one which seemed shorter than the main.

If I convinced you to go, I apologize.

(Let the record show I was in a unnaturally happy mood all day for reasons I can’t comprehend, but I could still tell this was so not good.)

09/22 Arena Mexico results

CMLL (FRI) 09/22 Arena Mexico Results [Galeno del Mal]
1) Mini Olimpico, Ultimo Dragoncito b Mini Damian 666, Mini Halloween
2) Dark Angel, Marcela, Sahori b Amapola, Princesa Sujei, Rosa Negra
3) Damian 666, Halloween, Mr. Aguila b Felino, Heavy Metal, Negro Casas
4) Hiroka b Lady Apache [CMLL WOMEN]
Hiroka was in trouble late, but used green mist to escape with the victory. Apache wanted a hair match in revenge
5) Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Marco Corleone, Shocker b Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., Volador Jr.
In the third fall, Volador went to rope for a flying move, and got his foot caught in the ropes, causing him to land neck first. They rushed him to a hospital, and Perro and Shocker picked up the win over Panther.
6) Dr. Wagner Jr., Mistico, Rey Bucanero DQ Atlantis, Black Warrior, Ultimo Guerrero
Tecs won the first fall clean, and the rudos got themselves DQed in the second.

If you hear word about Volador’s status before I do, please post it in the comments. That sounds quite worrisome, and it’s the second time in a few months this sort of thing has happened with him.